Clean Air Markets
Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR)
EPA’s Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) addressed regional interstate transport of soot (fine particulate matter) and smog (ozone), which are associated with thousands of premature deaths and illnesses each year. CAIR required 28 eastern states to make reductions in sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions that contribute to unhealthy levels of fine particle and ozone pollution in downwind states. CAIR was replaced by the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, as of January 1, 2015.

Under CAIR, States must achieve the required emission reductions using one of two compliance options:
- Meet the state’s CAIR requirements by requiring power plants to participate in an EPA-administered interstate cap and trade system that caps emissions in two stages, or
- Meet an individual state emissions budget through measures of the state’s choosing.
All affected states chose to meet their emission reduction requirements by controlling power plant emissions through three separate interstate cap and trade programs: the CAIR SO2 annual trading program, the CAIR NOX annual trading program, and the CAIR NOX ozone season trading program.
By the year 2015, the Clean Air Interstate Rule will result in:- $85 to $100 billion in annual health benefits, annually preventing 17,000 premature deaths, millions of lost work and school days, and tens of thousands of non-fatal heart attacks and hospital admissions.
- Nearly $2 billion in annual visibility benefits in southeastern national parks, such as Great Smoky and Shenandoah.
- Significant regional reductions in sulfur and nitrogen deposition, reducing the number of acidic lakes and streams in the eastern U.S.
Where You Live
The final Clean Air Interstate Rule covers 27 eastern states and the District of Columbia. Air emissions in these states contribute to unhealthy levels of ground-level ozone, fine particles or both in downwind states. To learn about the impact of CAIR where you live, please click on your state either on the map or the drop-down list below.
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Regulatory Actions
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, available as a free download, to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more about PDF, and for a link to the free Acrobat Reader.
EPA Publishes Final Stay of CAIR and CAIR FIP for Minnesota only
November 3, 2009 - EPA publishes final rule to stay the effectiveness, for Minnesota only, of the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) and the associated CAIR Federal Implementation Plan (CAIR FIP).
- Final Rule (PDF) (6pp, 66k) - Federal Register, November 3, 2009
EPA Proposes to Stay CAIR and CAIR FIP for Minnesota only
May 6, 2009 - EPA proposed to stay the effectiveness, for Minnesota only, of the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) and the associated CAIR Federal Implementation Plan (CAIR FIP).
- Proposed Rule (PDF) (5pp, 117k) - Federal Register, May 12, 2009
- Fact Sheet (PDF) (2pp, 26k)
D.C. Circuit remanded
December 23, 2008 - The D.C. Circuit remanded without vacatur EPA's Clean Air Interstate Rule. Read the court decision (PDF 4pp, 22k)
No public hearing was requested
December 23, 2008 - No public hearing was requested and none will be held for EPA's Rulemaking To Reaffirm the Promulgation of Revisions of the Acid
Rain Program Rules.
Petition for rehearing in the Clean Air Interstate Rule
November 17, 2008 - The United States filed a reply in support of its petition for rehearing in the Clean Air Interstate Rule case.
Read the Reply (PDF 10pp, 390k) | Attachment 1 (PDF 23pp, 137k) | Attachment 2 (PDF 12pp, 165k)
Petition for rehearing
September 24, 2008 - The United States filed a petition for rehearing in the Clean Air Interstate Rule case. Read the Petition (PDF 23pp, 1058k) | Declarations by Brian McLean and William Harnett (PDF 11pp, 454k)
Quick Fix Changes
August 23, 2008 -
Analysis of Potential Quick Fix Legislative Changes to Address Court Decision (PPT 12pp, 985k)
Brian Mclean's Testimony
July 29, 2008 -
Brian Mclean's Testimony for the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works: EPA's preliminary assessment of the potential affect of the recent DC Circuit Court Decision on CAIR and EPA's programs (PDF, 15 pp. 57 KB) | Supplemental Attachments (PDF, 5 pp. 877 KB)
D.C. Circuit vacated EPA's Clean Air Interstate Rule
July 11, 2008 - The D.C. Circuit vacated EPA's Clean Air Interstate Rule. EPA is reviewing the Court's decision and evaluating its impacts. Read the Court's Opinion (PDF) (60pp, 221k)
Automatic FIP Withdrawal Rule
October 17, 2007 - EPA amended the Federal Implementation Plans (FIPs) for the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) to provide for automatic withdrawal of the CAIR FIPs in a state once EPA has approved a full CAIR State Implementation Plan (SIP) meeting the CAIR requirements. EPA promulgated the CAIR FIPs on April 28, 2006, to implement CAIR in each CAIR state until a state has an EPA-approved SIP in place to achieve the required reductions.
- Final Rule (PDF) (21pp, 395k) - Federal Register, Nov 2, 2007
Final Cogeneration Unit Definition Change
October 11, 2007 - EPA finalized a change to the thermal efficiency calculation in the cogeneration unit definition in the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR), CAIR Federal Implementation Plans, and the Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR) for boilers co-firing biomass that will likely make it possible for some additional units to qualify for the cogeneration unit exemption in these rules. EPA also made minor technical corrections to CAIR, the CAIR FIPs, CAMR, and the Acid Rain Program rules. This rule becomes effective on November 19, 2007, 30 days from publication in the Federal Register.
- Final Rule (PDF) (18pp, 138k) - Federal Register, Oct 19, 2007
Corrections to the Clean Air Interstate Rule and the CAIR Federal Implementation Plan
September 25, 2007 - EPA is making a minor correction to the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) to restore a phrase of regulatory text related to state annual emissions reporting requirements that was inadvertently deleted when the rule was amended in 2006.
- Final Rule (PDF) (3pp, 103k) - Federal Register, Oct 1, 2007
Notice of Denial of Petitions for Reconsideration of CAIR FIPs and Response to NC 126 Petition
June 22, 2007 - Following its publication, EPA received four separate petitions for reconsideration of the Federal Implementation Plans for the Clean Air Interstate Rule and Final Response to North Carolina's Section 126 Petition. After considering the petitions, EPA sent letters to the petitioners denying their requests to reconsider certain aspects of the rule. EPA concluded that reconsideration of the issues was not warranted under the Clean Air Act.
- Notice of Denial (PDF) (2pp, 229k) - Federal Register, June 28, 2007
Petitioners |
Petitions |
EPA Response Letters |
Cover Letter for Petition (PDF) (1pg, 39k) |
Response (PDF) (3pp, 226k) |
Colver Power Project |
Petition for Reconsideration (PDF) (36pp, 2.0 MB) |
Response (PDF) (3pp, 229k) |
State of North Carolina |
Cover Letter for Petition (PDF) (1pg, 145k) |
Response (PDF) (4pp, 339k) |
Southern Environmental Law Center, Sierra Club, Environment North Carolina |
Petition for Reconsideration (PDF) (46pp, 1.8 MB) |
Response (PDF) (3pp, 196k) |
Proposed Cogeneration Unit Definition Change
April 16, 2007 - EPA proposed a change to the thermal efficiency calculation in the cogeneration unit definition in the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) model cap-and-trade rules, the CAIR FIP, the Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR) and the proposed CAMR Federal Plan for units burning biomass. EPA also proposed minor technical corrections to CAIR and the Acid Rain Program rules, and minor revisions to National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters. Comments on this proposal are due to EPA by 45 days after publication in the Federal Register.
- Proposal (PDF) (16pp, 262k) - Federal Register, Apr 25, 2007
Technical Corrections
December 7, 2006 - EPA is making minor corrections to the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) and the Federal Implementation Plans (FIPs) for the CAIR to clarify text that may potentially be misleading.
- Technical Corrections (PDF) (4pp, 145k) - Federal Register, Dec 13, 2006
EPA announced the following CAIR-related actions on March 15, 2006:
1. Federal Implementation Plan for Clean Air Interstate Rule and Final Response to North Carolina's Section 126 Petition
To ensure that the emissions reductions required by the CAIR are achieved on schedule, EPA promulgated Federal Implementation Plans, or FIPs, for power plants. In the same action, EPA also denied a petition submitted by North Carolina under section 126 of the Clean Air Act. The CAIR FIPs will eliminate significant contribution from the states now linked to North Carolina nonattainment.
- Federal Register Notice, Apr 28, 2006 (PDF) (143 pp, 801 KB)
- Since signing the March 15, 2006 final rule and prior to publication,
EPA corrected minor inadvertant errors as described in the following
memorandum. (Corrected file posted on June 2, 2006.)
- Memo dated April 7, 2006 (PDF) (5 pp, 235 KB)
2. Inclusion of Delaware and New Jersey in Clean Air Interstate
In a second CAIR related action, EPA issued a final
rule to include Delaware and New Jersey in the CAIR for fine particle
- Federal Register Notice, Apr 28, 2006 (PDF) (16 pp, 180 KB)
3. Reconsideration of the Clean Air Interstate Rule
Following its publication, EPA received twelve separate
petitions for reconsideration of the CAIR. In response, EPA made final its
decisions on five issues reopened for public comment in response to petitioners.
EPA has determined that its decisions in the final CAIR were reasonable
and should not be changed.
- Federal Register Notice, Apr 28, 2006 (PDF) (24 pp, 223 KB)
To complete the reconsideration process, EPA sent letters to nine petitioners denying their requests to reconsider certain aspects of the final Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR). EPA concluded that reconsideration of these issues was not warranted under the Clean Air Act.
Petitioner | Petitions and Attachments | EPA Response Letter |
Connecticut Business and Industry Association (CBIA) | Petition for Reconsideration (PDF) (1pg, 21k) | Response (PDF) (3pp, 46k) |
City of Amarillo, El Paso Electric, Occidental Permian, Southwestern Public Service Co, d/b/a Xcel Energy | Petition
for Reconsideration (PDF)
(15pp, 972k) Attachment 2 (PDF) (2pp, 414 k) Attachment 3 (PDF) (20pp, 2.2 MB) Attachment 4 (PDF) (38pp, 5.6 MB) |
Response (PDF) (4pp, 59k) |
State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CT DEP) | Petition for Reconsideration (PDF) (5pp, 318k) | Response (PDF) (4pp, 45k) |
Florida Association of Electric Utilities (FAEU) | Petition
for Reconsideration (PDF)
(20pp, 702k) |
Response (PDF) (7pp, 111k) |
FPL Group (parent of Florida Power and Light) | Petition
for Reconsideration (PDF) (21pp, 934k) Supplement (PDF) (8pp, 200k) Second Supplement (PDF) (6pp, 147k) |
Response (PDF) (5pp, 73k) |
Minnesota Power (Div. of Allete) | Petition for Reconsideration (PDF) (15pp, 685k) | Response (PDF) (6pp, 89k) |
State of North Carolina | Petition for Reconsideration (PDF) (25pp, 1.0 MB) | Response (PDF) (6pp, 89k) |
Northern Indiana Public Service Company (NIPSCO) | Petition
for Reconsideration (PDF)
(50pp, 1.5 MB) Supplement (PDF) (11pp, 352k) |
Response (PDF) (6pp, 97k) |
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality | Petition for Reconsideration (PDF) (47pp, 1.4 MB) | Response (PDF) (3pp, 31k) |
EPA to Reconsider an Additional Aspect of the Clean Air
Interstate Rule
December 22, 2005 - EPA has decided to
grant an industry petition asking EPA to reconsider and provide
an opportunity for public comment on an additional issue related
to the Clean Air Interstate Rule. The petition asks EPA to examine
the impact of a recent D.C. Circuit Court decision, New York v.
EPA, 413 F.3d 3 (D.C. Cir. 2005), on analyses used in developing
CAIR. This decision vacated the pollution control project (PCP)
exclusion in the New Source Review (NSR) regulations. The exclusion
allowed for certain environmentally beneficial PCPs to be excluded
from certain NSR requirements. EPA's analysis shows that the court
decision does not impact the CAIR analyses. EPA is providing an
opportunity for public comment on the issue and is not proposing
any changes to CAIR at this time.
- Federal Register Notice, Dec 29, 2005 (PDF) (13pp, 126k)
- Fact Sheet (PDF) (3pp, 37k)
Reconsideration of Certain Aspects of the Clean Air Interstate
November 22, 2005 - Following promulgation of the
final rule in March 2005, the EPA Administrator received eleven
petitions for reconsideration. While the Agency does not believe
that its final decision was in error, it is granting reconsideration
and providing an additional opportunity for public comment on
following issues related to the final rule:
- Claims that inequities result from applying the sulfur dioxide (SO2) allocation methodology that states choosing to participate in the CAIR SO2 trading program would use to allocate SO2 emissions allowances to sources;
- EPA’s use of fuel adjustment factors (1.0 for coal, 0.6 for oil, and 0.4 for gas) in establishing state nitrogen oxides (NOx) budgets;
- Certain inputs to the fine particle (PM2.5) modeling used to determine Minnesota's inclusion in the CAIR region for PM2.5; and
- EPA’s determination that Florida should be included in the CAIR region.
EPA has agreed to reconsider certain aspects of its Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR). EPA issued the final CAIR on March 10, 2005.
Proposed Federal Implementation Plan for Clean Air
Interstate Rule and Proposed Response to North Carolina's Section
126 Petition
August 1, 2005 - To ensure emissions reductions
required under CAIR are achieved, EPA proposed a Federal Implementation
Plan (FIP) to require power plants in CAIR states to participate
in one or more of three separate cap and trade programs. EPA also
proposed a response to a North Carolina petition that requested
the Agency to require emission reductions in several upwind states.
- Federal Register Notice, Aug 24, 2005 (PDF) (127pp, 626k)
- Fact Sheet
- Speaker Agendas for the Public Hearings
September 14, 2005 - RTP, NC (PDF) (4pp, 15k)
September 15, 2005 - Washington, DC (PDF) (1pg, 10k)
Notice of Data Availability
June 21, 2005 -
In support of its proposal to include New Jersey and Delaware
in the CAIR region for purposes of controlling fine particle
in downwind states, EPA is issuing a notice announcing the availability
of modelling data. In this notice, EPA also is extending the
period for the NJ and DE proposal so that it aligns with the comment
period for this new data.
- Notice of Data Availability (PDF) (4pp, 68k) - Federal Register, June 28, 2005
Final Clean Air Interstate Rule
10, 2005 - EPA finalized
Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR), a rule that will achieve the
largest reduction in air pollution in more than a decade. This
action, called
the Interstate Air Quality Rule when it was proposed in January
2004, offers steep and sustained reductions in air pollution as
well as dramatic health benefits at more than 25 times greater
than the cost by 2015.
- Federal Register Notice, May 12, 2005 (PDF) (245pp, 1.44 MB)
- Fact Sheet (PDF) (3pp, 28k)
- Since signing the March 10, 2005, final rule and prior to publication,
EPA corrected errors as described in the following memorandum
(corrected files posted on 4/28/2005).
- Memo dated March 29, 2005 (PDF) (17pp, 134k)
Proposal to include NJ and DE in the CAIR Region
March 10, 2005 - EPA proposed to include New Jersey and Delaware
in the CAIR region for purposes of controlling fine particle
in downwind states. Delaware and New Jersey are already subject
to the ozone-related provisions of CAIR but not to the provisions
that relate to fine particles.
- Federal Register Notice, May 12, 2005 (PDF) (17pp, 191k)
- Fact Sheet (PDF) (3pp, 25k)
Finding that States have Failed to Submit Plans to Address
Interstate Transport of Pollutants that form Ozone and Particle
March 10, 2005 - EPA officially notified
states that they have failed to submit plans, known as State Implementation
Plans or SIPs, addressing the transport of pollutants that form
ozone and particle pollution in downwind states.
- Federal Register Notice, Apr 25, 2005 (PDF) (5pp, 68k)
- Fact Sheet (PDF) (3pp, 11k)
Notice of Data Availability
July 30, 2004 - EPA is
providing notice that it has placed in the docket for the CAIR (Docket
no. OAR-2003-0053) additional information relevant to the rulemaking,
including, among other things, a new modeling platform that EPA
proposes to use to support the proposed rule. This new modeling
platform consists of new meteorological data, updated emissions
data, an updated air quality model, and revised procedures for projecting
future air quality concentrations. The additional information also
includes revised state NOx budgets. EPA may place additional
documents in the docket. If it does so, EPA will announce their
availability by posting a notice on the CAIR website.
- Federal Register Notice, Aug 6, 2004 (PDF) (3pp, 61k)
- Link to Technical Information placed in the docket
Information Collection Request
July 13, 2004 - EPA has proposed a Rule to Reduce Interstate Transport
of Fine Particulate Matter and Ozone (Clean Air Interstate Rule, or CAIR) that includes new reporting requirements and combines these
new requirements with existing requirements from the Consolidated
Emissions Reporting Rule (CERR), the Emission Reporting Requirements
for Ozone State Implementation Plan (SIP) Revisions Relating to
Statewide Budgets for NOx Emissions to Reduce Regional Transport
of Ozone (NOx SIP Call), and the Acid Rain Program under Title IV
of the CAA Amendments of 1990. An Information Collection Request
(below) has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and approval in accord with the requirements of
the Paperwork Reduction Act.
- Federal Register Notice, Jul 16, 2004 (PDF) (3pp, 61k)
- Paperwork Reduction Act submission form (OMB 83-I) (PDF) (2pp, 59k)
- ICR Supporting Statement (PDF) (38pp, 226k)
Supplemental Proposal
May 18, 2004 - This supplemental proposal provides
additional details and rule language for implementing the Clean
Air Interstate Rule (CAIR). These details include specifics on EPAs
proposed model cap and trade program for power plants, as well as
details on proposed integration of the CAIR
with existing Clean Air Act requirements. The supplemental proposal
does not alter any of the emission reduction requirements proposed
in January.
- Federal Register Notice, Jun 10, 2004 (PDF) (90pp, 544k)
- Fact Sheet (PDF) (3pp, 32k)
- Press Announcement
- Public Hearing Information
- Since signing the May 18, 2004 supplemental proposal and prior
to the June 10, 2004 publication, EPA corrected errors as described
in the following memorandum:
- Memo dated June 10, 2004 (PDF) (1pg, 27k)
- Memo attachment (preamble) (PDF) (215pp, 421k)
- Memo attachment (regulatory text) (PDF) (373pp, 731k)
- Transcript from June 3, 2004, Public Hearing (PDF) (76pp, 253k)
Proposed Rule
December 17, 2003 - EPA proposes Rule to Reduce Interstate Transport of Fine
Particulate Matter and Ozone (Interstate Air Quality Rule). The
proposed rule would cut emissions of SO2 and NOx in the eastern
U.S., and is an important component of EPA's efforts to implement
the new national air quality standards for fine particle pollution
and 8-hour ozone.
- Preamble (Federal Register, Jan 30, 2004) (PDF) (86pp, 556k)
- Fact Sheet (PDF) (3pp, 77k)
- Press Release
- Public Hearing Information
- Since signing the December 17, 2003 proposal and prior to the
January 30, 2004 publication, EPA corrected errors as described
in the following memoranda:
- Memo dated December 24, 2003 (PDF) (8pp, 265k)
- Memo dated January 8, 2004 (PDF) (1pg, 31k)
- Impacts of the Proposed Rule
Technical Info
- Additional Information Supporting the Clean Air Interstate Rule – Notice of Data Availability (NODA)
- Technical Support Documents for Proposed Revisions to Cogeneration Definition in CAIR, CAIR FIP, CAMR, and Proposed CAMR Federal Plan
- Technical Support Documents for Clean Air Interstate Rule FIP
- Technical Support Documents for Notice of Final Action on Reconsideration of the Clean Air Interstate Rule
- Technical Support Documents for Notice of Reconsideration of the Clean Air Interstate Rule
- Technical Support Document for the Final Clean Air Interstate Rule
- Technical Support Documents for the Supplemental Proposal of the Clean Air Interstate Rule
- Response to Comments for the Clean Air Interstate Rule
- Technical Support Documents for Proposed Interstate Air Quality Rule
- Additional Information Supporting the Clean Air Interstate Rule - Notice of Data Availability (NODA)
- Other Technical Information
Additional Information Supporting the Clean Air Interstate Rule – Notice of Data Availability (NODA)
- Notice of Data Availability (NODA) – 2010 CAIR NOx Annual Trading Program New Unit Set-aside
- Notice of Data Availability (NODA) – 2010 CAIR FIP Ozone Season New Unit Set-aside
- Notice of Data Availability (NODA) – CAIR FIP CSP Allocations
- Notice of Data Availability (NODA) – NOx CAIR FIP Allocations
Technical Support Documents for Proposed Revisions to Cogeneration Definition in CAIR, CAIR FIP, CAMR, and Proposed CAMR Federal Plan
- Appendix B - Potentially Affected Units (Excel Spreadsheet) (172K)
- Methodology for Thermal Efficiency and Energy Input Calculations and Analysis of Biomass Cogeneration Unit Characteristics (PDF) (31pp, 470K)
Technical Support Documents for Clean Air Interstate Rule FIP
- Technical Support Document: Waste Coal-fired Units in the CAIR and CAIR FIP (PDF) (10pp, 97K) (Docket #: EPA-HQ-OAR-2003-0076-0224)
- Technical Support Document: Compliance Supplement Pool in the CAIR FIP (PDF) (5pp, 53K) (Docket #: EPA-HQ-OAR-2003-0076-0225)
Technical Support Documents for Notice of Final Action on Reconsideration of the Clean Air Interstate Rule
- SO2 Allocation Approach Analysis Technical Support Document (PDF) (69pp, 496K) (Docket #: EPA-HQ-OAR-2003-0053-2360)
Technical Support Documents for Notice of Reconsideration of the Clean Air Interstate Rule
- State-by-State Projected Retrofits under the Clean Air Rules (Excel Spreadsheet) (109K) (Docket #: EPA-HQ- OAR-2003-0053-2230)
- State-by-State Projected Annual NOx Emission Rates under the Clean Air Rules 2010 (Excel Spreadsheet) (12.1 MB) (Docket #: OAR-2003-0053-2232)
- State-by-State Projected Annual NOx Emission Rates under the Clean Air Rules 2015 (Excel Spreadsheet) (4.7 MB) (Docket #: OAR-2003-0053-2232)
- Sulfur Dioxide Allowance Allocation Methodology Comparative Analysis Technical Support Document (PDF) (24pp, 423K) (Docket #: EPA-HQ-OAR-2003-0053-2229.0)
- Corrected Figures and Tables for Sulfur Dioxide Allowance Allocation Methodology Comparative Analysis Technical Support Document (PDF) (5pp, 141k) (Docket #: EPA-HQ-OAR-2003-0053-2229.1)
- CAIR Statewide NOx Budgets Calculations Technical Support Document (PDF) (12pp, 318K) (Docket #: EPA-HQ-OAR-2003-0053-2228)
- Technical Support Document - Impact on CAIR Analyses of D.C. Circuit Decision in New York v. EPA (PDF) (13pp, 56K) (Docket #: EPA-HQ-OAR-2003-0053-2263)
Technical Support Documents for the Final Clean Air Interstate Rule
- Clean Air Interstate Rule - Emissions Inventory Technical Support Document (PDF) (164pp, 967K)
- Technical Support Document for the Final Clean Air Interstate Rule - Air Quality Modeling (PDF) (285pp, 4.9 MB)
- Information Collection Request Supporting Statement for the Final CAIR (PDF) (31pp, 91K)
- Demonstration that CAIR Satisfies the "Better-than-BART" Test As proposed in the Guidelines for Making BART Determinations (PDF) (43pp, 137K)
- Boilermaker Labor Analysis and Installation Timing (PDF) (41pp, 6.7 MB)
- Regional and State SO2 and NO2 Emissions Budgets (PDF) (30pp, 193K)
- Modeling of Control Costs, Emissions, and Control Retrofits for Cost Effectiveness and Feasibility Analyses (PDF) (13pp, 35K)
- Regulatory Impact Anlaysis for the Final CAIR (PDF) (421pp, 5.4 MB)
- Unit and Plant Level Annual Heat Input by Fuel Type (Excel Spreadsheet) (809K)
- State-level Annual Heat Input by Fuel Type (Excel Spreadsheet) (71K)
- Unit and Plant Level Ozone Season Annual Heat Input by Fuel Type (Excel Spreadsheet) (2.6 MB)
- State-level Ozone Season Heat Input by Fuel (Excel Spreadsheet) (99K)
- Cogeneration Unit Efficiency Calculations (PDF) (4pp, 90K)
Technical Support Documents for the Supplemental Proposal of the Clean Air Interstate Rule
- Technical Support Document on Emissions Inventory Reporting Requirements for the Proposed Clean Air Interstate Rule (revised July 2004) (PDF) (2 pp, 122 K). (Docket # OAR-2003-0053-1677)
- Supplemental Air Quality Modeling Technical Support Document (TSD) for the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR), May 2004 (PDF) (27pp, 376 K). Referenced in CAIR SNPR section III.E (Docket # OAR-2003-0053-1404)
- Technical Support Document on Emissions Inventory Reporting Requirements for the Proposed Clean Air Interstate Rule, May 2004 (PDF) (29pp, 272K). Referenced in CAIR SNPR section III.B (Docket # OAR-2003-0053-1405)
- Analysis in Support of the Clean Air Interstate Rule Using the Integrated Planning Model, May 28, 2004 (PDF) (12pp, 181K). Referenced in CAIR SNPR section VI (Docket # OAR-2003-0053-1406)
- State Emission Budget Calculation Technical Support Document for the Proposed Clean Air Interstate Rule - Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, May 2004 (PDF) (1p, 32K). Referenced in CAIR SNPR section II (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1407)
- Memorandum: Revised State Acid Rain and EIA Heat Input Totals - 48 States and the District of Columbia, April 19, 2004 (PDF) (6 pp, 50 K). Support for CAIR SNPR section II (Docket # OAR-2003-0053-1408)
- Excel Spreadsheet: Heat Input Data Used in the Calculation of State Budgets, April 14, 2004 (XLS 1.8 MB). Support for CAIR SNPR section II (Docket # OAR-2003-0053-1409)
Response to Comments for the Clean Air Interstate Rule
- Response to Comments Corrected April 2005 - (PDF, 1,138pp, 2.7 MB)
Technical Support Documents for Proposed Interstate Air Quality Rule (IAQR)
These items are also available in the Docket Center which can be accessed at
- Air Quality Data Analysis Technical Support Document for the Proposed Interstate Air Quality Rule (January 2004) - (PDF, 3.4 MB). Referenced in IAQR preamble sections III, IV, and V. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-0006)
- Air Quality Modeling Technical Support Document for the Proposed Interstate Air Quality Rule (January 2004) - (PDF, 2.8 MB). Referenced in IAQR preamble sections IV, V, and IX. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-0162)
- State-level Emission Inventory summaries for all criteria pollutants for each sector for years 2001, 2010, and 2015, Base and Control cases (Excel version of Appendix A of AQ Modeling TSD) - (ZIP, 126k).
- Benefits of the Proposed Interstate Air Quality Rule (January 2004) - (PDF, 20 MB). Referenced in IAQR preamble sections X and XI. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-0175)
- An Analysis of the Impact of Boilermaker Labor Availability on the Installation of Pollution Control Equipment (January 2004) - ( PDF, 42K). Referenced in IAQR preamble section VI. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-0008)
- Economic and Energy Impact of the Proposed Interstate Air Quality Rule (January 2004) - ( PDF, 214K). Referenced in IAQR preamble section XI. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-0009)
- An Analysis of the Marginal Cost of SO2 and NOx Reductions (January 2004) - (PDF, 152K). Referenced in IAQR preamble section VI. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-0012)
- Monitoring and Reporting Costs Under the Proposed Interstate Air Quality Rule (January 2004) - (PDF, 46K). Referenced in IAQR preamble section XI. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-0011)
- Identification and Discussion of Sources of Regional Point Source NOx and SO2 Emissions Other Than EGUs (January 2004) - (PDF, 123K). Referenced in IAQR preamble section VI. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-0127)
- Excel Spreadsheet: 30 State Plus DC 2010 Unit Level Non-EGU SO2 and NOx Emissions - ( ZIP, 5.6 MB). (Docket #OAR-1003-0053-0128)
Additional Information Supporting the Clean Air Interstate Rule - Notice of Data Availability (NODA)
EPA may place additional supporting documents in the docket in the future, and if EPA does so, EPA will announce their availability by posting a notice on this website.
- Federal Register Notice: Availability of Additional Information Supporting the Rule to Reduce Interstate Transport of Fine Particulate Matter and Ozone (PDF) (3pp, 61K)
- CAIR Emissions Inventory Overview (PDF) (20pp, 94K) This item provides an overview of the development of the updated emissions inventories. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1720)
- Non-EGU Nonpoint Control Development (PDF) (215pp, 616K) This item describes the development of future base case emissions controls for stationary sources other than utilities. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1690)
- Non-EGU Nonpoint Growth Development (PDF) (88pp, 374K) This item describes the development of growth factors used to project 2001 emissions for future-year scenarios for stationary sources other than utilities. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1691)
- Commercial Marine, Airports, and Trains Approach (PDF) (4pp, 22K) This item describes the development of emissions for these three nonroad mobile categories. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1692)
- Commercial Marine, Airports, and Trains Data (XLS, 46K) This file contains the supporting data used in developing emissions from commercial marine vessels, airports and trains. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1693)
- Fire Temporal Documentation (PDF) (4pp, 24K) This item describes the development of temporal profiles used in developing emissions from fires. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1694)
- 2001 EGU Documentation (PDF) (35pp, 150K) This item describes the development of 2001 emissions for sources in the utility sector. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1695)
- BEIS3.12 Documentation (PDF) (10pp, 47K) This item describes the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System version 3.12, with modifications used in developing the biogenic emissions. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1696)
- Mobile NMIM Usage for CAIR (PDF) (2pp, 12k) This file describes how the National Mobile Inventory Model (NMIM) is used for CAIR air quality modeling. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1698)
- Mobile NMIM Documentation (PDF) (16pp, 51K) This item describes the National Mobile Inventory Model (NMIM). (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1701)
- NEI 2001 to IPM-NEEDs Matches (XLS, 283k) This file contains data on how utilities contained in the 2001 National Emissions Inventory were matched to those in the NEEDs 2003 database, which was used as the baseline for utility projections. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1702)
- PM2.5 Emissions Speciation Updates (XLS, 88K) This file contains updated factors used to speciate emissions of PM2.5 into component species and a description of the sources of this information. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1703)
- Emissions Summary State-Sector-Speciation 2001-2010-2015 (XLS, 970k) This file contains annual emissions of VOC, CO, SO2, NOX, NH3, PM10 and PM2.5 model species. Data are provided by state and by major sector for the 2001 Base Year, 2010 Base Case, and 2015 Base Case. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1706)
- Emissions Summary State-Sector 2001-2010-2015 (XLS, 132k) This file contains annual emissions of VOC, CO, SO2, NOX, NH3, PM2.5. Data are provided by state and by major sector for the 2001 Base Year, 2010 Base Case, and 2015 Base Case. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1705)
- Report on 2001 MM5 Simulations (PDF) (17pp, 15 MB) This report documents the simulations of the Mesoscale Meteorological Model (MM5) for 2001 and includes an evaluation of selected MM5 output meteorological data. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1704)
- Peer Review of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model (PDF) (6pp, 29K) This report contains a summary by the peer review panel of the most recent external peer review of CMAQ. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1707)
- Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model Documentation Reference (PDF) ( 1pg, 30K) This item identifies publically available references for CMAQ. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1718)
- Use of GEOS-CHEM for CMAQ Boundary Conditions (PDF) ( 10pp, 379K) This item is a presentation on the procedures for developing initial and boundary conditions for the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model from the GEOS-CHEM global chemistry model. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1714)
- The following items are database files containing selected model input data sets and
model codes for the updated CAIR modeling platform. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1688)
- Contents of CAIR Updated Modeling Platform Disk Drive (PDF) (1pg, 10K)
- Area Source Growth Factors (ZIP, 4.7 MB)
- Point Source Growth Factors (ZIP, 1.2 MB)
- Configuration of CMAQ for CAIR Annual Simulations (PDF) (1pg, 45K) This item identifies the horizontal and vertical configuration of CMAQ as applied by EPA for simulating the CAIR emissions scenarios. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1719)
- EPA OAQPS CMAQ Evaluation for 2001 (PDF) (61pp, 1.3 MB) This report describes an evaluation by the EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards of CMAQ applied for 2001. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1716)
- EPA ORD Evaluation of CMAQ for 2001 (PDF) (17pp, 1.9 MB) This item contains a presentation on the evaluation by the EPA Office of Research and Development of CMAQ, as applied for 2001. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1715)
- Revised Speciated Model Attainment Test (PDF) (21pp, 391K) This item describes the revised procedures for the Speciated Modeled Attainment Test (SMAT) and Design Value (DV) averaging technique. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1717)
- National Electric Energy System Database (NEEDS) (XLS, 5.9 MB) Contains unit level data used in EPA modeling applications. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1712)
- Correction to State NOX Budgets (PDF) (3pp, 16K) (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-1713)
Other Technical Information
- Modified version of Appendix H of Air Quality Modeling Technical Support Document for the Interstate Air Quality Rule - (XLS 41K). The appendix was modified to include both intrastate and interstate modeled PM2.5 contributions. (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-0281 and 0282)
- Data used to apply the Speciated Model Attainment Test for IAQR 2010 Base-2 Scenario described in Appendix E of Air Quality Modeling Technical Support Document for the Interstate Air Quality Rule - (XLS 968K). (Docket #OAR-2003-0053-0283 and 0284)
Applicability Determinations
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's About PDF page to learn more about PDF, and a link to the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Custer Energy Center Simple-Cycle Combustion Turbine (PDF, 4 pp. 31 KB - 2/19/2008)
A simple cycle combustion turbine originally with a nameplate capacity of 23.7 MWe that was reconstructed and refurbished.
Exeter Energy Facility (PDF, 11 pp. 14.7 MB - 8/31/2010)
Two boilers combusting tires and propane and serving a generator with a nameplate capacity of 31.3 MWe that produces electricity for sale.
FPL Energy Marcus Hook MH50 Cogeneration Unit (PDF, 7 pp. 9.7 MB - 10/20/2010) A combustion turbine with a nameplate capacity of 66 MWe that produces electricity for sale and qualifies for the cogeneration unit exemption.
Georgia Pacific Broadway Mill facility (PDF, 9 pp. 55 KB - 5/25/2011)
A boiler serving a common header that is incapable of providing enough steam to a steam turbine/generator combination to generate at least 25 MWe without additional steam from some other unit or source.
Horsehead (PDF, 5 pp. 107 KB - 4/6/2009)
Two boilers that each serve a 60 MWe generator producing electricity, some of which is sold.
ISG Sparrows Point Penwood Boilers 1-4 (PDF, 6 pp. 34 KB - 3/20/2008)
Four boilers that serve three 42 MWe generators and one 28 MWe generator producing electricity, a small amount of which went onto the grid but for which no payment was received, and steam but that do not meet the efficiency standard required for qualification as cogeneration units
Roy S. Nelson Station, Nelson Industrial Steam Company (NISCO) (PDF, 7 pp. 26 KB - 10/22/2007)
Two boilers that serve 130 MWe generators producing electricity, some of which is sold, and steam but that do not meet the efficiency requirement for qualification as cogeneration units.
Roy S. Nelson Station, Nelson Industrial Steam Company (NISCO) (PDF, 2 pp. 215 KB - 7/6/2009)
Affirmation of the October 22, 2007 Applicability Determination .
Veolia Energy Edison Street facility (PDF, 9 pp. 55 KB - 1/4/2012)
Four boilers that have never served electrical generators.
Wheelabrator Ridge Energy (PDF, 14 pp. 5.07 MB - 9/9/2009)
A boiler combusting wood, yard waste, and tires, plus, in the past, propane and, currently. landfill gas and serving a generator with a nameplate capacity of 50 MWe that produces electricity for sale.