Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Paclobutrazol (Pc Code 125601)
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January 14, 1983. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
John Bascietto. Ecological Effects Branch.
Avian Acute Oral Toxicity (LD50) - Mallard Duck.
Document (PDF) (195 KB PDF).
January 17, 1983. Data Eval. Rec. 4 Page(s).
John Bascietto. Ecological Effects Branch.
Avian Subacute (Dietary) LC50 - Mallard Duck.
Document (PDF) (271 KB PDF).
January 18, 1983. Data Eval. Rec. 6 Page(s).
John Bascietto. Ecological Effects Branch.
Avian Subacute (Dietary) LC50 - Bobwhite Quail.
Document (PDF) (462 KB PDF).
January 19, 1983. Data Eval. Rec. 4 Page(s).
John Bascietto. Ecological Effects Branch.
96-Hour LC50 Freshwater Fish - Rainbow Trout.
Document (PDF) (242 KB PDF).
January 20, 1983. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
John Bascietto. Ecological Effects Branch.
96-Hour LC50 Freshwater Fish - Bluegill Sunfish.
Document (PDF) (151 KB PDF).
January 20, 1983. Data Eval. Rec. 9 Page(s).
John Bascietto. Ecological Effects Branch.
Acute Toxicity Freshwater Aquatic Invertebrate - Water Flea, Daphnia magna.
Pages 4-7 are not included - registrant data.
Document (PDF) (368 KB PDF).
January 31, 1983. Review. 8 Page(s).
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate Branch.
Application for New Registration of New Chemical.
Pages 4-8 are not included - draft label.
Document (PDF) (192 KB PDF).
February 15, 1983. Review. 9 Page(s).
John Bascietto. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Full Registration of Ornamentals Use.
Inert ingredient information on page 2 is not included.
Document (PDF) (555 KB PDF).
December 15, 1983. Memorandum. 28 Page(s).
Roger Gardner. Toxicology Branch.
Paclobutrazol (PP333) Request for Data Waiver (Correspondence #35) and Data
Review (EPA Acc. No. 248688). Reg. No. 10182-TT. Tox. Chem. No. 628C.
Tox review 003457.
Document (PDF) (3824 KB PDF).
January 17, 1984. Review. 4 Page(s).
Dennis McLane. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Fall Registration of New Plant Growth Regulator for Greenhouse Use.
Document (PDF) (315 KB PDF).
March 15, 1984. Review. 25 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Environmental Assessment Branch.
New Chemical, Use on Potted Greenhouse Ornamentals. Acc. Nos. 132700 & 132701.
Pages 9-14 & 16-24 are not included - registration data.
Document (PDF) (625 KB PDF).
March 15, 1984. Review. 6 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
EUP - Ornamental and Turf Grasses Grown for Seed - Additional Information.
Pages 4-6 are not included - registrant data.
Document (PDF) (234 KB PDF).
March 15, 1984. Review. 7 Page(s).
Dennis McLane. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed EUP for Use on Ornamental and Turf Grasses Grown for Seed.
Document (PDF) (616 KB PDF).
May 02, 1984. Memorandum. 46 Page(s).
Roger Gardner. Toxicology Branch.
Use of Paclobutrazol on Greenhouse Ornamentals and Grass Seed Crops.
EPA Reg. No. 10182-IE and 10182-EUP-GU. Acc. Nos. 251746 and 251747.
Tox. Chem. No. 628C. Inert ingredient information on page 2 not included.
Tox review 003813.
Document (PDF) (7421 KB PDF).
October 23, 1984. Summary. 5 Page(s).
Ecological Effects Branch.
EEB Chemical Profile - Paclobutrazol (PP333 or Bonzi).
Document (PDF) (257 KB PDF).
October 30, 1984. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Dennis McLane. Ecological Effects Branch.
Three Paclobutrazol Submissions Concerning a Mallard Duck LD50 Study and
Product Labeling (EPA Reg. Nos. 10182-IE, 10182-EUP-GU, and 10182-TT).
Document (PDF) (281 KB PDF).
November 08, 1984. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Memorandum of Meeting - ICI / PM Team 25 / EAB.
Document (PDF) (102 KB PDF).
January 07, 1985. Review. 7 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Review Proposed Label Amendment. Pages 3-7 are not included - draft label.
Document (PDF) (164 KB PDF).
March 15, 1985. Memorandum. 197 Page(s).
Roger Gardner. Toxicology Branch.
Use of Paclobutrazol on Turf, Ornamental Plants, & Trees (Reg. Nos. 10182-EUP-GU,
10182-IE, 10182-TT, & 10182-EUP-GA). Inert & manufacturing process info on page 3 deleted.
Pp. 60-91, 98-113, 117-125, 132-142, 167- 173, 182-184 removed, RD.
TXR No. 004352.
Document (PDF) (6806 KB PDF).
March 19, 1985. Review. 21 Page(s).
John Bascietto. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed EUP for Use on Ornamentals. Pages 6-21 are not included - registrant data.
Document (PDF) (440 KB PDF).
April 30, 1985. Review. 4 Page(s).
Joseph Reinert. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Exposure Assessment.
Document (PDF) (256 KB PDF).
May 02, 1985. Review. 18 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
EUP: Greenhouse Ornamentals. Pages 4-18 removed, registrant data.
Document (PDF) (227 KB PDF).
May 08, 1985. Review. 5 Page(s).
Dennis McLane. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Full Registration on Ornamental Trees by Injection.
Document (PDF) (353 KB PDF).
May 13, 1985. Review. 4 Page(s).
Joseph Reinert. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Exposure Assessment.
Document (PDF) (343 KB PDF).
May 29, 1985. Review. 3 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
EUP: Ornamental and Shade Trees.
Document (PDF) (221 KB PDF).
May 30, 1985. Review. 16 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Protocol: PP333 - Dissipation and Leaching Following Subsurface Applications in
Orchard Soils. Information regarding an unregistered product on pages 1-3 is not
included. Pages 5-16 are not included - registrant data.
Document (PDF) (244 KB PDF).
May 31, 1985. Review. 4 Page(s).
Ken Clark. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Full Registration of New Turf Use (Golf Courses).
Information regarding an unregistered product on pages 1 and 2 is not included.
Document (PDF) (250 KB PDF).
June 27, 1985. Review. 5 Page(s).
Ken Clark. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Conditional Registration of Lawn Uses. Page 5 is not included - draft label.
Document (PDF) (214 KB PDF).
July 12, 1985. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Deloris Graham. Fungicide Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 10182-EUP-GO. Paclobutrazol Acute oral... Acc. 2567548.
Tox review 005437.
Document (PDF) (468 KB PDF).
July 24, 1985. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Paclobutrazol - Field Dissipation Study.
Information regarding an unregistered product on page 1 is not included.
Document (PDF) (134 KB PDF).
August 29, 1985. Review. 11 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
New Chemical, EUP for Use on Turf. Pages 6-10 removed, registrant data.
MRID 146597.
Document (PDF) (563 KB PDF).
December 19, 1985. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Deloris Graham. Fungicide Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 10182-EUP-GO. Clipper 2SC. Acc. 260373.
Addendum to an acute oral study. Pages 3-8 removed, draft label.
Tox review 006321.
Document (PDF) (212 KB PDF).
February 07, 1986. Review. 2 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Request Waiver from Aged Leaching Study for Greenhouse Ornamental Use.
Commercial/financial information on page 2 is not included.
Document (PDF) (143 KB PDF).
March 19, 1986. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Akiva Abramovitch. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Data on the Leaching Potential of Paclobutrazol.
Document (PDF) (107 KB PDF).
May 29, 1986. Review. 10 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
New Chemical, EUP for Use on Turf. Pages 5-10 are not included - registrant data.
Document (PDF) (314 KB PDF).
May 29, 1986. Review. 5 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
CLIPPER/ ICI. Review soil dissipation test protocol.
Document (PDF) (220 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
July 24, 1985. Meeting Memo.
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Paclobutrazol - Field Dissipation Study.
(started the study in three states... orchards in FL,CA,WV).
*End of Attachments*
July 21, 1986. Review. 3 Page(s).
Roger Gardner. Toxicology Branch.
Reference Doses (RFDs) for Oral Exposure.
Document (PDF) (148 KB PDF).
May 08, 1987. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
J. Garbus. Residue Chemistry Branch.
EPA Registration No. 10182-90; Paclobutrazol;
Amended Label to Change Restriction on Sugar Maple. RCB No. 2183.
Document (PDF) (81 KB PDF).
June 30, 1987. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Roger Gardner. Toxicology Branch.
Dermal Absorption Study Protocols Proposed for Paclobutrazol.
Tox. Chem. No. 628C; Tox. Proj. No. 7-0600.
Document (PDF) (371 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
October 09, 1985. Protocol. 6 Page(s).
Robert Zendzian. Toxicology Branch.
Procedure for Studying Dermal Absorption.
*End of Attachments*
July 31, 1987. Review. 2 Page(s).
Therese Dougherty. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Review of Analytical Method for Soil Residues of Paclobutrazol.
Document (PDF) (138 KB PDF).
December 24, 1987. Review. 4 Page(s).
Ken Clark. Ecological Effects Branch.
Proposed Changes in EUP Program.
Document (PDF) (238 KB PDF).
March 14, 1988. Memorandum. 16 Page(s).
Roger Gardner. Toxicology Branch.
Exposure Assessment Branch (EAB) Deferral on Petitions for Temporary Tolerances
for Paclobutrazol on Peaches and Nectarines (Petition No. 6G3394) and on Apples
(Petition No. 7G3524).
Document (PDF) (817 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
January 27, 1988. Review.
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Exposure Assessment. ICI Americas, Inc. for the use of Cultar 2SC.
[ possibly MRID 40459101 ].
*End of Attachments*
June 29, 1988. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Robert Zendzian. Toxicology Branch.
Paclobutrazol, Use of the CULTAR 2SC Formulation for the Dermal Absorption Study.
Document (PDF) (59 KB PDF).
January 30, 1989. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
William Woodrow. Registration Support Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 10182-97. Paclobutrazol Technical. Acute inhalation toxicity study.
MRID 40734201.
Document (PDF) (293 KB PDF).
August 23, 1989. Memorandum. 12 Page(s).
Robert Zendzian. Toxicology Branch.
Paclobutrazole, Review of Dermal Absorption Study. MRID 41048202.
Pages 6-10 removed, registrant data. Tox review 011061 (excerpt of 187-198).
Document (PDF) (561 KB PDF).
March 26, 1990. Memorandum. 201 Page(s).
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Reg./ File #: 10182-EAT. Review of revised draft label and review of old environmental
fate data to support new chemical use. Pages 23-27, 31-38, 43-50, 57-67, 72-78, 82-90,
96-107, 111-117, 123-146, 152-166, 171-173, 178-185 removed...
Document (PDF) (4604 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
March 26, 1990. Memorandum.
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Groudwater Branch.
(continued) registrant data. MRIDs 132698 thru 132701, 40685002 thru 40685007,
40685009 thru 40685012, 146597, 155854, 133560.
*End of Attachments*
March 28, 1991. Review. 16 Page(s).
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Reg./File No: 10182-EAT. Registrant's comments to addendum to registration.
(responding to March 26, 1990 review of fish accumulation and terrestrial
field dissipation; waiver of volatility data).
Document (PDF) (665 KB PDF).
May 14, 1991. Review. 20 Page(s).
Paul Mastradone. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Reg. No. 10182-267. Registrant's comments to review of addendum to registration.
(the registrant is responding to the March 26, 1990 review of terrestrial field
dissipation studies, MRID 00146597 and MRID 00155854).
Document (PDF) (878 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:
April 23, 1991. Memorandum.
James Wolf. Environmental Fate & Groundwater Branch.
Ground-Water Statement on Paclobutrazol.
*End of Attachments*
June 17, 1991. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Stephen Funk. Chemistry Branch.
Paclobutrazol Product Chemistry: Analytical Methods to Determine Impurities.
Chemical 125601. I.D. No. 10182-77. DP Barcode D162518. MRID No. 41797301.
Manufacturing process info on pages 2,3 and 4 not included.
Document (PDF) (943 KB PDF).
April 10, 1992. DER. 19 Page(s).
Pamela Hurley. Toxicology Branch.
Paclobutrazol: Assessment for the Induction of Unscheduled DNA Synthesis in Rat
Hepatocytes In Vivo. MRID No. 407343-04. Pages 7-19 removed, registration data.
Tox Review No. 011061.
Document (PDF) (299 KB PDF).
November 15, 1993. DER. 11 Page(s).
Pamela Hurley. Toxicology Branch I.
Paclobutrazol: Second Teratogenicity Study in the Rabbit Including Individual
Animal Data. MRID No. 407343-02. Tox Review No. 011061.
Document (PDF) (549 KB PDF).
March 22, 1994. DER. 28 Page(s).
Pamela Hurley. Toxicology Branch.
Multigeneation Reproduction - Rat. MRID 40734303. Tox review 011061 (excerpt of 122-149).
Document (PDF) (1499 KB PDF).
April 04, 1994. Meeting Minutes. 16 Page(s).
Karl Baetke. Less than Lifetime Committee HED.
Summary of endpoints selected use in less than lifetime occupational/residential
exposure and dietary risk assessments for [multiple active ingredient] chemicals...
Document (PDF) (919 KB PDF).
April 11, 1994. Review. 8 Page(s).
Pamela Hurley. Toxicology Branch.
Toxicology Endpoint Selection Document. Tox review 013485.
Document (PDF) (426 KB PDF).
June 21, 1994. DER. 18 Page(s).
Pamela Hurley. Toxicology Branch I.
Paclobutrazol: 104 Week Oral (Dietary Administration) Combined Toxicity
and Carcinogenicity Study in the Mouse With a 52 Week Interim Kill.
MRID No. 407625-01. Tox Review No. 011061.
Document (PDF) (849 KB PDF).
June 21, 1994. DER. 19 Page(s).
Pamela Hurley. Toxicology Branch I.
Paclobutrazol: 104 Week Oral (Dietary Administration) Combined Toxicity
and Carcinogenicity Study in the Rat With a 52 Week Interim Kill.
MRID No. 407343-01. Tox Review No. 011061.
Document (PDF) (872 KB PDF).
June 21, 1994. DER. 28 Page(s).
Pamela Hurley. Toxicology Branch I.
Paclobutrazol: Two Generation Reproduction Study in Rats Including Individual
Animal Data. MRID No. 407343-03. Tox Review No. 011061.
Document (PDF) (1225 KB PDF).
June 21, 1994. Memorandum. 30 Page(s).
Pamela Hurley. Toxicology Branch.
125601. Paclobutrazol. Re-evaluation of Rat Developmental Toxicity Study.
Pages 25-30 removed, registration data. Accn. No. 251747. Tox review 011061.
Document (PDF) (1041 KB PDF).
June 23, 1994. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
George Ghali. Health Effects Division.
RfD/Peer Review Report of Paclobutrazol. Tox review 011081.
Document (PDF) (442 KB PDF).
July 18, 1995. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Tina Manville. Occupational & Residential Exposure Branch.
Required exposure data for registration of Clipper 2SC tree growth regulator.
EPA Reg. No 10182-267.
Document (PDF) (129 KB PDF).
August 14, 1995. Memorandum. 20 Page(s).
Gail Maske. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EFGWB's Response to the ECME Report for Paclobutrazol and the Ketone
Metabolite in Soil (ECM 0060S1-S2). Page 4-20 removed, registrant data.
MRID 146597.
Document (PDF) (176 KB PDF).
June 16, 2005. Memorandum. 1 Page.
Jenna Carter. Science Information & Analysis Branch.
Usage Report in Support of Reregistration for the Fungicide Triazoles: Metconazole
(125619), Paclobutrazol (125601), Prothioconazole (113961), Bromuconazole (120503),
Triticonazole (125620), Cyproconazole (128993), Difenoconazole (128847), Triadimenol….
Document (PDF) (51 KB PDF).