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Overall Goal

The goal of ReVA is to develop and demonstrate an approach to comprehensive, regional-scale assessment that effectively informs decision-makers as to the magnitude, extent, distribution, and uncertainty of current and anticipated environmental vulnerabilities. 

ReVA's strategic goal is to

  1. identify ecosystems within the region that are most vulnerable to being lost or harmed in the next 5 to 25 years, and
  2. determine which stressors are likely to pose the greatest risks.

The goal of ReVA is not to produce exact predictions: but rather, it is to be an early warning system for identifying environmental changes we can expect over the next few decades. As such, ReVA represents a new risk paradigm for EPA. The ReVA program will require innovative approaches to combine existing knowledge, focus new research, and synthesize many types of information into a meaningful assessment capable of informing environmental decision-makers about future environmental risks.


ReVA's objectives are the sequential steps needed to achieve the goal:
  1. Provide regional-scale, spatially explicit information on the extent and distribution of stressors and sensitive resources.
  2. Develop and evaluate techniques to integrate information on exposure and effects so that decision makers can better assess relative risk and prioritize management actions.
  3. Predict potential consequences of environmental changes under alternative future scenarios.
  4. Effectively communicate economic and quality of life trade-offs associated with alternative environmental policies.
  5. Develop techniques to prioritize areas for ecological restoration.
  6. Identify information gaps and recommend actions to improve monitoring and focus research.


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