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Region 3: RCRA State Programs Branch

Virginia RCRA Authorization Records

Current Virginia Documents
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The following represent the current versions of key documents that were submitted by the Commonwealth to support its most recent program revision application.

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EPA Region 3 Contact for Virginia
Andrea Barbieri
phone:(215) 814-3374
e-mail: barbieri.andrea@epa.gov

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The EPA RCRA State Authorization Website provides a detailed list of Authorization Activity for Virginia (PDF) (21 pgs, 73k)


12/04/84 FR Notice
(49 FR 47391)
(2 pgs, 523K)

The initial final authorization for Virginia includes the Commonwealth's authorization for the Federal program as in effect July 26, 1982. The Virginia Base Program includes:
identification and listing, hazardous waste lists, characteristics of hazardous waste, generator requirements, transporter requirements, facility requirements, interim status requirements and permitting requirements.

(MW, Revision Checklists 1-16, 17A-S, 18-43, 44A-G, 45-90, 92, 94-100, 102-111, 113-121, 123-139, 131-136, 137 (rule), 142A-E)

07/31/00 FR Notice
(65 FR 46606)
(7 pgs, 142K)

The program revision addresses the requirements for radioactive mixed waste (MW), as well as most of the federal rules published from 1983 through May 11, 1995, including:
biennial report, amendments to permitting requirements, amendments to interim status requirements, amendments to identification and listing, national uniform manifest, household waste, corrections to test methods manual, satellite accumulation, definition of solid waste, HSWA codification rule, small quantity generators, waste minimization, location standards, liquids in landfill, dust suppression, double liners, groundwater monitoring, cement kilns, fuel labeling, corrective action, pre-construction ban, permit life, omnibus provision, research and development permits, hazardous waste exports, exposure information, closure/post-closure financial responsibility, liability coverage, hazardous waste storage and tank systems, land disposal restrictions (LDR), permit modifications, permit as a shield, permit conditions to protect human health and environment, post-closure permits, amendments to permit requirements, miscellaneous units, farmer exemptions, treatability studies sample exemption, amendment to the Bevill exclusion, mining waste exclusion, reportable quantities, toxicity characteristics (TC),organic air emission standards for process vents and equipment leaks, wood preserving listings, burning of hazardous waste in boilers and industrial furnaces (BIF), hazardous debris, recordkeeping instructions, financial assurance letter of credit, recyclable materials used in a manner constituting disposal, mixture and derived-from rule, corrective action management units (CAMU) and temporary units (TU), universal waste rule.

(Revision checklists 137 (rule 137.1), 139-141, 144, 145, 148, 150, 151, 153-164, 167A-E, 168-180, 182-185, 187191, 192A-B, 193

06/20/03 Final FR Notice
(68 FR 36925)
(3 pgs, 48K)

03/13/03 Initial FR Notice
(68 FR 11981)
(6 pgs, 67K)

05/02/03 Withdrawal FR Notice
(68 FR 23407)
(2 pgs, 41K)

The program revision addresses most of the federal rules published from January 3, 1995 through June 28, 2001, including:
amendment to the land disposal restrictions, amendment to testing monitoring activities, carbamate production identification and listing, removal of legally obsolete rules, liquids in landfills, RCRA expanded public participation, organic air emission standards for tanks, surface impoundments and containers, military munitions rule, mineral processing secondary materials, Bevill exclusion revisions, hazardous waste combustors, petroleum refining process wastes, owners and operators of closed/closing facilities (post-closure rule), HWIR media rule, amendment to universal waste rule, amendment to organic air emission standards, test procedures for analysis of oil and grease and non-polar material, organobromine production wastes, NESHAPS, MACT rule, wastewater treatment sludges from metal finishing industry, chlorinated aliphatics production wastes, land disposal restrictions for newly identified wastes, mixture and derived-from rules revisions, change of EPA mailing address, inorganic chemical manufacturing wastes,

Note that EPA initially published the Program Revision 2 authorization Federal Register notice on March 13, 2003; however, the final rule was withdrawn on May 2, 2003 because of adverse comments. On June 20, 2003, EPA responded to the comments and published a final determination granting Virginia final authorization of its program revisions.

(Revision Checklists 194-204 (rule 204), 205)

05/10/06 FR Notice
(71 FR 27204)
(6 pgs, 79K)

The program revision addresses most of the federal rules published from October 3, 2001 through April 26, 2004, including:
correction to the HWIR media rule, correction to mixture and derived-from rule, inorganic manufacturing wastes, CAMU amendments, corrections to hazardous air pollutant standards (NESHAPS), mineral processing spent materials, zinc fertilizers, amendments to land disposal restrictions, amendments to used oil management standards, national environmental performance track program.

Note that on March 16, 2009, EPA announced its intention to halt and review the National Performance Track Program (addressed by Revision Checklist 204).

(Revision Checklists 204 (rule 204.1), 206-213)

07/30/08 Final FR Notice
(73 FR 44168)
(3 pgs, 62K)

04/03/08 Initial FR Notice
(73 FR 18172)
(5 pgs,76K)

06/03/08 Withdrawal FR Notice
(73 FR 31634)
(1 pg, 49K)

The program revision addresses most of the federal rules published from October 25, 2004 through April 4, 2006, including:
amendment to national environmental performance track program, surface coating of automobiles and light-duty tracks (NESHAPS), nonwastewaters from dyes and pigments, uniform hazardous waste manifest, methods innovation, standardized permit rule, headworks exemption, NESHAP Phase I replacement standards, burden reduction rule.

Note that EPA initially published the Program Revision 4 authorization Federal Register notice on April 3, 2008; however, the final rule was withdrawn on June 3, 2008 because of adverse comments. On July 30, 2008, EPA responded to the comments and published a final determination granting Virginia final authorization of its program revisions.

See the Note for Program Revision 3 regarding the National Environmental Performance Track Program.

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