Region 3: RCRA State Programs Branch
Maryland RCRA Authorization Records
Base Authorization
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- 01/25/85 FR Notice (50 FR 3511) (PDF) (2 pgs, 1.2M)
- 06/29/84 Attorney General's Statement (PDF) (10 pgs, 501K)
- 01/09/85 Memorandum Of Agreement (PDF) (18 pgs, 866K)
- Program Description (PDF) (141 pgs, 3.48M)
- Appendix I - Final Authorization Public Hearing Notices and Comments (PDF) (12 pgs, 4.66M) - Regulations:
- Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Subtitle 51, amended through January 1, 1985 (PDF) (302 pgs, 13M) (includes a notice from the January 27, 1989 Maryland Register announcing the recodification of the hazardous waste regulations from COMAR 10.51 (i.e., Title 10, Subtitle 51) to a new Title 26, Subtitle 13 (COMAR 26.13). It includes a table showing the correspondence between the new and old codification of the regulations.)
- Maryland Registers from 1983 and 1984 (PDF) (63 pgs, 5.4M)
- Legislation Checklist (submitted as Appendix III to the Program Descrition) (PDF) (6 pgs, 2.35M)
- Base Regulatory Checklists (IA - V) (submitted as Appendix II to the Program Descrition) (PDF) (51 pgs, 22M)
Note: In the May 19, 1980 Federal Register notice (45 FR 33063; effective November 19, 1980) in which EPA promulgated the hazardous waste regulations pursuant to Subtitle C of RCRA, EPA included a transitional stage (scheduled to expire on January 1, 2003), in which States would be granted interim program authorization under RCRA section 3006(g). The Interim Authorization was implemented in two phases. Phase I of the Federal program (which was published in the May 19, 1980 FR notice), included regulations pertaining to the identification and listing of hazardous wastes, standards applicable to generators and transporters (including the manifest system), and the interim status standards applicable to existing facilities. EPA made the second phase of Interim Authorization available in components. Component A, published on January 12, 1981 (46 FR 2802), contained standards for permitting containers, tanks, surface impoundments and waste piles. Component B, published on January 23, 1981 (45 FR 7666), contained standards for permitting hazardous waste incinerators, and Component C, published on July 26, 1982 (47 FR 32274), contained standards for permitting for surface impoundments, waste piles, land treatment facilities and landfills. Prior to receiving Final Authorization for the Base Program, the State of Maryland received Interim Authorization for Phase I on July 8, 1981. Subsequently, on November 23, 1983 (48 FR 52915) (PDF) (3 pgs, 298K) , Maryland received Interim Authorization for Phase II, Component A, followed by the Interim Authorization for Components B and C on June 25, 1984 (49 FR 25855) (PDF) (2 pgs, 243K).