Corrective Action 101
Course Description | Overview | Intended Audience | Instructions | Navigating the Course | More Information on the Corrective Action Program | Print Individual Pages | Feedback | Caution
Course Description
This course provides an overview of what the RCRA Corrective Action
Program is all about and the reforms that EPA is pursuing to accelerate
the cleanup of hazardous waste facilities regulated under the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act. This training course will take about
1 hour to complete. "Main messages" pop up throughout the module to
affirm learning objectives.
This web-based training course
is designed as an introduction to the RCRA Corrective Action
Program. Each page contains directions that guide how to navigate
through the site. Key terms are underlined and you can click
on them to obtain more information. Arrows on the bottom of
each page control movement from page to page. Short quizzes
at various points will test your knowledge of the materials
you have covered. Links to
Key Terms
Key References are available
at the bottom of each page.
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Intended Audience
- Introduction
- Roles and Responsibilities of Key Players
- Timeline of Major Historic Events
- Major Activities Associated with Implementing
Corrective Action
The intended audience
for this web-based training course includes anyone looking
for an overview of the RCRA Corrective Action Program. EPA
Regional staff, State regulators, representatives of owners/operators,
and representatives of the public can all benefit from this
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You may view this site
if your browser resolution is 800 x 600. When you enter Corrective
Action 101, and the animation begins playing, simply scroll
down a bit (approximately 1 inch) until the entire animation
is within your monitor screen. You must have the free MacromediaŽ
Flash™ Player installed on your machine to view the course.
If Flash™ is not installed,
and install the free program. Then begin again. If you cannot
download the free MacromediaŽ Flash™ Player, you may view
the text version.
Note: For most current browsers, the
Flash Player is integrated into the software.
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Navigating the Course
You can navigate
to the start of any scene by using the scene number provided
on the bottom of each screen. To move forward through the course,
use the ==> Forward arrow at the bottom of the screen. Whenever
you go to a link within the program, be sure to close the new
browser window (by selecting
X or close in upper right)
to return to the course.
Note: Selecting a link outside
of the primary frame of the training will cause you to lose
your place in the module. The "Back" button will return
you to the beginning of the module. An exception to this applies
for the three links immediately below the module (Key Terms,
Key References, and Feedback on This Course).
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More Information About the Corrective Action Program
Select "Home" or "Background" on the left sidebar. All of the key
references mentioned in this training module, as well as other available
resources, are listed under the "Resources" button, also on the
left sidebar.
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Print Individual Pages
From your web browser,
select File | Page Setup. Then, increase the bottom margin to 5.5".
Be sure that you are printing only the current page, not the entire
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We are interested in your feedback on
this and other Corrective Action training. We welcome your comments
and suggestions. Please send your comments to the "Contact Us" link below or the "Feedback
on This Course" link that you will find below the module itself.
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This Internet-based module is part of
the training materials produced by EPA for EPA Regional and State
RCRA Corrective Action Program implementers, as well as owners and
operators of facilities subject to RCRA corrective action requirements,
and to the general public. It contains summaries and discussion
of EPA statutory authorities, regulations, and guidance materials.
This module itself, however, does not constitute an EPA statute,
regulation, or guidance document and does not substitute for, or
in any way supplement, any of these authorities or materials. This
module is for training purposes only, and should not be used in
making corrective action decisions at a particular facility. Instead,
parties engaged or interested in RCRA corrective action should consult
EPA's statutes, regulations, and guidance documents directly.
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