Waste Site Cleanup & Reuse in New England
Post-Award Forms & Reporting
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Program-Specific Guidance
Grants Management Documents
Grant Application/Amendment Forms
- SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance (PDF) (3 pp, 265 K, SFF)
- SF 424A Budget Information – Non-Construction Programs (PDF) (3 pp, 314 K, SFF)
- Standard Form 424B Assurances – Non-Construction (PDF) (2 pp, 113 K, SFF)
- Standard Form LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities
- Form (PDF) (1 pg, 27 K, SFF)
- Instructions (PDF) (1 pg, 13 K)
- EPA Form 4700-4 Pre-award Compliance Certification (PDF) (2 pp, 238 K, SFF)
- EPA Form 6600-06 Certification Regarding Lobbying (PDF) (1 pg, 431 K, SFF)
- Workplan Templates
- Assessment Grant (MS Word) (8 pp, 42 K)
- Revolving Loan Fund Grant (MS Word) (8 pp, 38 K)
- Cleanup Grant (MS Word) (8 pp, 38 K)
- Budget Attachment
- Budget Attachment 1 (MS Word) (1 pg, 37K)
- Budget Attachment 1 (MS Excel) (25 K)
- Additional forms may be found at
Payment Requests
If your municipality or organization is registered in and use ASAP.gov for Federal Government payments, you must request payment though this system. If not, you can use the following form:
EPA 190-F-04-001 US EPA Payment Request (PDF) (1 pg, 148 K, SFF)
Please fax your Payment Request to 702-798-2423 OR email to lvfc-grants@epa.gov.
Quarterly Reports
- Assessment Grant Quarterly Report Template (MS Word) (6 pp, 29 K)
- Cleanup Grant Quarterly Report Template (MS Word) (4 pp, 27 K)
- Revolving Loan Fund Program Report Template (MS Word) (4 pp, 28 K)
- Job Training Grant Quarterly Report Template (MS Word) (7 pp, 85 K)
- Job Training Reporting Form (PDF) (4 pp, 141 K, SFF)
Please email a copy of your quarterly reports to your Project Officer by the due date.
MBE/WBE Report
EPA Form 5700-52A Minority-Owned Business Enterprises / Women-Owned Business Enterprises Reports (MBE/WBE) (PDF) (5 pp, 309 K, SFF)
Please email a copy of your MBE/WBE report to:
Larry Wells - DBE Coordinator R1_MBEWBEReport@epa.gov |
Your Project Officer |
The Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) is an online database for Brownfields Grantees to electronically submit data directly to EPA.
- Current Users – Login to ACRES
- New Users – If you are new to ACRES, you will need to register at the ACRES Log In page. Follow the steps in the ACRES Registration for New Users (PDF) (3 pp, 288 K) to start using ACRES
Federal Financial Report
- SF425 Federal Financial Report (FFR) (Excel) (1 pg, 36 K)
- Instructions on how to prepare the form (PDF) (5pp, 53 K)
Please email a copy of your SF425 report to your Project Officer.
The Final Federal Financial Report must also be faxed to:
Las Vegas Finance Center
P.O. Box 98515
Las Vegas, NV, 89193
Fax: (702) 798-2423
Closeout Process
Closeout reports are due no later than 90 days after the end of the cooperative agreement period of performance. The reports required for closeout are:
- Final Federal Financial Report
- SF425 Federal Financial Report (FFR) (Excel) (1 pg, 36 K)
- Instructions for SF-425, Federal Financial Report (PDF) (5 pp, 53 K)
- Final MBE/WBE Report
- Final Technical Report
The final technical report should be in the format of a Quarterly Report (See above for template and example below) and summarize all activities performed during the grant period to include:- a final budget
- a list of all sites assessed/cleaned up using grant funding
- all activities performed using grant funding
- Final Lobbying Certification (For grants awarded in FY2000 - FY2005 only)
- EPA Form 5700-53 Lobbying and Litigation Certificate (PDF) (1 pg, 463 K, SFF)
Please email or mail completed documents to your Project Officer:
The Final Federal Financial Report must also be faxed to:
Las Vegas Finance Center
P.O. Box 98515
Las Vegas, NV, 89193
Fax: (702) 798-2423