Clues of Climate Change
Scientists look in many places to find clues about climate change. For example, they examine historical records; collect measurements; and observe trends in temperature, weather patterns, sea level, and other features of the environment. Because there are so many clues from all over the world, we know that climate change is already happening today.
Eleven signs of climate change are hidden in the landscape below. Can you find them all? When you get close to each answer, you'll see a magnifying glass, which means it's time to click and reveal a clue!
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- Changing Rain and Snow Patterns
- Changes in Animal Migration and Life Cycles
- Less Snow and Ice
- Stronger Storms
- Higher Temperatures and More Heat Waves
- More Droughts and Wildfires
- Thawing Permafrost
- Damaged Corals
- Rising Sea Level
- Warmer Oceans
- Changes in Plant Life Cycles