Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
California Bioresources Alliance 7th Annual Symposium
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CBA 2012 Presentations
Symposium Agenda (PDF) (2 pp, 50K)
Session 1
Edward Randolph, Energy Division Director, CPUC: California's Bioenergy Program (PDF) (21 pp, 292K)
Session 2
Ron Goodman, Manager of Biofuels Market Development, SoCal Gas: SoCalGas Biomethane Economics (PDF) (4 pp, 435K)
Bob Gillette, Senior Vice President, Carollo Engineers: California Municipal Wastewater Digester Economic Issues (PDF) (17 pp, 787K)
Session 3
Dave Warner, Director of Permit Services, San Joaquin Valley APCD: Low Emission Digester Success Stories in the Central Valley (PDF) (19 pp, 1.3M)
Paul Sellew, CEO, Harvest Power: Harvest Power - What is Working Today (PDF) (22 pp, 1.7M)
Michele Wong, CEO, Synergex Ventures: Clean World Partners Presentation (PDF) (13 pp, 807K)
Session 4
Steve Kaffka, Director, California Biomass Collaborative: Can We Link Improved Nutrient Management With Alternative Energy Production and Greenhouse Gas Reduction? (PDF) (59 pp, 5.1M)
Ruihong Zhang, Professor of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, UC Davis: New Technologies and Products for Enhancing the Values of Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Energy Projects (38 pp, 5.3M)
Kevin Best, CEO, RealEnergy: Real Energy LLC - An Energy Facilities Development Company (20 pp, 1.3M)
Ralph Martinez, Tracy Renewable Energy: Tracy Desalinization and Green Energy Project (11 pp, 480K)
Session 5
Jeff Surma, Chief Strategy Officer, InEnTech: Conversion of Municipal Solid Waste into Clean Energy Products Using the InEnTech Plasma Enhanced Melter (PDF) (19 pp, 1.9M)
Patrick Mathews, General Manager, Salinas Valley Solid Waste Authority: Refuse to Resources: a Future without Landfills (PDF) (27 pp, 2.6M)
Michele Young, Organics Manager, City of San Jose Environmental Services: San Jose Zero Waste Initiative and Thermal Conversion Demonstration (PDF) (16 pp, 2.5M)
Session 6
Brett Storey, Biomass Program Manager, Placer County: Placer County's Biomass Program Use of Forest Residuals (PDF) (9 pp, 1M)
Frederick Tornatore, Chief Technical Officer, TSS Consultants: Community Scale Biomass Utilitzation at North Fork, CA (PDF) (9 pp, 1M)
David Crohn, Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences, UC Riverside: Using Compost to Improve Post-Fire Water Quality (PDF) (70 pp, 5.3M)
Ken Decio and Bob Holmes, Waste Permitting, Compliance, and Mitigation Division, CalRecycle: CalRecycle Regulation Update: Anaerobic Digestion (PDF) (17 pp, 674K)
Lea Gibson, Sacramento County Environmental Management Department: Role of the Local Enforcement Agency at the Clean World Partners Anaerobic Digester Projects in Sacramento (PDF) (10 pp, 665K)
For more information, contact:
Lauren Fondahl (
US EPA Region 9
(415) 972-3514
Also check Teru Talk for more information on the symposium and an interview with symposium speaker Neil Black of CalBio on digester economics.
September 11 – 12, 2012
Formerly Pacific Southwest Organic Residuals Symposium (PORS)
The California Bioresources Alliance’s 2012 annual symposium focused on best ways to evaluate where biogas and other organic residuals energy projects do and don’t work, and on developing a procedure for mapping out what works well where. Sessions included the economics of digesters, evaluating digesters and their alternatives, projects for using urban residuals for power and fuel, and use of forestry products.
The symposium brought together organic residuals industry professionals, municipalities, regulators, legislators, researchers, financers, and other stakeholders involved with manures, biosolids, food wastes, green wastes, animal wastes, and other organic residuals in California. The symposium was sponsored by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9, USDA California Natural Resources Conservation Service and USDA Rural Development , California State Water Resources Control Board, Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District, CalRecycle, California Energy Commission, Western United Dairymen, Sustainable Conservation, University of California Extension Service, California Association of Sanitation Agencies, Sacramento Municipal Utilities District, and the California Water Institute.
The symposium included a Wednesday afternoon field trip to Clean Water Partners food waste digesters in Sacramento.

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