Success Stories by Reuse Type
Successful redevelopment projects in Region 5, both new uses and continued uses, are listed below, along with a brief description of their specific type of reuse, according to different reuse categories. Success stories provided by Region 5 and the national Superfund Redevelopment Program can be accessed for most sites by clicking on the site name. Select a reuse category below to identify sites of interest:
- Commercial - for example, office and retail development
- Ecological - for example, wetlands or habitat preserves
- Industrial - for example, manufacturing facilities
- Public - for example, municipal office buildings and service facilities
- Recreational - for example, parks and athletic facilities
- Residential - for example, homes
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In Reuse
- Boise Cascade/Onan Corp./Medtronics, Inc. (PDF) (2 pp, 288K) (Fridley, MN - generator company, medical technology company, trucking company)
- Continental Steel Corporation Snapshot (Kokoma, IN - flower shop and equipment storage lot)
- General Mills-Henkel (PDF) (2 pp, 368K) (Minneapolis, MN - small business incubator)
- Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Company (PDF) (2 pp, 347K) (Brooklyn Center, MN - mixed retail including furniture stores and coffee shop)
- Koppers Coke Snapshot (St. Paul, MN - industrial park)
- MacGillis and Gibbs (PDF) (2 pp, 268K) (New Brighton, MN - office park)
- National Lead/Taracorp/Golden Auto Snapshot (St. Louis Park, MN - office building and storage area/parking)
- Reilly Tar & Chemical Corporation - St. Louis Park Plant (PDF) (2 pp, 347K) (St. Louis Park, MN - mixed retail)
- Union Scrap Iron and Metal Company (PDF) (2 pp, 205K) (Minneapolis, MN - parking area for various businesses)
In Continued Use
- Bendix-Bosch (PDF) (1 pg, 136K) (St. Joseph, MI - variety of commercial uses adjacent to a residential area)
In Reuse
- Petersen Sand and Gravel (PDF) (2 pp, 603K) (Libertyville, IL - forest preserve and reclaimed lake)
- H.O.D. Landfill (PDF) (2 pp, 127K) (Antioch, IL - restored wetlands)
- Bowers's Landfill Snapshot (Circleville, OH - restored wetlands)
In Reuse
- Circle Smelting Snapshot (Beckmeyer, IL - trucking company parking area)
- H. Brown Company, Inc. Snapshot (Grand Rapids, MI - warehouse and industrial complex)
- Hedblum Industries Snapshot (Oscoda, MI - aircraft tool manufacture)
- Southside Sanitary Landfill Snapshot (Indianapolis, IN - methane power plant for aircraft manufacturer)
In Continued Use
- Anderson Development Company Snapshot (Adrian, MI - specialty organic chemicals)
- American Chemical Service (PDF) (1 pg, 503K) (Griffith, IN - chemical production facility)
- Cross Brothers Pail Recycling (PDF) (1 pg, 250K) (Pembroke, IL - wood pallet reclamation facility)
- Folkertsma Refuse Snapshot (Grand Rapids, MI - wood pallet production)
- Koch Refining Co. (PDF) (1 pg, 177K) (Rosemount, IL - oil refinery)
- Kurt Manufacturing Corp. (PDF) (1 pg, 229K) (Fridley, MN - machining and metal fabrication)
- Northern Engraving Company Snapshot (Sparta, WI - decorative metals manufacture)
- Ottawa Township Flat Glass (PDF) (1 pg, 184K) (Naplate, IL - architectural glass manufacturer and chemical company)
- Whittaker Corporation Snapshot (PDF) (1 pg, 175K) (Minneapolis, MN - mixed light industrial)
In Continued Use
- Pine Bend Sanitary Landfill (PDF) (1 pg, 156K) (Inner Grove, MN - sanitary landfill)
In Reuse
- H.O.D. Landfill (PDF) (2 pp, 127K) (Antioch, IL - methane power generator for a high school)
- Columbus Old Municipal Landfill #1 Snapshot (Columbus, IN - transportation corridor)
- Whiteford Sales and Service Inc. Snapshot (South Bend, IN - stormwater retention basin)
In Reuse
- Dupage County Landfill/Blackwell Forest Preserve Snapshot (Warrenville, IL - picnic and camping areas, trails, and a lake)
- H.O.D. Landfill (PDF) (2 pp, 303K) (Anrioch, IL - high school athletic fields)
- International Minerals Corporation Snapshot (Terra Haute, IN - baseball fields and park)
- Kerr-McGee (Reed-Keppler Park) (PDF) (2 pp, 172K) (West Chicago, IL - aquatic center)
- Petersen Sand and Gravel-IGFP (PDF) (2 pp, 188K) (Libertyville, IL - recreational lake)
- Waite Park Wells Snapshot (PDF) (1 pg, 163K) (Waite Park, MN - athletic fields)
In Continued Use
- Fridley Commons Park (PDF) (1 pg, 203K) (Fridley, MN - park and athletic fields)
In Reuse
- Bendix-Bosch (PDF) (1 pg, 333K) (St. Joseph, MI - new residential development in mixed use setting)
- Reilly Tar & Chemical Corporation - St. Louis Park Plant (PDF) (2 pp, 318K) (St. Louis Park, MN - apartment complex)
- Wurtsmith Air Force Base Snapshot (Osoda, MI - retirement and vacation communities)
In Continued Use
- Lower Ecorse Creek Dump Snapshot (Wyandotte, MI - residential neighborhood)