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CLI Phase 2 Report - Table of Contents

On this page:

  • Appendices
  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 7
  • Tables
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 8
  • Charts
  • Chapter 3
  • Chapter 9
  • Acronyms
  • Chapter 4
  • Chapter 10
  • Foreword
  • Chapter 5
  • Chapter 11
  • Executive Summary
  • Chapter 6

  • Appendices vii
    Tables ix
    Charts xi
    Acronyms xiii

    Top of page

    Foreword xv
    Outline of the Phase II Report xvii
    How to Use this Report xix

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    Executive Summary 1
    The Phase II Process 2
    Phase II Research 4
    Conclusions of Quantitative and Qualitative Research 6
    Phase II Recommendations 7
    Signal Words and Hazard Hierarchy Recommendations, Ingredients Recommendations, Label Format Recommendations, Consumer Education and "Read the Label FIRST!" Recommendations, and Storage and Disposal Recommendations
    EPA Actions on CLI Recommendations 12
    Draft OPP Strategy for Implementation of the Phase II Label Changes, CLI Media Event, Completion of the Phase II Report, and Consumer Education Campaign
    Next Steps for the CLI 16

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    Chapter 1: Overview of Phase II of the CLI 17
    Focus of Phase II 18
    CLI Participants and Their Roles 19
    Role of the EPA, Role of the CLI Task Force Member, Role of EPA Partners, Stakeholder Outreach, and Other Participants in the CLI
    The Process of Phase II 22
    The History of Phase II
    Research in Phase II 25
    First Aid Qualitative Research, Quantitative Consumer Research, and Qualitative Consumer Mini Focus Groups
    CLI Subgroup Activities 28
    Quantitative and Qualitative Research Core Group, Standardized Environmental Information on Product Labels Subgroup, Storage and Disposal Subgroup, and Consumer Education Subgroup

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    Chapter 2: Quantitative Research 33
    Strategy for the Quantitative Research 35
    Quantitative Study Design 36
    Screening to Identify Product Category, Users for Use in the Study, Non-User Results, and Sample for the Telephone Interviews and Mail Questionnaire
    Telephone and Mail Questionnaires 40
    Survey Questionnaires and Learning Objectives, Telephone Interview Outline, and Mail Questionnaire Outline
    Quantitative Research Data 44
    Statistical Testing of Data, Breakdown of CLI Data, and Data Precision
    Quantitative Research Findings and Implications 47
    Learning Objectives and Topic Areas, Findings and Implications, Findings and Implications continued, Part 1, and Findings and Implications continued, Part 2

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    Chapter 3: Qualitative Research 85
    Research Design 87
    Recruitment Criteria, and Development of the Discussion Guides
    Process of the Mini Focus Groups 90
    Findings from the Mini Focus Groups 92
    Past Experience and Product Selection, Reading Labels and Implications of Not Reading Labels, Satisfaction with Current Labels for Products Discussed, Which Label Sections Participants Read, Why and When Mini Focus Group Participants Read Product Labels, Locations for Types of Label Information, Signal Words, Graphical Representation of Signal Words, Understanding Directions for Use, Precautionary and Other Label Statements, Listing Ingredients, Boxed Formats, Separate Pamphlet, Label Standardization, and Logos for the "Read the Label FIRST!" Campaign

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    Chapter 4: Quantitative And Qualitative Research Conclusions 107

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    Chapter 5: First Aid - Qualitative Research 109
    First Aid Phase I Findings
    First Aid Phase II Goals and Objectives 110
    First Aid Phase II Acivities: Methodology of One-on-One Interviews, and Strengths and Limitations of Qualitative Research
    Findings from First Aid Qualitative Interviews 112
    General Findings, and Findings Specific to Particular First Aid Statements
    First Aid Statements as a Result of Phase II 120

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    Chapter 6: Phase II Sub-Groups 123
    SUB-SECTION 1: Standardized Environmental Information on Product Labels Subgroup
    SUB-SECTION 2: Storage and Disposal Subgroup 125
    Findings from Phase I, and Goals and Objectives for Phase II
    Storage and Disposal Activities in Phase II 125
    North American Hazardous Materials Management Association (NAHMMA) Annual Meeting, NAHMMA Mailing, Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association (CSMA) and Household and Institutional Products Information Council (HIPIC) Members' Presentations, The Waste Watch Center (WWC) Report on Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Management Programs, Discussion Paper Evolving from the 1995 Cleaning Products Summit, and Telephone Conversations
    Learnings from Phase II Research 129
    Learnings from the NAHMMA Annual Meeting, Information from NAHMMA Mailing, Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association (CSMA) and Household and Institutional Products Information Council (HIPIC) Members' Presentations, Waste Watch Center (WWC) Report on Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Programs, Discussion Paper Evolving from the 1995 Cleaning Products Summit, and Findings from Telephone Conversations
    CLI Storage and Disposal Subgroup Activities 145
    Areas of Agreement for Storage and Disposal Label Language, Areas of Disagreement for Label Language, and Suggestions for Label Language for Partially-filled Containers
    SUB-SECTION 3: Consumer Education Subgroup 150
    Overview and Goals of the Consumer Education Campaign
    CLI Consumer Education Subgroup Activities 152
    Components of the Consumer Education Plan

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    Chapter 7: Partner And Task Force Meetings 155
    March 20, 1997 CLI Phase II "Kick-off" Meeting
    February 1998 Partner and Task Force Meeting 157
    September 1998 Partner and Task Force Meeting 158
    April 1999 Partner and Task Force Meeting 159
    Components of the Consumer Education Plan

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    Chapter 8: Stakeholder Interactions And Comments 161
    Stakeholder Outreach, Media Conferences and Public Announcements, Publications/Memos and Correspondence, CLI Website, and Stakeholder Meetings
    Stakeholder Comments 164
    Comments on the CLI, Comments on EPA Policy, Comments on Quantitative Research, Comments on Labeling, Comments on Consumer Education, Comments on the Flammability of Products, Comments on Disclosure, Comments Relating to Storage and Disposal Issues, and EPA Response to Stakeholder Comments

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    Chapter 9: CLI Phase II Recommendations 169
    Signal Words and Hazard Hierarchy Recommendations, Ingredients Recommendations, Label Format Recommendations, Consumer Education and "Read the Label FIRST!" Recommendations, and Storage and Disposal Recommendations
    EPA Actions on CLI Recommendations 175
    Draft OPP Strategy for Implementation of the Phase II Label Changes, CLI Media Event, Completion of the Phase II Report, and Consumer Education Campaign

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    Chapter 10: Public Review Of The CLI Phase II Report Draft 179
    Comments on the CLI Phase II Report Draft 180
    Comments on the CLI 181

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    Chapter 11: Peer Review Comments On The Phase II Report Draft 183
    Background, Document Reviewed, and Peer Reviewers
    Charge to Reviewers 184
    Summary of Reviewers' Comments: Study Design, Study Results and Recommendations, Other Comments, and Peer Review Process
    Questions to the Peer Reviewers 188
    Study Design, Study Implementation, Study Results and Recommendations, Peer Review Process, and Other

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