Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
File Name |
File Date |
File Types |
3/15/02 Memorandum from D. deRoeck, IIG, ITPID to R. Daye, Air RCRA, and Toxics Division, Region VII
regarding use of the Ambient Ration Method for Modeling Significant Ambient Impacts of NO2. |
8/8/02 |
3/29/01 Letter to J. Hornback, Director, Kentucky Division Air Quality regarding EPA's agreement with
the State's conclusion that the Gallatin steel manufacturing facility and the Heckett MultiServe (a division
of Harsco Corporation) should be considered single sources. |
8/8/02 |
8-10-01 Response letter to an April 16, 2001 from H. Nickel, Hunton & William requesting EPA's opinion
on whether the Maricopa County Environmental Services Department (NCESD) had correctly interpreted and applies
EPA's nonattainment NSR rules and applicable guidance in determining that the proposed Kyrene Expansion Project
(KEP) at the Kyrene Generating Station, located in Tempe, Arizona, (Permit No. V95-009) was subject to nonattainment
NSR requirements (including offsets) for PM-10. |
8/8/02 |
8/06/01 Response letter to P. Raher, Hogan & Hartson L.L.P. on behalf of
PSEG Fossil - Cycle Gas Turbine Systems Determination |
8/6/01 |
June 5, 2001 - EPA letter responding to a request for guidance for
calculating actual or potential emissions of certain regulated pollutants
from new sources and modifications to determine their applicability to title
I, part C and D (new source review), and title V (operating permit),
requirements. |
6/26/01 |
3/19/01 Harnett letter to W. Lewis, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP for a
determination that the Federal NSR requirements do not apply to Minnesota
Power's proposed purchase of the electric generating assets owned by LTV
Steel in Taconite Harbor, Minnesota. |
4/10/01 |
Tier 2/Gasoline Sulfur Refinery Projects: Guidance Document/BACT and LAER for Emissions Nitrogen Oxides and Volatile Organic Compounds: Cover Memo |
1-19-00 |
Tier 2/Gasoline Sulfur Refinery Projects: Guidance Document/BACT and
LAER for Emissions Nitrogen Oxides and Volatile Organic Compounds:
Supplemental Report |
1-19-00 |
August 12, 2000 Letter from Robert Perciasepe to Terry M. White on Emergency Generator Guidance
during Power Blackouts |
1/12/01 |
May 23, 2000 Letter with enclosure to Henry Nickel from the EPA R-V Regional Administrator per Detroit Edision Company applicability determination for the proposed replacement and reconfiguration of two steam turbines at the Monroe Power Plant. |
5/25/00 |
September 20, 1999 State Implementation Plans: Policy Regarding Excess Emssions During Malfunctions, Startup and Shutdown |
5/2/00 |
Policy on Excess Emissions During Startup, Shutdown, Maintenance,
and Malfunctions |
12/8/99 |
State Implementation Plans: Policy Regarding Excess Emissions
During Malfunctions, Startup, and Shutdown |
12/8/99 |
June 16, 1999 Request to deny a Petition from Kawaihae Cogeneration Partners (KCP) |
8/9/99 |
September 3, 1992 Supplemental Transitional Guidance on Applicability of Part D NSR Permit Requirements |
2/12/99 |
December 4, 1998, Treatment of Aluminum Die Casting Operations for
the Purposes of New Source Review Applicability |
12/9/98 |
November 17, 1998 Guidance on the Appropriate Injunctive Relief for
Violations of Major New Source Review Requirements. |
12/3/98 |
August 6, 1996 Region X letter to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare on Fugitive Emissions Related to Potential to Emit Calculations. |
9/3/98 |
Second Extension of January 25,1995 Potential to Emit Transition Policy
and Clarification of Interim Policy |
7-21-98 |
May 18, 1998 Correction in Wording in "Crediting of Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Emission reductions for New Source Review (NSR) Netting and offsets". |
6/2/98 |
February 24, 1998 PSD Significant Emission Levels for Ozone Deleting Substances (ODS) at Existing Major Sources |
3/27/98 |
March 19, 1998 Interim Policy Determination Related to NSR/PSD Significant Level for Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) |
3/27/98 |
January 21, 1998 Alternative Fuels PSD Exemption, Repeal Request (Four Letters) |
1/21/98 |
November 12, 1997 Memo: Crediting of Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Emission Reductions for New Source Review (NSR) Netting and Offsets |
11/12/97 |
October 3, 1997 Letter to Congresswoman Cubin on Fugitive Emissions at Coal Preparation Plants |
10/3/97 |
EPA Reconsideration of Application of Collocation Rules to Unlisted Sources of
Fugitive Emissions (6/2/95 memo) |
6-21-95 |
January, 1989 NSR Guidance Notebook PSD documents through Jan 1990 |
2/2/95 |
January, 1989 NSR Guidance Notebook Non-Attainment Area documents through Jan 1990 |
2/2/95 |
January 25, 1995 Guidance Memo on Potential to Emit for Operating Permits and Toxics |
1/31/95 |
December 16, 1994 LTR from Seitz to Lents-Ability of VOC to be substitued for Ozone depleting substances |
2/2/95 |
November 2, 1994 LTR From Seitz to Grumet on Fed. Enforc. of Minor NSR Programs for Title V De Minimus Thresholds |
2/2/95 |
October 21, 1994 memo on fugitive emissions from landfills |
11/23/94 |
October 14, 1994 Letter Counting fugitive emissions from grain elevators toward PTE Due to NSPS |
2/2/95 |
August 26, 1994 Memo on Use of ERC's and adjusting for RACT at Time of use |
2/2/95 |
March 29, 1994 SO2 Allocations Under The Acid Rain Program |
8/17/94 |
June 14, 1994 Memo regarding generation and use of offsets for NOx |
7/7/94 |
July 1, 1994 Interim guidance on NSR permitting of pollution control projects |
7/7/94 |
December, 1987 Resolving Nonattainment NSR violations |
7/13/94 |
February 4, 1988 Applicability of NSR Requirements to the Henkel Corp |
7/12/94 |
February 22, 1992 Distrib of Report on procedure to estimate NOX |
7/13/94 |
February 24, 1992 Use of Long Term Rolling Averages-Limit Potential to Emit |
7/12/94 |
July 2, 1992 Air Quality Issues Affecting Forests & Public Lands |
7/12/94 |
May 20, 1992 TSP Redesignation Requests |
7/12/94 |
September 18, 1992 Limitation of Potential to Emit with Respect to Title V |
7/11/94 |
October 19, 1992 Clarification of PSD Guidance for Modeling Class I |
7/12/94 |
December 29, 1992 U.S. vs. AM Corporation |
7/13/94 |
June 15, 1992* Automatic or Blanket Exceptions for Excess Emissions
7/11/94 |
February 15, 1983 Policy-Excess Emissions during Startup, Shutdown |
7/12/94 |
April 27, 1992* Construction Activities at Georgia Pacific |
7/12/94 |
June 15, 1993 BACT Applicability |
7/12/94 |
March 16, 1992* Applicability of NSR Review-3M, Maplewood, Minn |
7/12/94 |
June 21, 1993 Endangered Spieces Act |
7/12/94 |
July 19, 1993 NYSEG Jennison Station Use of Tire Derived Fuel |
7/12/94 |
August 3, 1993 Clean Air Act of 1990 Montachusett Region |
7/12/94 |
October 15, 1993 State Rules for Optional Federally Enforceable Emissions |
7/12/94 |
October 6, 1993* Lynchburg Foundry Co Construction Activities |
7/12/94 |
Draft (October 1990) Chapter A3 from NSR Workshop Manual (Major Source Applicability) |
7/13/94 |
(Date Unknown) NOX Controls for Existing Boilers |
7/13/94 |
Policy Memo on Fugitive Emissions |
4-25-94 |
March 22, 1994 memo re: Who may submit technology info to permitting authorities for consideration as BACT |
3/29/94 |
January 20, 1984 Averaging Times for Compliance With VOC Emission Limits - Sip Revision Policy |
1/20/94 |
March 11, 1991 Transition Policy |
9/20/93 |
(Date Unknown)Use of Shutdown Credits for Offsets |
7/23/93 |
April 18, 1993 State-issued PSD permits and consideration of the Endangered Species Act |
6/25/93 |
May 20, 1993 Offsets in Nonclassifiable Areas |
6/2/93 |
April 6, 1993 Region V response to General Motors request for NSR exemption for switch to Natural Gas |
6/3/93 |
February 2, 1993 Memo indicating turbine/co-gen can be considered fossil-fuel-fired boiler for NSR applicability purposes |
9/8/93 |
September 10, 1991 EPA's concur. of VA's Class I Significant Impact Levels |
4/7/93 |
April 6, 1993 Region V letter on General Motors Alternative Fuels Project. |
4/6/93 |
September 3, 1991 Applicability Determination, Golden Aluminum, San Antonia Plant |
9/3/91 |