Reuse Technical Reports
The national Superfund Redevelopment program makes available a limited number of technical reports that provide detailed discussions regarding the potential for specific types of redevelopment projects at Superfund sites.
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- Active and Passive Recreational Opportunities at Abandoned Mine Lands
- Recreational Use of Land above Hazardous Waste Containment Areas
- Reusing Cleaned Up Superfund Sites: Golf Facilities Where Waste is Left on Site
- Reusing Superfund Sites: Commercial Use Where Waste is Left on Site
- Wind Energy at Former Mining Sites
Provides information about recreational reuse for stakeholders and community members interested in creating recreational opportunities at nearby abandoned mine lands. Specifically, the report:
- Clarifies information on cover systems and other common remedial activities at containment sites;
- Describes the benefits of active and passive recreational reuses;
- Explains the advantages of partnerships; and
- Provides case studies and next steps for getting started.
Provides technical information related to the redevelopment of former hazardous waste containment areas into recreational reuses. Specifically the report includes:
- Background information on cover systems and other common remedial activities at containment sites;
- Remedial design considerations that may need to be addressed to support recreational reuse;
- Information on operation and maintenance activities that may be needed to support the integrity of containment systems and recreational activities; and
- Examples of sites where EPA addressed the design issues associated with the reuse of these sites for recreational purposes.
Provides techniques for ensuring that containment systems or waste treatment equipment can accommodate golf facilities, while ensuring that golf facility operations do not reduce the effectiveness of the remedy. Specifically, it includes:
- Planning and design issues associated with developing a golf course on a Superfund site including key questions for the golf facility reuse decision-making process;
- Common remediation methods and design factors to be considered when a golf facility is to be placed on a Superfund site;
- Operation and maintenance activities that are required to protect the integrity of the selected remedy for a Superfund site; and
- Four projects where golf courses have been built on degraded lands.
Provides technical information on how sites with hazardous waste have been safely reused for commercial purposes, while ensuring that the protectiveness of the remedy is maintained. Specifically the report:
- Describes the most common site configurations and remedy design features that affect the suitability of a site for reuse when removal or on-site destructive treatment are not viable options;
- Outlines remedy and commercial facility design issues that may have to be considered to ensure that the facility is compatible with the remedy;
- Describes seven previous projects where successful redevelopment has occurred on remediated waste sites that have contaminated material left on site or where waste treatment is to continue for a number of years; and
- Provides references on remedy and redevelopment design features, such as EPA guidance manuals, text books, and journal articles.
Provides information about the development of wind energy at former mining sites for communities, including local governments, residents, and organizations, interested in creating renewable energy resources and new economic opportunities at these sites. Specifically, the report:
- Describes the mechanics of wind energy;
- Explores wind energy's environmental, economic, and social impacts at former mining sites; and
- Provides case studies and next steps to get started.