Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
Please see for the latest information on EPA's New Source Review program.
July 8, 1982 Reactivation of Amerada Hess Corporation's Port Reading Facility and PSD Review 3.21
The baseline concentration includes the actual emissions of a source occurring on the baseline date. The source may only credit the later date. The administrator must notify the applicant and each person who submitted written comments or requested notice of the final decision. The decision does not have to be published in the Federal Register until it becomes effective. Any person who filed comments or participated in a public hearing concerning a PSD permit may petition the Administrator to appeal any condition of the permit. Material changes in a permit cannot be made without opportunity for notice and public comment. The Administrator may remand a permit condition back to a Regional Office without notice and comment.Notebook Entries: 6.14