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C-FERST Train-the-Trainer Resources

The Community-Focused Exposure and Risk Screening Tool (C-FERST) Train-the-Trainer Resources include presentations that introduce C-FERST’s capabilities, discuss the tool’s features and show how C-FERST has been used by a community.

The C-FERST Train-the-Trainer slides contains four modules that can be reorganized or removed to best suit your needs.   The Train-the-Trainer Script has a picture of each slide along with brief "Talking Reminders" of what should be discussed when showing the slide.  We’ve also provided a Full Script that you could read aloud if preferable. 
The C-FERST Train-the-Trainer Live Demo presentation walks through a community project and is intended to be used when internet access is not available for a live demo.  The C-FERST Train-the-Trainer Live Demo "Cheat Sheet" walks through a community example that you can use to show how to use the tool. 
The C-FERST Train-the-Trainer Presentation Checklist includes helpful hints on presenting both in person and via AdobeConnect.