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List of Charts

Chart Name Page Number
Chart 2-1 How Satisfied Are You Overall With the Information Currently Available on Product Packaging? 49
Chart 2-2 Was All of the Information on the Label Where You Expected It to Be? 54
Chart 2-3 Ability to Identify Effects on Personal and Children’s Health or Safety 55
Chart 2-4 Ability to Identify Product Contents or Ingredients 56
Chart 2-5 Frequency of Reading in Store 57
Chart 2-6 Summary of Items Never Read 59
Chart 2-7 Which Way Would You Most Like to See the Information Shown? 62
Chart 2-8 Which of the Two Product Packages Has The Type of Information You Prefer? (Household Cleaner) 63
Chart 2-9 For Each Type of Information, Which Do You Prefer Regarding Product Contents or Ingredients? 64
Chart 2-10 Reasons Why Never Read Indoor Insecticides 65
Chart 2-11 Reasons Why Never Read Household Cleaner 66
Chart 2-12 Reasons Why Never Read Outdoor Insecticides 67
Chart 2-13 What Do You Think This Icon/Picture Means? (Plastic Material Code) 69
Chart 2-14 What Level of Risk Do You Associate With a Product That Has the Following Words on Label? 71
Chart 2-15 What Level of Risk Do You Associate With a Product That Has the Following Words on Label? 72
Chart 2-16 When Shopping Do You Look on Product Packaging for Possible Harmful Effects? 72
Chart 2-17 Besides packaging Where Else Do You Get Information About the Products You Use? 74
Chart 2-18 When Shopping Do You Look for Information About the Ingredients? 76
Chart 2-19 If an Indoor Insecticide Label Were to Provide You With Additional Information About Ingredients, Which of the Following Would You Prefer? 77
Chart 2-20 If a Household Cleaner Label Were to Provide You With Additional Information About Ingredients, Which of the Following Would You Prefer? 77
Chart 2-21 If an Outdoor Pesticide Label Were to Provide You With Additional Information About Ingredients, Which of the Following Would You Prefer? 78

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