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Biopesticide Federal Register Notices - 1999

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There were no Federal Register Notices for October 1999
Date Title
12/28/99 Application for New Active Ingredient for Extract of Reynoutria sachalinensis - To manufacture products used to increase natural defense mechanisms against certain fungal diseases. (72179-R) by KHH BioSci Inc. of Raleigh NC
12/28/99 Application for New Active Ingredient  for Coniothyrium minitans strain CON/M/91-08 For use on agricultural crops, vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices, and ornamentals. (72444-R) by Prophyta Biologischer Pflanzenschutz GmbH, c/o Technology Sciences Group of Washington DC
12/22/99 Application for New Active Ingredient for Bacillus thuringiensis Cry3Bb protein and the genetic material necessary for its production (Vector ZMIR14L) in corn plants - For full commercial registration on corn  - (524-LRA) by Monsanto Company of St Louis MO   (Comment period extended 2/17/00)
12/22/99 New Active Ingredient Approved - (Z,E)-9,12- Tetradecadienyl acetate and (Z)-9-Tetradecen-1-ol was approved on 9/23/99 for use on alfalfa, asparagus, beans, beets, cabbage, celery, cole crops, cotton, cucumbers, ground nuts, lettuce, onions, peas, peppers, soybeans, strawberries, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco to control beet armyworm. (53575-21) - from Biocontrol Limited of Vancouver WA
12/21/99 EPA Seeks Public Comment on Plant Protein Allergenicity In a Federal Register Notice Published on 12/21/99 the Agency is soliciting input on the assessment of the potential for allergenicity of non-digestible proteins expressed as plant-pesticides. The specific case in question concerns the Cry9C insecticidal protein derived from Bacillus thuringiensis and expressed in field corn.
12/16/99 Petition for Tolerance Exemption (PP 9F06065) for Phosphorous acid in or on all food commodities from Agrotol International of Houston TX.
12/15/99 Proposed Test Guidelines  In a 12/15/99 Federal Register Notice EPA announced the availability of the proposed tests for the Series 810- Product Performance Testing Guidelines titled ``OPPTS 810.3700 Insect Repellents For Human Skin and Outdoor Premises'' and a Pesticide Registration (PR) Notice titled ``Insect Repellants: Labeling, Data Citations, and Testing Criteria'' explaining specific areas of the guideline and recommended label language.  Comments, identified by docket control number OPP-00633, must be received by EPA on or before January 14, 2000.
12/8/99 Application for Experimental Use Permit.  On December 8, 1999 EPA published a Federal Register Notice of the receipt from Monsanto Co. of St. Louis MO. of Experimental Use Permit Applications 524-EUP-ON, 524-EUP-OE, and 424-EUP-OG requesting experimental use permits (EUPs) for the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry3Bb protein and the genetic material necessary for its production (Vector ZMIR14L) in corn, the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry3Bb protein and the genetic material necessary for its production (Vector ZMIR12L) in corn, and the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry3Bb protein and the genetic material necessary for its production (Vector ZMIR13L) in corn. The Agency has determined that these applications may be of regional and national significance. Therefore, in accordance with 40 CFR 172.11(a), the Agency is soliciting comments on these applications.

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11/30/99 Biotech. Notification  On November 30, EPA published a  Federal Register Notice of the receipt, from the University of Maryland, of a notification of intent to conduct small-scale field testing of a genetically modified Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae. The modified strain contains duplicate Metahizium genes to improve the suppression of Tricoplusia ni species (cabbage loopers) from infesting cabbage plants. The Agency had determined that the application may be of regional and national significance, and may help develop alternatives to traditional pesticides to protect human health and the environment. The Agency is soliciting comments on this application on or before January 14, 2000.  
11/26/99 Application for New Active Ingredient for (Z,Z)-11,13-Hexadecadienal for the manufacture of a pheromone to be used to disrupt mating of the Navel Orangeworm (52991-RR) - by Bedoukian Research, Inc of Danbury CT
11/26/99 Application for New Active Ingredient for Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1F protein and the genetic material necessary for its production (plasmid insert PHI8999) in corn plants - for seed increase registration for a total of 5,000 acres per year in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Nebraska, Minnesota, Texas, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico  - (68467-E) by Mycogen Seeds of Indianapolis IN   [Note: Amended by 5/5/00 FR Notice.
11/26/99 Application for New Active Ingredientfor Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1F protein and the genetic material necessary for its production (plasmid insert PHI8999) in corn plants - for seed increase registration for a total of 620 acres per year in Hawaii  (29964-G) - by Pioneer Hi-Bred International of Johnston IA [Note: Amended by 5/5/00 FR Notice.
11/26/99 Application for New Active Ingredient  for Harpin Protein - a protein derived from killed, genetically engineered E. coli, used for plant disease management, insect suppression, and plant growth enhancement (69834-E) - by Eden Bioscience Corp. of Bothell WA

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9/22/99 Temporary Tolerance Exemption Established for 2,6-DIPN (2, 6-diisopropylnapthalene) when applied/used to inhibit sprouting in potatoes held for storage from Platte Chemical Company of Greeley CO.   The temporary tolerance will expire on September 22, 2000  (PP8G5008)
9/9/99 Petition for Tolerance Exemption (PP 8E4926) for Sucrose Fatty Acid Esters in or on all food commodities from AVA Chemical Ventures of Portsmouth, NH>
9/9/99 Petition for Tolerance Exemption (PP 9F6027) for Harpin protein in or on all food crops from Eden Bioscience Corporation of Bothell, WA

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8/11/99 Application for New Active Ingredient forSodium percarbonate - for the prevention and control of horticultural diseases in commercial greenhouses, garden centers, landscapes, nurseries, and interiorscapes (70299-G) - by BioSafe Systems of Glastonbury CT
8/11/99 Application for New Active Ingredient for Sucrose octanoate - for manufacturing use only (70950-R) and for insect control in greenhouses, nurseries, and on field crops (70950-E) - by AVA Chemical Ventures, L.L.C. of Portsmouth, NH
8/4/99 Experimental Use Permit Amendment/Extension Granted for Aminoethoxyvinylglycine to evaluate harvest management in stone fruits. The permit authorizes use in 19 states (275-EUP-82) from Abbott Laboratories of Chicago Il.
8/4/99 Experimental Use Permit Granted for Neem Oil to evaluate control of stored product insects in stored cocoa beans. The permit authorizes use in Massachusetts and Virginia (67384-EUP-2) from the American Cocoa Institute of McLean VA.
8/4/99 Experimental Use Permit Granted for Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki to evaluate control of stored product insects in stored cocoa beans. The permit authorizes use in Massachusetts and Virginia (67384-EUP-2) from the American Cocoa Institute of McLean VA. >
8/4/99 Experimental Use Permit Granted for Verticillium dahliae to evaluate control of Dutch Elm disease in elm trees. The permit authorizes use in 11 states (71927-EUP-1)  from Geraghty Miller Arcadis of Tampa FL.
8/4/99 Experimental Use Permit Granted Methyl anthranilate to evaluate control of blackbirds on corn and sunflower grown for seed for planting in Colorado and North Dakota, and to collect residue data to support exemptions from tolerance - from Bird Shield Repellent Corporation of Pullman WA.
8/4/99 New Active Ingredient Approved - 3-[N-butyl-N-acetyl]-aminopropionic acid, ethyl ester was approved on 2/10/99 for formulation into insect repellent products (70759-1) - from EM Industries Inc./Rona of Hawthorne, NY
8/4/99 New Active Ingredient Approved - 1-methylcyclopropene was approved on 4/22/99 for use only on ornamental non-food crops (71297-1) for Biotechnologies for Horticulture Inc. of Walterboro SC.
8/4/99 New Active Ingredients Approved - Xanthine and Oxypurinol were approved on 5/19/99  as a technical product (71144-2) and for use as a cockroach bait (71144-1)  - from Dominion Biosciences Inc. of Blacksburg VA
8/4/99 New Active Ingredients Approved - (Z)-9-dodecenyl acetate and (E)-9-dodecenyl acetate were approved on 5/20/99 for use as timed release microencapsulated pheromone concentrate used for mating disruption of the Eastern Pine Shoot Borer Moth in forests and woodlands. The technical product (52991-10) was from Bedoukian Research Inc. of Danbury CT and the end-use product (10350-46) was from 3M/Animal Care Products of St. Paul MN

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7/6/99 FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel; Open Meeting - July 20 to July 23 Topics will include review a set of scientific issues being considered by the Agency in connection with Burkholderia cepacia : risk assessment of a biopesticide and possible human opportunistic pathogen

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6/30/99 Technical Amendment to Exemption from Temporary Tolerance for Aspergillus flavus AF36 to correct the expiration date from Dec. 30, 2000 to Dec 30. 2001
6/21/99 Tolerance Exemption Established for Hydrogen peroxide on all food commodities on all food commodities when applied/used as an algaecide, fungicide, and bactericide at the rate of 1% hydrogen peroxide per application on growing crops (all food commodities) and postharvest potatoes. - for Biosafe Systems of East Medford NJ.
6/16/99 Application for New Active Ingredient  for Bacillus subtilis var. amyloliquefaciens strain FZB24- for manufacturing use only - by Taensa Inc. of Fairfield CT
6/16/99 Application for New Active Ingredient  for Bacillus subtilis strain QST 713  - for use in formulating end use products to control various fungal plant pathogens and terrestrial use. by Agraquest Inc. of Davis CA.
6/11/99 Tolerance Exemption Established for Gibberellic Acid in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
6/11/99 Tolerance Exemption Established for Gibberellic Acid, Monopotassium salt in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
6/11/99 Tolerance Exemption Established for Gibb erellin A4 mixed with Gibberellin A7 in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
6/11/99 Tolerance Exemption Established for Indole-3-acetic acid in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
6/11/99 Tolerance Exemption Established for Indole-3-butyric acid in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
6/11/99 Tolerance Exemption Established for Kinetin in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
6/11/99 Tolerance Exemption Established for Pelargonic Acid in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
6/11/99 Tolerance Exemption Established for Cytokinin, aqueous extract of seaweed meal in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
6/11/99 Tolerance Exemption Established for Ethylene in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
6/10/99 Temporary Tolerance Exemption Established (PP 9G5048) for Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) in or on food commodities of the stone fruit crop group.  The temporary tolerance will expire on April 1, 2001 - from Abbott Laboratories of North Chicago Il.

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5/26/99 Temporary Tolerance Exemption Established (PP 5E4575) for Aspergillus flavus strain AF36 when applied/used as an antifungal agent on cotton.   The temporary exemption will expire on 12/30/2000. from  IR4 Exit EPA Disclaimer See also: Technical Amendment FR Notice dated 6/30/99
5/19/99 Tolerance Exemption Proposed for Rhizobium inoculants when used as inert ingredients in pesticide formulations applied to all leguminous food commodities.  EPA is proposing this regulation on its own initiative
5/5/99 Experimental Use Permit Granted for Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1F protein and the genetic material necessary for its production (plasmid insert PHI8999) in corn plants  to evaluate control of various insect pests of the corn.  The permit authorizes use in 13 states and Puerto Rico (68467-EUP-2) from Mycogen Plant sciences, Mycogen Corporation of San Diego, CA 92121

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4/28/99 Tolerance Exemption Established for Beauveria bassiana (ATCC #74040) in or on all food commodities when applied or used as ground and aerial foliar sprays for use only on terrestrial crops. - from Troy Biosciences of Phoenix AZ (PP 5F4483)
4/26/99 Petition for Tolerance Exemption (PP 8F5032) for Bacillus subtilis strain QST 713 on all raw agricultural commodities from AgraQuest Inc. of Davis CA. See: Federal Register Notice
4/23/99 Request for Comments on Alternate Names for "Plant-Pesticides"
4/20/99 Application for New Active Ingredient  for 4-Allyl anisole (Estragole) for management and prevention of Southern Pine Beetle infestations - by Taensa Inc. of Fairfield CT
4/20/99 Application for New Active Ingredient  for Trichoderma harzianum strain T-39 for use as a fungicide on all agricultural corps - by Makhteshim-Agan of North America, Inc of New York City
4/20/99 Application for New Active Ingredient  for 3-Methyl-2-cyclohexene-1-one to prevent infestations of the Douglas-Fir Beetle and the Spruce Beetle - from Phero Tech Inc. of Delta, B.C. Canada
4/7/99 Petition for Tolerance Amendment - Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. tolworthi Cry9c on all raw agricultural commodities (9F5050) - from AgrEvo USA Company of Wilmington DE
4/7/99 Revision of Exemption from the Requirement of a Tolerance - Trichoderma harzianum KRL-AG2 (ATCC #20847) or Strain T-22 when applied/used as seed treatments, on cuttings and transplants, or as soil treatments and certain foliar applications for Bioworks Inc. of Geneva NY

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3/31/99 New Active Ingredient Approved - Anthraquinone (9, 10-anthraquinone) was approved on 12/16/98 for use to repel geese (69969-1) - from Environmental Biocontrol International of Wilmington DE
3/31/99 New Active Ingredient Approved - Formic Acid was approved on 1/28/99 for control of mites on honeybees (61671-3) - from Mann Lake Ltd. of Hackensack, MN
3/31/99 New Active Ingredient Approved - Potato Leafroll Virus Resistance Gene was approved 11/18/99 to control Potato Leafroll Virus in Potatoes (524-498) - from Monsanto Company of Washington DC
3/31/99 Application for Changed Use Pattern for Hydrogen peroxide to add use on growing crops and postharvest potatoes (70299-E) - from Biosafe Systems of Glastonbury CT
3/24/99 Technical Correction to 2/17/99 Cinnamaldehyde Tolerance Exemption FR Notice
3/24/99 Experimental Use Permit Granted for Metarhizium anisopliae strain ECS1 to evaluate control of ticks on deer (38581-EUP-1) -  from Univ. of Rhode Island.
3/17/99 Technical Amendment to Tolerance Exemption for Potato Leaf Roll Virus Resistance Gene (also known as orf1/orf2 gene) and the genetic material necessary for it's production to change the name - from Monsanto Company
3/10/99 Petition for Temporary Tolerance for Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) on Stone Fruits (PP9G5048) - from Abbott Laboratories of North Chicago Il.
3/10/99 Application for New Active Ingredient  for 1-methylcyclopropene (EthylBloc) for use on ornamental non-food crops - from  Biotechnologies for Horticulture, Inc.

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2/22/99 Tolerance Exemption Established for Formic Acid in or on Honey and Beeswax - from IR4 Exit EPA Disclaimer on behalf of Mann Lake Ltd. of Hackensack MN.
2/19/99 Application for Temporary Tolerance Extension for Aspergillus flavus AF36 to reduce the incidence of aflatoxin contamination of cottonseed - from IR4 Exit EPA Disclaimer on of the Southern Regional Research Center of USDA
2/19/99 Application for Experimental Use Permit Extension Extension for Aspergillus flavus AF36 to reduce the incidence of aflatoxin contamination of cottonseed (69224-EUP-1) - from IR4 Exit EPA Disclaimer on behalf of the Southern Regional Research Center of USDA
2/17/99 Tolerance Exemption Established for Cinnamaldehyde in or on all food commodities - from IR4Exit EPA Disclaimer   for Proguard, Inc  Updates 40 CFR 180.1156  See also 3/24/99 Technical Correction FR Notice
2/10/99 Application for Experimental Use Permit for Bacillus thuringiensis delta endotoxin as produced in corn by a cry1F gene and its controlling sequences as found on plasmid insert PHI8999 (68467-EUP-E) to control European Corn Borer - from Mycogen Corp. of San Diego, CA

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1/8/99 Tolerance Exemption Proposal - 30 Day Comment Period Extension for Pelargonic Acid in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
1/8/99 Tolerance Exemption Proposal - 30 Day Comment Period Extension or Cytokinin, aqueous extract of seaweed meal in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
1/8/99 Tolerance Exemption Proposal - 30 Day Comment Period Extension for Kinetin in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
1/8/99 Tolerance Exemption Proposal - 30 Day Comment Period Extension for Indole-3-acetic acid in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
1/8/99 Tolerance Exemption Proposal - 30 Day Comment Period Extension for Indole-3-butyric acid in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
1/8/99 Tolerance Exemption Proposal - 30 Day Comment Period Extension for Ethylene in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
1/8/99 Tolerance Exemption Proposal - 30 Day Comment Period Extension for Gibberellic Acid in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
1/8/99 Tolerance Exemption Proposal - 30 Day Comment Period Extension for Gibberellic Acid, Monopotassium salt in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA
1/8/99 Tolerance Exemption Proposal - 30 Day Comment Period Extension for Gibberellin A4 mixed with Gibberellin A7 in or on all food commodities when used as a plant growth regulator on plants, seeds, or cuttings and on all food commodities after harvest - initiated by EPA

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