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Superfund Redevelopment

Superfund Redevelopment in Region 5 Links

Superfund Redevelopment Coordinator
Thomas Bloom (bloom.thomas@epa.gov)

National Information

Superfund Redevelopment in Region 5 helps local communities return contaminated Superfund sites to safe and productive uses. EPA is working with these communities and other stakeholders - prospective purchasers, local governments - to consider reuse opportunities and to integrate appropriate reuse options into the cleanup process. To date, Superfund sites have already been developed into parks, commercial buildings, warehouses, and residential areas.

Superfund Redevelopment Highlights

Before: A 30-acre wood pole and tie treating facility that operated for 60 years at the Joslyn Manufacturing and Supply Co. site (PDF) (2 pp, 347K, About PDF). (Brooklyn Center, MN)

After: The site has been transformed into France Avenue Business Park, which is now home to the Wickes Furniture distribution center, office and warehouse buildings, and the Caribou Coffee Company Headquarters. (Brooklyn Center, MN)

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