The following are brief one line descriptions of the PSD memos that
exist in a compendium of EPA policy and guidance documents called
the New Source Review: Prevention of Significant Deterioration and
Nonattainment Area Guidance Notebook. Clicking on a description will
load the abstract file. The abstract file contains a brief synopsis
of the memo. From there you may either view the entire document on
line or download the entire document in PDF format. A number will
appear at the upper left hand side of page 1 of each document. This
number corresponds to the hardcopy document number in the Guidance
Notebook. You will also find in each abstract, other document numbers
which indicate other sections of the Guidance Notebook (by NSR topic
areas) in which that same document is abstracted. Documents for a
specific topic area can be found by using the ATTNWEB Search Page.
New documents and abstracts are no longer placed here but are
now located in the Uncategorized Policy @ Guidance Docs site. The
memos found here are those that have also been provided in the published
PSD Guidance Workbook.
August 20, 1979 Permitting Multi-Phase
Construction Under Prevention of Significant Deterioration Regulations
May 5, 1992 A.I. DuPont Institute
PSD Permit 11.5
November 26, 1980 Request for
Extension on PSD Permit for Indianapolis Power and Light Company
April 12, 1979 PSD and NSPS Applicability
- PEPCO Dickerson Generating Station Unit #4 10.9
January 19, 1979 Public Notices
February 24, 1989 Decision upholding
the right of a State to bring suit in Federal court as a citizen
under the Clean Air Act 10.41
July 15, 1988 Procedures for
EPA to Address Deficient New Source Permits Under the Clean Air
Act 10.33
November 24, 1986 Need for a
Short-term Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Analysis for
the Proposed William A. Zimmer Power Plant 10.29
April 16, 1986 North Carolina
Air Permits Federal Enforceability 10.28
December 14, 1983 Guidance On
Enforcement of Prevention of Significant Deterioration Requirements
Under the Clean Air Act 10.27
August 11, 1983 Requirement
to Publish All Significant Final Actions Under Title I of the
Clean Air Act 10.26
June 19, 1980 PSD and NSPS Applicability
Determination for Guardian Industries' Flat Glass Plant in Corsicana,
Texas 1.8
August 3, 1981 Appeal Procedures
for PSD Permits under the Consolidated Permit Regulations 10.24
March 4, 1981 PSD Applicability
to Non-attainment Pollutants 10.21
June 18, 1980 PSD Applicability:
Coal Blending 10.19
March 11, 1980 Phased Permits
for PSD 10.16
March 11, 1980 PSD regulations
require a source 10.15
August 23, 1982 Department of
Interior Procedures for Determinations of Adverse Impact on Certain
Federal Lands under the PSD Program 9.6
April 8, 1981 Time that the National
Park Service (NPS) has to review prevention of significant deterioration
(PSD) permit applications for facilities which may impact Class
I areas 9.5
February 26, 1981 EPA, FWS, NPS
Coordination Procedures for Determining Air Quality Impact in
Region IV Class I Areas 9.3
July 6, 1979 Notification to Federal
Land Managers Under Section 165(d) of the Clean Air Act (follow-up)9.2
March 19, 1979 Notification to
Federal Land Manager Under Section 165 (d) of the Clean Air Act
November 4, 1979 PSD Performance
Testing for IC Engines 10.14
August 18, 1978 Section 52.21
(i) (3) of the PSD Regulations 1.7
February 13, 1978 PSD Applicability
Determination 1.5
August 25, 1976 PSD Review Requirements
for Modified Petroleum Refineries 1.1
February 4, 1987 Region IX New
Source Review/Prevention of Significant Deterioration (NSR/PSD)
Rulemaking Backlog 15.3
March 28, 1986 Construction Activities
Prior to Issuance of a PSD Permit with Respect to "Begin Actual
Construction" 14.8
April 29, 1981 City of Detroit/General
Motors Corporation; Central Industrial Park Project 14.6
May 5, 1980 Boilout under PSD
December 18, 1978 Interpretation
of "Constructed" as it Applies to Activities Undertaken Prior
to Issuance of a PSD Permit 14.4
October 10, 1978 Source Construction
Prior to Issuance of PSD Permit 14.3
November 3, 1986 New Mexico NSPS/NESHAP
Delegation 13.8
December 11, 1978 PSD Applicability
- Temporary Emissions 13.1
October 23, 1979 B.F. Goodrich
- PSD Modification 12.6
June 8, 1979 Impact of Clean
Air Act Nonattainment Sanctions 12.5
May 4, 1979 Need for Emission
Offsets in Rural O3 Nonattainment Areas 12.3
July 28, 1978 Alabama By-Products
Corporation (ABC) 12.1
July 31, 1981 Policy Determinations
Regarding PSD Questions 2.18
March 29, 1988 Opinion in U.S.
v. Louisiana-Pacific Corporation, Civil Action No. 86-A-1880 (D.
Colorado, March 22, 1988) 2.28
December 23, 1987 Opinion in
U.S. v. Louisiana-Pacific Corporation,D. Colo., Interpreting Certain
PSD Regulations 2.27
April 8, 1987 Clarification of
New Source Review Policy on Averaging Times for Production Limitations
June 12, 1981 PSD Determination:
Sun Oil Company and the Definition of Major Modification 2.17
November 25, 1980 Request for
guidance on PSD applicability for refuse-to-energy facilities
August 22, 1980 The Use of Permit
Conditions to Define Potential to Emit 2.13
July 7, 1980 PSD Applicability:
Industrial Scrap Processing Company 2.12
March 23, 1980 PSD Applicability
May 25, 1979 Submission of State
Air Permits as SIP Revisions 2.1
May 16, 1979 Applicability of
the PSD regulations to power plants 2.9
November 24, 1989 Court of Appeals
Decision Upholding PSD "Actual-to-Potential" Applicability Rules
Puerto Rican Cement Co., Inc. v. EPA, No. 89-1070 (1st Cir.) 2.32
June 3, 1989 Guidance on Limiting
Potential to Emit in New Source Permitting 2.31
September 1, 1978 Applicability
Determination for PSD - Hot Mix Asphalt Operations 2.3
April 6, 1987 Appropriate volatile
organic compound (VOC) emission limits for the proposed pilot
coating equipment in Maplewood 2.25
February 18, 1987 PSD Applicability
Request, Valero Hydrocarbon Company Yoakum, DeWitt County, Texas
March 13, 1986 Time Frames for
Determination of Applicability to New Source Review 2.23
December 17, 1985 Clarification
regarding which permits may be federally enforceable 2.22
September 11, 1985 Construction
permit modification 2.21
April 28, 1982 Federal Enforceability
under PSD 2.19
June 9, 1980 PSD Applicability,
South Hospah Mine 3.1
March 29, 1982 PSD applicability
of Aluminum Rolling Mills 3.20
February 11, 1981 Applicability
of new source performance standards (NSPS) and prevention of significant
deterioration (PSD) requirements 3.23
July 14, 1978 PSD Requirements
November 23, 1977 Stationary Source
Enforcement 3.6
October 17, 1977 Application of
PSD Review to a Portland Cement Manufacturing Operation, Texas
Industries, Inc. 3.5
December 19, 1979 Clarification
of the Federal air pollution regulation for the prevention of
significant deterioration (PSD) as it applies to municipal incinerators
June 4, 1990 Definition of Postapproval
Monitoring 3.37
July 1990 Prevention of Significant
Deterioration (PSD) Applicability Determination for Multiple Owner/Operator
Point Sources Within a Single Facility 3.35
November 3, 1980 PSD Applicability
Request, Valero Transmission Company Yoakum, DeWitt County, Texas
July 8, 1982 Reactivation of
Amerada Hess Corporation's Port Reading Facility and PSD Review
May 2, 1977 PSD Determination
of Applicability - UMD Coal Gasification Plant 3.2
June 30, 1981 PSD Definition
of Source 3.18
October 3, 1980 PSD and NSPS
Applicability to a Reactivated Source 3.15
August 8, 1980 PSD Applicability
Determination: Babylon 2 3.14
June 18, 1980 Old sources being
brought on line - PSD Applicability 3.13
March 16, 1979 Definition of
Source 3.10
July 28, 1989 Request for PSD
Applicability Determination Golden Aluminum Company, San Antonio,
Texas 3.34
January 12, 1989 Guidance on
several issues related to determining applicability of new major
source regulations in the granting of construction permits to
sources of air emissions 3.33
August 31, 1988 Clarification
of the term "glass fiber processing plant." 3.31
June 9, 1980 Emissions from Rocket
Firing at Test Stands; Fugitive or Point Source Emissions 3.30
September 8, 1977 PSD Applicability
to Exxon Chemical Modification,Baytown, Texas 3.3
May 27, 1987 Reactivation of
Noranda Lakeshore Mines' RLA Plant and PSD Review 3.27
March 26, 1987 Request for Guidance
in Drafting a State Implementation Plan (SIP) Deficiency Notice
for Michigan's Nonattainment New Source Review (NSR) Program 3.26
March 11, 1981 Summary of PSD
policy determinations made by Region IV 3.16
May 31, 1987 Clarification of
an EPA conditional determination made on June 9, 1980 3.22
July 14, 1978 PSD Requirements
April 25, 1984 PSD Applicability
to Coal Conversions 4.31
March 24, 1983 Ersana PSD Applicability
Determinations 4.3
August 29, 1985 Proposed construction
at Buckeye Cellulose Corporation 4.29
July 28, 1983 Bridgeport Harbor
Coal Conversion 4.28
July 28, 1983 PSD Applicability
Pulp and Paper Mill 4.27
June 7, 1981 Region IV policy
concerning applicability of coal conversions to EPA PSD regulations
June 3, 1983 Net Emission Increase
under PSD 4.24
April 7, 1983 PSD Applicability
Determination-Southwestern Public Service Company 4.23
January 5, 1983 Accumulations
of Emissions 4.21
August 1981 Applicability of
PSD and/or NSPS to certain changes proposed for a petroleum storage
facility 4.20
March 20, 1978 PSD Determination
Cabot Corporation - Fuel Conversion 4.2
July 13, 1981 PSD Applicability
for Ashland Chemical's Maleic Anhydride Plant in Neal, West Virginia
June 24, 1981 Applicability of
NSPS and PSD to stationary gas turbines converting from middle
distillates to natural gas. 4.17
February 13, 1981 Baseline Date
in Determining Net Emissions Increases 4.15
June 22, 1981 PSD Applicability
April 11, 1980 Exemptions from
PSD Permit Requirements for Coal Conversions Resulting from DOE
Prohibition Orders 4.12
September 19, 1979 PSD Guidance,
40 CFR 52.21 (b) (2) (d) - Definition of "capable of accommodating"
November 1, 1977 PSD Applicability
Determination - ARCO Petroleum Refinery 4.1
February 9, 1981 Petitions for
Review of PSD Regulations 4.14
October 28, 1988 Review of De
Minimis Emissions - Sanctions 4.39 4.42
October 14, 1988 Final determinations
regarding the applicability of the Clean Air Act's New Source
Performance Standards (NSPS) and Prevention of Significant Deterioration
(PSD) requirements to the proposed life extension project at the
Port Washington steam electric generating station 4.38
September 9, 1988 Applicability
of Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and New Source
Performance Standards (NSPS) Requirements to the Wisconsin Electric
Power Company (WEPCO) Port Washington Life Extension Project 4.37
December 1, 1986 Need for Emission
Cap on Complex Netting Sources 4.35
October 7, 1985 New source review
rules which apply to the conversion to coal at the Hibbard Station
Units 3 and 4. 4.34
October 21, 1986 Applicability
of PSD to Portions of a Plant Constructed in Phases Without Permits
July 7, 1986 Prevention of Significant
Deterioration (PSD) Definition of "Modification" 4.32
April 1, 1987 PSD Questions 4.7
July 11, 1983 Request by the
Hawaiian Electric Co. to Burn 2.0% Sulfur Fuel Oil at their Kahe
Units #1-5. 4.26
April 1983 Applicability Determination
for Delco Products in Dayton, Ohio 4.6
July 21, 1978 PSD Permit for Marblehead
Lime Company 4.5
(Date Missing)The United States
Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Wisconsin Electric
Power Co. v. Reilly, Nos. 88-3264 and 89-1339 4.48
January 30, 1990 Comment on the
permit proposed by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management
(IDEM) for Northern Indiana Public Service Company's (NIPSCO)
Bailly generating station 4.47
(Date Missing) Addition of natural
gas firing capacity to the Greenwood Unit I Power Plant 4.46
January 2, 1990 Effect of Changing
Stack Heights On Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)
Modeling and Monitoring 4.45
December 29, 1989 Use of Netting
Credits 4.44
September 18, 1989 Request for
Clarification of Policy Regarding the "Net Emissions Increase"
4.41 4.39
June 29, 1983 Exclusion of Exempt
Solvents From VOC Calculations 5.11
(Date Missing) PSD Evaluation
of Secondary Emissions for Houston Lighting and Power 5.8
June 9, 1980 PSD Applicability:
Asphalt Concrete Plants 5.7
May 27, 1980 New Source Review
Requirements in Areas Unclassified for Ozone 5.6
January 8, 1990 Clarification
on two questions concerning "secondary emissions" as defined in
the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 40 CFR 52.21(b)(18) 5.26
June 18, 1986 Exemption of dimethyl
acetamide (DMAC) from regulation under Prevention of Significant
Deterioration (PSD) review. 5.22
April 1, 1982 Stack height regulations
and accompanying preamble language 6.12
March 13, 1980 Question from Otto
Pearson (South Carolina State Agency) 6.8
March 5, 1980 Applicability of
the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) regulations
to the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company's (BG&E) Brandon
Shores Station 6.7
April 29, 1980 PSD Analysis for
SIP Relaxation in Metropolitan Boston Air Pollution Control District
- Eastman Gelatin 6.2
October 17, 1989 Ambient Air
August 25, 1989 Texas Air Control
Board (TACB) Inquiry Regarding Allowable Emissions in PSD NAAQS
Analyses 6.28
August 24, 1989 Guidance on Implementing
the Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Prevention of Significant Deterioration
(PSD) Increments 6.27
March 16, 1989 Use of Allowable
Emissions for National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) Impact
Analyses Under the Requirements for Prevention of Significant
Deterioration (PSD) 6.25
July 5, 1988 Air Quality Analysis
for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) 6.22
May 28, 1987 UNAMAP 6 Dispersion
Modeling with Building Wake Effects 6.21
June 29, 1989 Implementation
of the Revised Modeling Guideline for Prevention of Significant
Deterioration (PSD) 6.20
January 11, 1984 Applicability
of PSD Increments to Building Rooftops 6.18
January 20, 1984 PSD Increment
Consumption Calculations 6.22
May 13, 1983 PSD Increment Consumption
Guidance 6.15
July 27, 1987 Ambient Air Issue
from New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) 7.7
June 12, 1984 Significance levels
for air quality impact as outlined in Section III.A. of 40 CFR
51, Appendix S 7.6
February, 1981 PSD Significance
Levels for Monitoring 7.4
July 6, 1979 Environmental Protection
Agency Quality Assurance Policy Statement 7.2
June 15, 1989 Time the State
of Virginia could finalize a BACT determination for a new emission
source 8.38
December 22, 1978 BACT Information
for Coal-fired Power Plants 8.7
November 15, 19778 BACT Baseline
for Louisa Generating Station 8.5
July 3, 1990 PSD Appeal No. 88-11
June 7, 1990 PSD Appeal No. 88-4
January 10, 1979 BACT Determinations
for Power Plants Subject to Revised NSPS 8.9
January 4, 1979 Guidance for Determining
BACT Under PSD 8.8
June 9, 1989 PSD Appeal No. 88-12
May 19, 1989 Technical Document
on Control of Nitrogen Oxides From Municipal Waste Combustors
February 13, 1989 Craven County
Wood-Energy Project (PSD-NC-121) 8.35
February 3, 1989 Determination
for Davidson Exterior Trim/Textron 8.34
January 27, 1989 Review of Craven
County Wood Energy Project 8.33
January 27, 1989 Discounted Cash
Flow (DCF) Analysis for Craven County Project New Source Review
January 4, 1989 Valero Hydrocarbons
BACT Analysis, PSD-TX-746 8.31
January 22, 1978 IPALCO's Proposed
Patriot, Indiana Generating Station 8.3
November 14, 1988 Request for
Administrator to Initiate Review of PSD Permit for Columbia Gulf
Transmission Company, Clementsville Compressor Station, Kentucky
November 10, 1988 PSD Appeal
No. 88-8 Resource 8.28
July 28, 1988 Supplemental Guidance
on Implementing the North County Prevention of Significant Deterioration
(PSD) Remand 8.27
(Date Missing) Interim Policy
on Stack Height Regulatory Actions 8.26
March 31, 1988 Transmittal of
OAQPS Interim Control Policy Statement 8.25
September, 1987 Implementation
of North County Resource Recovery PSD Remand 8.21
July 28, 1987 Letter concerning
best available control technology (BACT) determinations 8.20
July 24, 1987 Calculating Amortized
Capital Costs 8.19
June 3, 1987 Administrative Order
issued by the Regional Administrator, Region IV, United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Pursuant to Section 167
of the Clean Air Act (the Act), 42 U.S.C. Section 7477 8.17
May 14, 1987 Salt Water Drift
from Cooling Towers 8.16
April 23, 1987 Appropriateness
of certain economic arguments in the best available control technology
(BACT) analysis 8.15
September 11, 1986 Draft Prevention
of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Guidance for Impacts of the
North County Resource Recovery PSD Remand 8.14
September 10, 1986 Remand of
June 3, 1986 North County Resource Recovery Associates PSD permit
in San Marcos, California. 8.13
August 15, 1986 North County
Resource Recovery Associates PSD Appeal No. 85-2 8.12
August 5, 1983 Pollution Control
Technical Manual 8.11
January 11, 1990 BACT/LAER Determination
Cut-off Date 8.43
(Date Missing) PSD Appeal No.
89-4 8.42
September 11, 1989 Use of urea
injection in place of ammonia injection for the control of nitrogen
oxides (NOx) from municipal waste combustors (MWC's) 8.41
(Date Missing) PSD Appeal No.
89-2 8.40
September 13, 1978 Conditional
PSD Permits 8.4
July 19, 1989 PSD APPEAL NO.
87-3 8.39
June 7, 1988 Response to Request
for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Applicability
Determination 3.38
December 12, 1988 PSD Appeal
No. 88-9 10.36
February 15, 1989 Applicability
of the Clean Air Act's New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
and Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) provisions to
the proposed life extension project at the Port Washington steam
electric generating station 2.35b
February 16, 1990 Target emission
guidelines for coal-fired facilities 10.48
April 28, 1990 Issuance of prevention
of significant deterioration (PSD) permits in attainment areas
where violations have been modeled 10.49
July 30, 1990 PSD Appeal Nos.
90-2, 90-3, 90-4, & 90-5 10.50
September 8, 1988 EPA Region
IX Policy on PSD Permit Extensions 11.12
January 4, 1990 PSD Appeal No.
89-6 11.15
November 19, 1987 Request for
Determination on Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Issues
-- Ogden Martin Tulsa Municipal Waste Incinerator Facility 11.9
December 16, 1980 Interpretation
of "Significant Contribution" 12.2
November 18, 1987 Approval of
Local Implementation Plans 15.4
October 8, 1981 PSD Equivalency
of Proposed Model Rule for California 15.5
May 9, 1985 Improved New Source
Review/Prevention of Significant Deterioration (NSR/PSD) Program
Transfer 15.6
February 15, 1989 Guidance on
Early Delegation of Authority for the Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Increments
Program 1.7
July 1, 1978 "Commence Construction"
under PSD 1.6
September 30, 1987 What fuel
combustion equipment should be counted toward the 250 million
Btu/hr cut off given in the Prevention of Significant Deterioration
(PSD) source category of "fossil fuel-fired steam electric plants
of more than 250 million Btu/hr heat input." 3.28
February 15, 1989 Applicability
of Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and New Source
Performance Standards (NSPS) Requirements to the Wisconsin Electric
Power Company (WEPCO) Port Washington Life Extension Project 4.37
February 15, 1989 Revised final
determination regarding the applicability of the Clean Air Act's
New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and Prevention of Significant
Deterioration (PSD) provisions to the proposed life extension
project at the Port Washington steam electric generating station
May 3, 1985 NSR Advisory Memorandum
#1: TSP PSD Increment Consumption in North Carolina 5.19
August 5, 1987 Implementation
of Revised Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Program
for Particulate Matter 5.27
September 21, 1987 Ambient Air
Definition 6.33
June 27,1987 PSD Appeal No. 86-8
December 1, 1987 Improving New
Source Review (NSR) Implementation 8.23
June 26, 1987 Operational Guidance
on Control Technology for New and Modified MWC's 8.24
December 14, 1988 Review of Valero
Hydrocarbons BACT Analysis 8.30
June 3, 1987 Administrative Order
December 31, 1987 Request for
Administrator to Initiate Review of PSD permit for Camden County
Resource Recovery Facility 8.50
June 13, 1989 Transmittal of
Background Statement on "Top-Dawn" Best Available Control Technology
(BACT) 8.51
November 3, 1980 Request to
EPA to develop general policy guidance concerning the completeness
of PSD applications 10.31
October 10, 1985 Questions and
Answers on Implementing the Revised Stack Height Regulation 6.34
March 3, 1989 Applicability of
Building Downwash in Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)
Permit Analyses 6.32
April 10, 1989 Prevention of
Significant Deterioration (PSD) Applicability to Sulfur Dioxide
(SO2) Emissions from Incineration of Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS)
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