Region 3: RCRA State Programs Branch
Pennsylvania RCRA Authorization Records
Program Revision 1
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- 09/26/00 FR Notice (65 FR 57734) (PDF) (6 pgs, 141K)
- Program Authorization Application Submittal Letter from PA Department of Environmental Protection to EPA Region 3 Regional Administrator, 08/10/00 (PDF) (2 pgs,752K)
- Attorney General's Statement:
- Letter from PA Deputy General Counsel to EPA Region 3 Regional Administrator, PA Legal Statement signature authority, 7/27/00 (PDF) (1 pg, 62K)
- Letter from PA Office of Attorney General to EPA Region 3 Regional Administrator, Attorney General Concurrence with PA Legal Statement, 08/04/00 (PDF) (2 pgs, 75K)
- 7/27/00 Pennsylvania Legal Statement for Final Authorization, Including Changes to the Federal RCRA Program through June 1998 (PDF) (Submitted as Program Description Appendix B) (150 pgs, 7.07M)
- Appendix 1 - Statutory Construction (PDF) (3 pgs, 396K)
- Appendices 2 and 3 ? See Appendices 2 and 3 in Base AG Statement (PDF) (92 pgs, 4.05M)
- Appendix 4 - Equivalency Criteria for Surety Bonds; Equivalency Criteria for Letters of Credit; Equivalency Criteria for Cash Deposits and Certificates of Deposit (PDF) (7 pgs, 297K)
- Appendix 5 ? See Appendix 4 in Base AG Statement (PDF) (92 pgs, 4.05M)
- Appendix 6 - Authority to Enter and Inspect Sites; Statutory authority and form "Contractual Consent of Landowner" (PDF) (9 pgs, 553K)
- 7/27/00 Pennsylvania Supplemental Legal Statement for Final Authorization for Changes to the Federal RCRA Program from July 1998 through July 6, 1999 (Submitted as Program Description Appendix B) (PDF) (22 pgs, 1.06M)
- 9/15/00 Memorandum Of Agreement (PDF) (16 pgs, 826K)
- Program Description for Authorization of Changes to the Federal RCRA Program through July 6, 1999 (PDF) (87 pgs,4.65M)
- Appendices A through C (See Statutes, Regulations and Attorney General's Statements)
- Appendices D through F (PDF) (85 pgs, 3.3M)
- Appendix G (See Statutes)
- Appendices H through J (PDF) (146 pgs, 5.7M)
- Appendices K through T (PDF) (205 pgs, 8.1M)
- Statutes
- Pennsylvania Environmental Statutes: Includes Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act; Solid Waste Management Act; The Clean Streams Law; Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (Submitted as Program Description Appendix A-2)(PDF) (244 pgs, 13.7M)
- Act 275 of 1970 and "The Administrative Code of 1929" Act of 1929, P.L. 177, No. 175 (Submitted as Program Description Appendix G) (PDF) (67 pgs, 3.3M)
- Regulations:
- Regulatory Checklists:
- See the 7/27/00 AG statement (PDF) (150 pgs, 7.07M) for Consolidated Checklists C1 through C1, 40 CFR Part 260 through 266, 268, 270 and 124, 273, 279, as of 6/30/98
- Revision Checklists 169 through 181 (PDF) (73 pgs, 2.65M)