Waste Site Cleanup & Reuse in New England
What's New: September 2015
In this Issue
- 1,4-Dioxane Assessment & Remediation Workshop
- 2015 International Economic Development Council Annual Conference
- Wildlife Habitat Council Conservation Conference
- 2016 National Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference
- Smart Growth America's Technical Assistance Workshops
- Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Announces Availability of Brownfields Remediation Project Grants
Send your Brownfields-related items for inclusion in this newsletter to R1Brownfields@epa.gov.
Disclaimer: Some of the events, articles and websites listed in this newsletter are non-EPA sponsored events and websites. EPA is providing them for your information only and is not responsible for the content of the websites or the information distributed at a non-EPA listed event.
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1,4-Dioxane Assessment & Remediation Workshop
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Fireside Inn and Suites
25 Airport Road
Lebanon, NH
Click Here To Find Out More!
NEW! More Information about Exhibit Opportunities (PDF) (1 pg, 277 K)
Please join the Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA) for a 1,4-Dioxane Assessment & Remediation Workshop. The workshop will provide information on various aspects of investigating and mitigating sites with 1,4-dioxane contamination, including:
- toxicology
- fate & transport
- historic use & prevalence
- regulatory guidelines, policies, and approaches
- treatment technologies & recent developments
- case studies & state panel
Presenters include:
Paul Dombrowski, AECOM
Shannon Pociu, CT DEEP
Christopher Teaf, Florida State University
Steven Woodard, ECT
And case studies presented by CT DEEP, MassDEP, & NH DES
The workshop fee is $200 per person (with a reduced fee of $50 for government officials, non-profit staff and academic researchers) - continental breakfast and lunch are included.
Continuing Education Credits: NEWMOA has applied for at least 5.0 continuing education credits for CT LEPs, MA LSPs, and NJ LSRPs. NEWMOA will post the course numbers as approval is received.
- Registration
- Agenda
- Travel Information
- Exhibit Opportunities (PDF) (1 pg, 277 K)
2015 International Economic Development Council Annual Conference
October 4 – 7, 2015
Anchorage, Alaska
The International Economic Development Council (IEDC) Annual Conference is the world's largest annual gathering of economic developers. The IEDC staff has constructed a thought-provoking program and an outstanding lineup of expert speakers. The Anchorage Host Committee is working hard to share the city's many appeals and lessons learned in their community. The conference sessions will explore an innovative foundation for economic prosperity and evolving roles for economic development practitioners.

Wildlife Habitat Council Conservation Conference
November 11-12, 2015 | Baltimore, MD
The Wildlife Habitat Council Conservation Conference is taking the lead in offering timely education and networking opportunities, as well as celebrating corporate conservation efforts around the world. Registration is now open.

2016 National Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference
September 28-30, 2016
Hilton Baltimore, Baltimore, MD
The Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference is the sole national conference dedicated to helping communities find new solutions for vacant, abandoned, tax-delinquent, and other problem properties.
It attracts and connects professionals from many interrelated fields, including community development, urban policy, code enforcement, affordable housing, land banking, urban planning, economic development, and public safety.
More information about the Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference is available on their website.

Smart Growth America's Technical Assistance Workshops
Applications due October 21, 2015
Application Webinar September 30, 2015
Each year Smart Growth America offers a limited number of technical assistance workshops at no charge, and we’re proud to announce that applications are now open for our 2016 free technical assistance workshops.
Visit the Smart Growth America website to learn about this year’s opportunity, including the types of workshops available and information about how to apply. Applications are due by Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 5:00 PM EDT.
Organizations or communities interested in applying for these workshops are invited to join a webinar on Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at 1:00 PM EDT to discuss the application process and important deadlines. This webinar is free and open to all but advanced registration is required. Register here for the webinar »

Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Announces Availability of Brownfields Remediation Project Grants
Proposals due October 26, 2015
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) is soliciting proposals (PDF) (19 pp, 117 K) for brownfields site redevelopment projects that will support the cleanup of contaminated property and contribute to the state’s economic vitality. Five million dollars in grant funding, which supports an estimated 365 local jobs, is available over the next four years through the new Brownfields Remediation and Economic Development Fund. Rhode Island voters approved creation of the Fund with the passage of the 2014 Clean Water, Open Space, and Healthy Communities Bond. The application deadline is October 26, 2015.