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Science Notebook

Science Notebook: Wetlands in the Pacific Northwest

Got shrimp? Well if you don't, we know where you can get a lot of them (and we really mean a lot!). Get down and dirty with scientists from EPA's Pacific Coastal Ecology Branch in Newport, Oregon as we dig up some shrimp, take a quiz or two and learn about how much a wetland is worth in the Yaquina Bay, Oregon estuary.

Who You Callin' a Shrimp?

Dig in deep as we visit the homes of two very, very abundant shrimp species in the Yaquina Bay, Oregon estuary.

Scientist Showcase

Get to know three scientists from EPA's Pacific Coast Ecology Branch in Newport, Oregon:

Sound Science: How Much is a Wetland Worth?

Dr. Tim O'HigginsListen in as Dr. Tim O'Higgins chats with Science Notebook Coordinator Dr. Dale Haroski about ecosystem services and how dollar values can be calculated for various wetlands resources.

(MP3, 9.8 MB, runtime 10:24)

If You Were the Scientist

Once you've listened to our Sound Science podcast with Dr. Tim O'Higgins and learned about ecosystem services, put on your scientist hat and see if you can think like an estuarine ecologist working in the Pacific Northwest by taking these two quizzes:

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