Additional Redevelopment Information
Superfund Site Background and Cleanup Information
Site Background Information
Site Cleanup Information
National Mapping Programs
A range of additional information tools and resources are available to help guide decisions regarding the redevelopment of Superfund sites. This includes information on locating Superfund sites, integrating reuse of a site into the cleanup process, and several other related topics. These additional resources have been divided into seven broad categories:
- Superfund Site Information
- Site Cleanup Information
- Long-Term Site Management
- Integrating Reuse into Site Cleanup
- Redevelopment Publications
- Other Helpful Redevelopment Information
Superfund Site Information
- Cleanups in My
A mapping and listing tool that shows sites, including Superfund sites, where pollution is being or has been cleaned up throughout the United States. - Superfund
Sites in Region 5
A catalogue of Superfund sites where pollution is being or has been cleaned up throughout the Region. Sites are organized by state, allowing you to find site summaries, site profiles, contacts, and fact sheets easily. - Region 5 Superfund Site Reuse
Fact Sheets
The fact sheets provide information about the reuse activities at the site, the site owner's planning and development process, geographic location, past cleanup activities, and contacts for more information.
Site Cleanup Information
- Citizen's Guides to
Cleanup Methods
A set of 21 fact sheets that describe, in general terms, cleanup methods used at Superfund and other sites. - Superfund
Remedy Decisions
Several factors can influence the selection of the most appropriate remedy for a site. This web page provides an overview of the Superfund decision-making process for site remediation as well as links to more information on several remedy decision-related topics. - Hazardous Waste Cleanup Information
Provides in-depth information about innovative hazardous waste treatment and site characterization technologies.
Long-Term Site Management
- Overview
of Operation and Maintenance (O&M)
O&M represents a set of technical activities - from maintaining a landfill cover to operating a groundwater remediation system - that may be required to ensure that the remedy for a particular site operates as intended. - Overview
of Post-Construction Completion
Post Construction Completion represents the broad suite of activities - including O&M - that may be required to ensure that Superfund response actions provide for long-term protection of human health and the environment. - Overview of
Institutional Controls (ICs)
ICs are actions, such as legal controls, that help minimize the potential for human exposure to contamination by ensuring appropriate land or resource use.
Integrating Reuse into Site Cleanup
You will need the free Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.
- Reuse
Assessments: A Tool to Implement the Land Use Directive (PDF) (24 pp, 83K)
Presents information for developing future land use assumptions when making remedy selection decisions for Superfund sites. - Ready
for Reuse (RfR) Determinations
An RfR determination is an EPA document which provides potential users of Superfund sites with an environmental status report indicating that all or a portion of a real estate property at a site can support specified types of uses and remain protective of human health and the environment.
Redevelopment Publications
- Reuse Technical Reports
- Commercial Reuse
Technical information on how sites with hazardous waste have been safely reused for commercial purposes, while ensuring that the protectiveness of the remedy is maintained. - Golf Facilities
Techniques for ensuring that containment systems or waste treatment equipment can accommodate golf facilities, while ensuring that golf facility operations do not reduce the effectiveness of the remedy. - Wind Energy
Information about the development of wind energy at former mining sites for communities, including local governments, residents, and organizations, interested in creating renewable energy resources and new economic opportunities at these sites. - Recreational Use
Two reports describing recreational reuse opportunities: One for abandoned mine lands and one for hazardous waste containment areas.
- Commercial Reuse
- Superfund Redevelopment Success Stories
in Region 5
Includes descriptions of successful redevelopments in Region 5 by state and by reuse type.
Other Helpful Redevelopment Information
- EPA Cleanup Activities
EPA and its state and territorial partners have developed a variety of cleanup programs to assess and, where necessary, clean up these contaminated sites. This web page provides links to a wide variety of cleanup-related information. - Brownfields in Region
Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. This web page provides links to both national and Region 5 brownfield-related efforts. - Petroleum
Petroleum brownfields are a subset of brownfields impacted by underground storage tanks or some type of petroleum contamination, such as abandoned gas stations. This web page provides an overview as well as several links related to EPA petroleum brownfield-related efforts.