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Municipal Government Toolkit Where You Live


The Municipal Government Toolkit (MGTK) was designed to provide the information and resources necessary for state and local governments to make successful recycling programs a reality in the Southeast. Additional information and assistance that is specific to your community can be obtained from various local, state, and regional contacts for the Southeast.

Local, State, and Regional Recycling Contacts


Karl Frost, Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, State Recycling Office
Phone: (334) 242-5322
Email: karl.frost@adeca.alabama.gov
To find local recycling contacts, try Earth911.

Peter Goren, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Recycling Office
Phone: (850) 245-8714
Email: peter.goren@dep.state.fl.us
To find local recycling contacts, use Florida’s recycling contact directory or Earth 911.


Direct all residential recycling questions to:

Joe Dunlop, Georgia Department of Community Affairs, Office of Environmental Management
Phone: (404) 679-1598
Email: jdunlop@dca.state.ga.us
To find local recycling contacts, try Earth 911.

Direct all industrial or business recycling questions to:

Chuck Boelkins, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Pollution Prevention Assistance Division
Phone: (404) 651-5585
Email: chuck_boelkins@gadnr.org
To find local recycling contacts try Earth 911.


Leslie King , Kentucky Division of Waste Management
Phone: (502) 564-6716
Email: leslie.king@ky.gov
To find local recycling facilities, use Kentucky’s recycling contact directory or try Earth 911.


Mark Williams, Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Phone: (601) 961-5304 
Email: Mark_Williams@deq.state.ms.us
To find local recycling contacts, try Earth 911.


Scott Mouw, North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention & Environmental Assistance
Phone: (919) 715-6512
Email: scott.mouw@ncmail.net
To find local recycling contacts, use North Carolina’s recycling coordinator directory or Earth 911.
Locate local market information with North Carolina’s Market Directory.
Locate local material exchange information at North Carolina’s Waste Trader.


Richard Chesley, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Office of Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling
Phone: (800) 768-7348
Email: cheslerl@dhec.sc.gov
To find local recycling contacts, try Earth 911.


Larry Christley, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
Phone: (615) 532-0744
Email: larry.christley@state.tn.us
Locate local market information with Tennessee’s Markets Directory. 
Locate local material exchange information with Tennessee’s Materials Exchange. 
To find local recycling contacts, try Earth 911


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