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Reuse Technical Reports

The national Superfund Redevelopment program makes available a limited number of technical reports that provide detailed discussions regarding the potential for specific types of redevelopment projects at Superfund sites.

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Active and Passive Recreational Opportunities at Abandoned Mine Lands (PDF) (13 pp, 1.1MB)

Provides information about recreational reuse for stakeholders and community members interested in creating recreational opportunities at nearby abandoned mine lands. Specifically, the report:

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Recreational Reuse of Land Above Hazardous Waste Containment Areas (PDF) (73 pp, 1.4MB)

Provides technical information related to the redevelopment of former hazardous waste containment areas into recreational reuses. Specifically the report includes:

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Reusing Cleaned Up Superfund Sites: Golf Facilities Where Waste is Left on Site (PDF) (73 pp, 2MB)

Provides techniques for ensuring that containment systems or waste treatment equipment can accommodate golf facilities, while ensuring that golf facility operations do not reduce the effectiveness of the remedy. Specifically, it includes:

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Reusing Superfund Sites: Commercial Use Where Waste is Left on Site (PDF) (58 pp, 2.3MB)

Provides technical information on how sites with hazardous waste have been safely reused for commercial purposes, while ensuring that the protectiveness of the remedy is maintained. Specifically the report:

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Wind Energy at Former Mining Sites (PDF) (22 pp, 1.2MB)

Provides information about the development of wind energy at former mining sites for communities, including local governments, residents, and organizations, interested in creating renewable energy resources and new economic opportunities at these sites. Specifically, the report:

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