Climate Change and Recycling Links and Resources

Link Between MSW and Climate Change
Information on the Link between Solid Waste and Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
Emissions: This page lists the ways solid waste contributes to
GHG emissions and how GHG emissions from solid waste can
be reduced.
Non-Carbon Dioxide Gases and Carbon
Sequestration: This EPA site has more information on non-CO2 GHGs and the role of carbon sequestration in climate change.
Tools for Evaluating the Impact of Waste Reduction on
GHG Production
ReCon: ReCon calculates GHGs emissions and energy consumption related to purchasing and/or manufacturing activities using analyses of baseline and alternative recycled-content scenarios.
Durable Goods Calculator: This calculator estimates GHGs emissions and energy in order to support voluntary gas measurement and reporting initiatives, as well as provide information regarding the GHGs emission implications of waste management decisions.
Office Carbon Calculator: The Office Carbon Calculator estimates GHG emissions from a variety of sources including company-owned vehicle transportation, purchased electricity, and waste disposal, as well as leased assets, franchises, and outsourced activities. It is not intended to address manufacturing operations or service-oriented businesses that use significant quantities of chemicals (e.g., cleaning services). This tool also includes examples of carbon-cutting actions such as recycling, waste prevention, and green-power purchasing.
GHG Equivalencies
Calculator: This
calculator, developed by the U.S. Climate Technology Cooperation, expresses
quantities of GHGs in terms of metrics such as number of cars, gallons of
gasoline, acres of forest, etc. This calculator is useful for expressing GHG
reductions or emissions in a way that is easier to comprehend.
Climate Change: State and Local Government Tools: These pages provide information on analytical tools and information resources to help state and local governments identify, evaluate, and design strategies to reduce GHG emissions.
Environmental Benefits Calculator: The Northeast Recycling Council's (NERC) Environmental
Benefits Calculator is a free tool for states, counties, municipalities,
schools, businesses, and institutions to measure the environmental benefits from
their recycling efforts.
NRC Environmental
Benefits Calculator: (Note: NRC Members Only) The National Recycling
Coalition's Environmental Benefits Calculator helps determine the GHG and energy
benefits of current waste disposal practices.
Source Reduction and Recycling: A Role in Preventing Global Climate Change (6 pp, 295K, About PDF)
Solid Waste Management: A Local Challenge with Global Impacts (5 pp, 1480K, About PDF)