- RCRA Corrective Action Training: Strategies for Meeting the 2020 Vision. This course aims to develop and enhance the skills of experienced personnel who implement RCRA Corrective Action at their sites. The course's 14 modules are designed to be delivered over a two and a half day period.
- The National RCRA Corrective Action Training Curriculum. This course provides training for new and experienced federal and state Corrective Action (CA) project managers. The training can help equip CA project managers with the knowledge and skills needed to achieve the 2008 Government Performance Results Act (GPRA) goals, as well as the 2020 RCRA Vision goals, for corrective action.
- Corrective
Action 101. This course provides an overview of what the RCRA
Corrective Action Program is all about and the reforms that EPA
is pursuing to accelerate the cleanup of hazardous waste facilities
regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
- RCRA Results-Oriented Streamlined Approached (ROSA) Training
To find the modules, click on Courses at the top of the left side bar, scroll down until you see RCRA Corrective Action Modules, then click on View Modules. There are 7 modules, available in both PowerPoint and PDF.
- RCRA Corrective Action Workshop on Results-Based
Project Management - June 10, 1999. The workshop has been
conducted in all ten EPA Regions and the State of Florida. We
do not currently foresee any future workshop sessions, however
this web site contains important resources and information from
the workshop.
Training Modules. Training documents on the RCRA program including
RCRA Corrective Action.
Orientation Manual. An in-depth overview of RCRA and its programs.
- Environmental Indicator
Forum 2000.
Presentation Slides and Audio available
- Technology Innovation Office's
Internet Seminars.
Online internet seminars related to site assessment and remediation. Occasionally includes RCRA Corrective Action seminars.