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December 18, 1978 Interpretation
of "Constructed" as it Applies to Activities Undertaken Prior
to Issuance of a PSD Permit 14.4
A structure which is to house independent
facilities, some of which are subject to
PSD and some of which are not, maybe
constructed before a PSD permit is issued
only if the building is a necessary part
of the PSD-exempt project and if it is in
no way modified to specifically
accommodate the PSD-affected facilities.
The MATEP project involves the
construction of steam boilers, exempt
from PSD requirements, and diesel
engines, subject to the PSD requirements.
The boilers and engines are to be housed
in the same building. MATEP may begin
construction on the building before the
PSD permit is issued as long as the
drains, piping, footings for the diesel
and any other installation necessary to
accommodate the diesels are not installed
until the permit is issued.
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