Waste Site Cleanup & Reuse in New England
Brownfields Basics
EPA's National Brownfields Redevelopment Initiative
Although brownfields properties are usually urban, such as an old warehouse or an abandoned factory, they can also be found in rural areas such as abandoned mines or fields where illegal dumping has taken place. In order to bring these properties back to productive use, a coordinated effort was needed to bring about the rejuvenation of these sites and the revitalization of the neighborhoods surrounding them.
The brownfields issue is one of President Bush's and EPA Administrator Christie Whitman's priorities. As Administrator Whitman noted at the National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals Brownfields Showcase Community Summit, held in Washington, D.C. on June 25, 2001,
"You can be sure that both President Bush and I are committed to continuing the work of brownfields restoration. Reclaiming brownfields is an effective way to help revitalize and reinvigorate those neighborhoods where they are located while, at the same time, prevent the spread of sprawl and its attendant problems."
- EPA New England Brownfields Activities (CT, MA, MA, NH, RI, VT)
- EPA National "Hot Issues"
- EPA National Brownfields
In January 1995, EPA announced the Brownfields Action Agenda, which outlined the activities EPA would conduct to further brownfields redevelopment efforts. In May 1997, the Brownfields National Partnership Action Agenda was announced, which formalized brownfields efforts and commitments to brownfields redevelopment across various federal agencies and non-federal brownfields organizations. In 2002, the Action Agenda was updated. The 2002 Brownfields National Partnership Action Agenda is an agreement between the agency and 21 other federal agencies and departments which have committed to work together to redevelop Brownfields. The Agenda makes over 100 commitments for cooperative work to help communities more effectively prevent, clean up and reuse Brownfields.