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Use Less Energy

Most of the energy you use at home and at school comes from burning fossil fuels. Using less energy means burning fewer fossil fuels and putting less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

  • Power down. Did you know that some appliances and electronics plugged into an outlet still use power, even when they're turned off? Unplug energy vampires like video game consoles, cell phone chargers, and MP3 players whenever you can. Or consider buying a “smart” power strip, which automatically cuts off power when you turn off an appliance. Visit the ENERGY STAR website for kids to learn more.
  • Do the math. An energy audit can help you calculate how much energy your family uses at home and identify ways to reduce your energy use. Learn more.
  • Look for the label. Energy–efficient appliances and electronics typically use between 10 and 50 percent less energy than regular models. If you're shopping for a TV, computer, DVD player, or other electronic device or appliance, look for products that display the ENERGY STAR label. Visit the ENERGY STAR Qualified Products page to learn more.
  • Be energy–wise at school. Schools can partner with EPA's ENERGY STAR program to reduce their energy use. Talk with your school about what ENERGY STAR schools are doing to save energy, and find out how your school can join.