Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Propoxur (Pc Code 047802)
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Undated. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
Raymond Landolt. Toxicology Branch.
Non-thermal ULV ground and ULV aerial aerosol application of Baygon for mosquito
control. Identified as MOS (Mosquito Oil Soluble) Registraion No 3125-GNA.
Inert info on page 1 not included. Tox review 003705.
Document (PDF) (1332 KB PDF).
Undated. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Virginia Dobozy. Occupational & Residential Exposure Branch.
Propoxur - Review of Pesticide Poisoning Incident Data.
Document (PDF) (467 KB PDF).
July 10, 1972. Memorandum. 22 Page(s).
Toxicology Branch..
Request for residue tolerance for... (Bay 39007, Baygon) in or on alfalfa fresh at 65
ppm, alfalfa hay at 100 ppm, oat grain at 0.1 ppm, oat grain...
Inert ingredient information on pages 1, 2 is not included. Tox review 003692.
Document (PDF) (3482 KB PDF).
August 09, 1972. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
William Parkin. Toxicology Branch.
Addendum to Memorandum of July 10, 1972 for o-isopropoxyphenyl methylcarbamate
(Baygon, Bay 39007) in or on Various Raw Agricultural Commodities (PP #2F1244)
Tox review 003693.
Document (PDF) (399 KB PDF).
June 05, 1974. Review. 6 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Environmental Chemistry Review for Use of: O-isopropoxphenyl methyl carbamate
(Baygon). PP No. 2F1244, Reg. Nos. 3125-ETE, 3125-ETG. Inert ingredient
information on page 1, and manufacturing process information on pages 1
and 2 are not included
Document (PDF) (457 KB PDF).
March 21, 1975. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Robert Coberly. Toxicology Branch.
FAP 5H5068 Baygon Tolerances on Food Tox review 003704
Document (PDF) (386 KB PDF).
August 13, 1975. Review. 17 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
File No. 3125-GNA. Baygon MOS Insecticide. Registration.
Document (PDF) (2855 KB PDF).
January 15, 1976. Review. 5 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
File No. 3125-GNA. Baygon MOS Insecticide. answer to Environmental Chemistry.
Document (PDF) (203 KB PDF).
February 03, 1977. Notes. 19 Page(s).
Efficacy and Ecological Effects Branch..
Document (PDF) (738 KB PDF).
February 03, 1977. Review. 5 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Reg. No. 475-173. Black Flag Ant Trap with Baygon. Waiver.
Document (PDF) (821 KB PDF).
February 17, 1977. Review. 3 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
Reg. No. 475-173. Antrol Ant Trap with Baygon. Registration for Control of Ants,
Including Fire Ants and Carpenter Ants.
Document (PDF) (585 KB PDF).
August 02, 1977. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
William Greear. Toxicology Branch.
Sendran Tick and Flea Dip Concentrate for Dogs and Cats
EPA File Symbol 11556-AO Tox review 003709.
Document (PDF) (1135 KB PDF).
September 21, 1977. Draft Review. 91 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
File or Reg. Nos. 3125-121, -122, -146, -214, and -GNA. Baygon 70% Wettable
Powder, Baygon MOS. For Use on Alfalfa and Pasture Grass to Control Mosquitoes.
Document (PDF) (4385 KB PDF).
September 21, 1977. Review. 13 Page(s).
Ronald Ney. Efficacy & Ecological Effects Branch.
File or Reg. Nos. 3125-121, -122, -146, -214, and -GNA. Baygon 70% Wettable
Powder, Baygon MOS. For Use on Alfalfa and Pasture Grass to Control Mosquitoes.
Document (PDF) (5034 KB PDF).
October 14, 1977. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
S. L. Chan. Toxicology Branch.
EPA #2724-ETL, Propoxur Flea Collar for Cats, Caswell #508 Tox review 003711.
Document (PDF) (172 KB PDF).
October 26, 1977. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
K. L. Bailey. Toxicology Branch.
PP #2F1244 - Baygon in or on a Variety of Commodities. Inert ingredient information
on pages 4, 5 is not included. Tox review 003712.
Document (PDF) (1524 KB PDF).
November 03, 1977. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
D. G. Van Ormer. Toxicology Branch.
Substitution of Baygon for Kepone in Three Ant Trap Products of O.E. Linck Co.,
Clifton, New Jersey, EPA Reg. No. 506-RGA, -RGT, and -RGI, Caswell #508.
Inert ingredient information on page 1 is not included. Tox review 003710
Document (PDF) (210 KB PDF).
October 31, 1978. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
William Dykstra. Toxicology Branch.
Sergeant's Flea and Tick Collar for Cats; Sergeant's Sentry IV Flea & Tick Collar for
Dogs. Caswell Nos. 586 & 508. EPA Reg Nos. 778-UE, 778-UR
Tox review
Document (PDF) (854 KB PDF).
November 04, 1978. Review. 3 Page(s).
Madeline Nawar. Environmental Fate Branch.
File No. 3125-GRG. Baygon 70% Concentrate. Technical Product Activated
Sludge Test.
Document (PDF) (145 KB PDF).
October 17, 1979. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
William Dykstra. Toxicology Branch.
EPA Reg. #3125-121, 122, 146, 214, GNA; PP 2F1244; Baygon for Use in/on
Alfalfa, Pasture Grass, Meat, Fat and Meat By-Products of Cattle, Goats, Hogs,
Horses,...Milk. Caswell #508, Accession No. 975494. Tox review 003690.
Inert info on page 2 deleted
Document (PDF) (655 KB PDF).
September 11, 1980. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Cheryl Peterson. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
EPA Registration No. 4816-549. Roach & Ant Spray. Tox review 000031.
Document (PDF) (855 KB PDF).
October 20, 1980. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
Cheryl Peterson. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 43754-R. Bugban Insecticide Lining Paper. Acc. No. 243614.
Page 4 removed, draft label. Tox review 000090.
Document (PDF) (372 KB PDF).
January 30, 1981. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Cheryl Peterson. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 1021-RUAA. Esbiol Intermediate 2207. Inert ingredient information
on page 3 not included. Pages 6-9 removed, draft label. Tox review 000288.
Document (PDF) (435 KB PDF).
March 12, 1981. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Cheryl Peterson. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
EPA Registration No. 239-2390. Ortho Hornet & Wasp Jet Spray Acc. 244218.
Pages 5-6 removed, draft label. Tox review 000492.
Document (PDF) (360 KB PDF).
March 17, 1981. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
B. T. Backus. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 41167-R. Solvit Brand Propoxur Impregnated Lacquer.
Manufacturing process information on page 1 is not included. Page 5 removed,
draft label. Pages 6-8 removed, registrant data. Tox review 000324
Document (PDF) (491 KB PDF).
March 27, 1981. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
B. T. Backus. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 2724-EOG. Zoecon RF-184 House & Kennel Fogger.
Pages 5-6 removed, draft label. Tox review 000341.
Document (PDF) (404 KB PDF).
December 31, 1981. Review. 53 Page(s).
Willa Garner. Environmental Fate Branch.
Reg./File Nos. 3125-GNA & 3125-146. Baygon. Adding Alfalfa and Pasture Grass.
Pages 33-37, 42-48 removed, draft labels. Page 53 removed, registrant data.
Document (PDF) (2241 KB PDF).
March 29, 1982. Review. 11 Page(s).
Willa Garner. Environmental Fate Branch.
Baygon. Alfalfa and Pasture Grass - Potential for Reaching Groundwater.
Pages 7-11 removed, draft label.
Document (PDF) (274 KB PDF).
June 21, 1982. Memorandum. 14 Page(s).
Robert Zendzian. Toxicology Branch.
Baygon PP# 2F1244, Review of Two-Year Mouse Oncogenicity Study and Rabbit
Teratology Study. Inert ingredient information on page 8 is not included.
Tox review 002156.
Document (PDF) (1685 KB PDF).
December 07, 1982. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
B. T. Backus. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
EPA Registration No. 3125-214. Baygon 1.5. Acc. 248579. Acute oral LD50...
Tox review 002327.
Document (PDF) (279 KB PDF).
July 07, 1983. Review. 4 Page(s).
Richard Moraski. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Reg. No. 83-CA-76. Baygon 70% WP. Review Data to Section 18 Emergency
Exemption for Use to Control Mosquitoes.
Document (PDF) (169 KB PDF).
November 01, 1983. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Robert Zendzian. Toxicology Branch.
Baygon Dominant Lethal Study in Mice. Pages 4-5 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 003349.
Document (PDF) (255 KB PDF).
November 29, 1983. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Robert Zendzian. Toxicology Branch.
Baygon Metabolism Study Tox review 003398.
Document (PDF) (264 KB PDF).
January 04, 1984. Review. 4 Page(s).
Phil Hutton. Insecticide Rodenticide Branch.
422-EAT. Raid Wasp & Hornet Killer IV. Accession #251660. S.C. Johnson & Son
Inc. Madison, WI 53403. Inert ingredient information on page 1 is not included.
Document (PDF) (152 KB PDF).
March 12, 1984. Memorandum. 13 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Toxicology Branch.
Hercon Flea & Tick Dog and Cat Collar. Inert ingredient information on pages 1, 4, 6,
7, 8 not included Page 13 removed, draft label. Acc. 252196. Tox review 003686
Document (PDF) (1409 KB PDF).
April 23, 1984. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Robert Zendzian. Toxicology Branch.
Baygon Supplementary Data, Toxicity in Mouse Oncogenicity Study, NOELs Dog
and Rat Feeding Studies, Metabolism. Inert ingredient information on page 2 is not
Document (PDF) (146 KB PDF).
May 24, 1984. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Robert Zendzian. Toxicology Branch.
Baygon (Propoxur); Dermal Sensitization in Guinea Pigs Acc. 253352.
Tox review 002772.
Document (PDF) (259 KB PDF).
June 13, 1984. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Robert Zendzian. Toxicology Branch.
Baygon (Propoxur); Dermal Sensitization in Guinea Pigs Tox review 003852.
Document (PDF) (295 KB PDF).
January 08, 1985. Memorandum. 22 Page(s).
Curt Lunchick. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Exposure Assessment for Propoxur (Baygon).
Document (PDF) (897 KB PDF).
January 18, 1985. Memorandum. 45 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Toxicology Branch.
Baygon Oncogenicity, Mutagenicity and Metabolite Studies. Acc. 255177.
Tox review 004231.
Document (PDF) (2210 KB PDF).
August 18, 1986. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Toxicology Branch.
NOEL for Baygon (Propoxur) in a 2-year rat chronic feeding study; comparison with a
human volunteer study. Tox review 005359.
Document (PDF) (481 KB PDF).
September 04, 1986. Memorandum. 15 Pages.
Esther Rinde. Toxicology Branch.
Peer Review of Baygon. The Toxicology Branch Peer Review Committee met on
June 26, 1986 to discuss and evaluate the data base on Baygon, with particular
reference to its oncogenic potential in SPF rats and mice.
Document (PDF) (433 KB PDF).
December 29, 1986. Memorandum. 115 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Toxicology Branch.
Baygon (Propoxur) Toxicity Studies. Inert ingredient information on page 16 is not
included. Pages 96-103, 111 removed, registration data. Tox review 005692.
Document (PDF) (16418 KB PDF).
February 02, 1987. Memorandum. 23 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Toxicology Branch.
Sergeant's Flea and Tick Collar (9% Baygon, 7% DDVP). Inert ingredient information
on page 4 is not included. Acc. 263653. Tox review 005704.
Document (PDF) (2966 KB PDF).
February 12, 1987. Summary. 8 Page(s).
Jerome Blondell..
Propoxur Poisoning Statistics Summary Prepared by Jerome Blondell.
Document (PDF) (619 KB PDF).
April 03, 1987. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Bernice Fisher. Toxicology Branch.
Baygon - Rat Study - Qualitative and Quantitative Risk Assessment
Tox review 005893.
Document (PDF) (302 KB PDF).
May 18, 1987. Science Chapter. 117 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Toxicology Branch.
Propoxur, Toxicology Chapter of the Registration Chapter Tox review 005896.
Document (PDF) (10166 KB PDF).
September 02, 1987. Memorandum. 19 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Toxicology Branch.
Propoxur Studies Inert ingredient information on page 8 is not included.
Tox review 006467.
Document (PDF) (1980 KB PDF).
April 29, 1988. Review. 3 Page(s).
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Reg. No. 11556-51. Propoxur. Protocol Review for Exposure Study - Outdoor
Application with Non-Pressurized Sprayer.
Document (PDF) (167 KB PDF).
April 29, 1988. Review. 3 Page(s).
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Reg. No. 11556-54. Baygon 70 WP. Protocol Review for Exposure Study -
Applicator Exposure During Crack and Crevice Treatment.
Document (PDF) (184 KB PDF).
April 29, 1988. Review. 3 Page(s).
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Reg. No. 11556-62. Propoxur. Protocol Review for Exposure Study - Pest Control
Document (PDF) (132 KB PDF).
April 29, 1988. Review. 3 Page(s).
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Reg. No. 11556-66. Propoxur. Protocol Review for Exposure Study - Applicator
Exposure During Use of Pressurized Aerosol Products.
Document (PDF) (172 KB PDF).
April 29, 1988. Review. 4 Page(s).
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Reg. No. 11556-41. Propoxur. Protocol Review for Exposure Study - Resident
Exposure After Crack and Crevice Treatment of Homes.
Document (PDF) (216 KB PDF).
April 29, 1988. Review. 4 Page(s).
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Reg. No. 11556-69. Propoxur. Protocol Review for Exposure Study - Total Release
Document (PDF) (214 KB PDF).
April 29, 1988. Review. 4 Page(s).
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Reg. No. 11556-8. Baygon 2% Bait. Protocol Review for Exposure Study -
Applicator Exposure During Application of Granular Product.
Document (PDF) (198 KB PDF).
May 05, 1988. Review. 3 Page(s).
Michael Firestone. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Reg. No. 3125-174. Sendran Liquid Tick and Flea Dip/Para-Ban. Protocol Review
for Exposure Study - Dog Dip and Spray.
Document (PDF) (160 KB PDF).
February 28, 1989. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
David Jaquith. Non-Dietary Exposure Branch.
Request for Extension of Due Date for Propoxur Studies (HED Project #9-0895).
Document (PDF) (79 KB PDF).
November 02, 1989. One-Liner. 3 Page(s).
J. Hannan. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Propoxur - Pesticide Environmental Fate One Line Summary.
Document (PDF) (91 KB PDF).
November 15, 1989. Review. 29 Page(s).
David Jaquith. Non-Dietary Exposure Branch.
Review of Study Estimating Resident Exposure to Propoxur Following Crack and
Crevice Treatment (HED Project No. 9-1936).
Document (PDF) (1124 KB PDF).
February 07, 1990. Review. 93 Page(s).
David Jaquith. Non-Dietary Exposure Branch.
Review of Propoxur Exposure Studies Submitted by Mobay Corporation in Response
to Data Call-In Notice (HED Project Nos. 9-1935, 9-1936, 9-1937, 9-1938, 9-1939)
and Current Estimates of Exposure for Other Scenarios.
Document (PDF) (4090 KB PDF).
February 27, 1991. Review. 20 Page(s).
David Jaquith. Occupational & Residential Exposure Branch.
Adjustments to Post-Application Exposure Assessment for Residents of Homes
Treated with Propoxur (HED Project No. 1-0222).
Document (PDF) (961 KB PDF).
July 26, 1991. Review. 2 Page(s).
David Jaquith. Occupational & Residential Exposure Branch.
Review of Proposed Label Change for Propoxur Technical (HED Project No. 1-1209)
Document (PDF) (88 KB PDF).
July 29, 1991. Review. 11 Page(s).
David Jaquith. Occupational & Residential Exposure Branch.
Review of Repeat Exposure Study for Propoxur Aerosol Spray
(HED Project No. 1-1208).
Document (PDF) (621 KB PDF).
August 09, 1991. Review. 3 Page(s).
David Jaquith. Occupational & Residential Exposure Branch.
Review of Protocol for Propoxur Insecticidal Tape Indoor Air Monitoring Study
(HED Project No. 1-1168).
Document (PDF) (217 KB PDF).
October 03, 1991. Memorandum. 26 Pages.
Esther Saito. Science Analysis & Coordination Branch.
Third Peer Review of Baygon (Propoxur). The Health Effects Division Peer Review
Committee (PRC) met on April 10, 1991 to discuss and evaluate the weight-of-the-
evidence on Baygon with particular reference to its carcinogenic potential…
Document (PDF) (965 KB PDF).
November 01, 1991. Review. 11 Page(s).
David Jaquith. Occupational & Residential Exposure Branch.
Post-Application Exposures of Residents to Propoxur Applied as an Aerosol Spray.
Document (PDF) (448 KB PDF).
June 17, 1996. Memorandum. 32 Page(s).
Byron Backus. Toxicology Branch II.
Carcinogenicity Peer Review of (4th) Baygon (Propoxur).
Document (PDF) (12011 KB PDF).
April 29, 2002. Memorandum. 13 Page(s).
Masih Hashim. Technical Review Branch.
EPA Reg. No: 2724-UOG Wellmark International / RF 2007 Collar.
DP Barcode: D280714. Case No: 070821. MRID Nos. 45588700, 45588701
Document (PDF) (6030 KB PDF).