Be Part of the Solution!
Do something today to reduce greenhouse gas emissions!

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the key to solving global climate change. A major way these gases get into the atmosphere is when people burn coal, oil, and natural gas for energy. Everyone uses energy, and everyone can be part of the solution!
But don't forget that climate change is already happening. We're seeing some of the impacts now, and we'll experience more in the future. So we need to prepare and plan for the changes we know are coming.
- Learn about technologies that reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being added to the atmosphere.
- Discover actions you can take to save energy and slow climate change. Simple actions like turning off lights, conserving water, and recycling all make a difference.
- Explore ways people can prepare for climate change.
What Are Renewable Resources?
Renewable energy resources include sunshine, wind, and flowing water. These resources are renewable because they won't run out or they can be replaced within a few years or decades.