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Index of Cleared Science Reviews for Simazine (Pc Code 080807)

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August 16, 1967. Review. 18 Page(s).
PD Baron. Toxicology Branch.
Geigy Simazine 80W (80% Wettable Powder). Simazine Technical.
Acute mouse oral... Inert ingredient information on pages 1 and 13 not included.
Pages 14-17 removed, draft labeling. Tox review 001891.
Document (PDF) (928 KB PDF).

August 07, 1973. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Robert Schmidt. Toxicology Branch.
Simazine (Princep 80W) - Request for the establish- ment of a temporary tolerance
for combined residues of the herbicide simazine... and its metabolites...
in or on fish at 3.5 ppm. PP 5F0447.
Document (PDF) (117 KB PDF).

November 22, 1977. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
J. D. Doherty. Toxicology Branch.
Triox Liquid Vegetation Killer. Caswell #63, 184, 97, 740.
Document (PDF) (231 KB PDF).

September 07, 1978. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Larry Anderson. Toxicology Branch.
Addition of Data to the Files for Caswell #295, 63, 740, 634, 11, 284A, 435.
Document (PDF) (420 KB PDF).

October 22, 1979. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
S. A. Sterling. Fungicide Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 1812-ELN. Griffin Simazine 4L Flowable Herbicide. Caswell #740.
Document (PDF) (178 KB PDF).

August 20, 1982. Report. 19 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation..
IBT Validation Report - Simazine. Carcinogenicity Evaluation with Simazine
Technical in Albino Mice (IBT No. 8580-08907). Tox Review 002561.
Document (PDF) (1119 KB PDF).

October 07, 1983. Review. 18 Pages.
Martha Bradley. Residue Chemistry Branch.
Update Propazine. Acceptable Name: Propazine. Pesticide Reg. Sec. 180.243. DETERMINATION
CHROMATOGRAPHY. Pages 8-18 removed, confidential statement of formula.
Document (PDF) (188 KB PDF).

November 04, 1983. Memorandum. 19 Page(s).
Robert Jaeger. Toxicology Branch.
Simazine Registration Standard. Tox review 003689.
Document (PDF) (1443 KB PDF).

March 07, 1985. Review. 11 Page(s).
Stuart Cohen. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Environmental Fate Review of EPA Reg. No. 100-541. Simazine.
Proposed Ciba-Geigy Site Selection Plan.
Document (PDF) (659 KB PDF).

March 13, 1985. Review. 46 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation.
Simazine Addendum. Final Report. Task 1: Review and Evaluation of Individual Studies.
Contract No. 68-01-6679.
Document (PDF) (1369 KB PDF).

April 24, 1985. Report. 8 Page(s).
Dynamac Corporation.
Simazine Addendum. Final Report. Task 2: Environmental Fate and Exposure Assessment.
Contract No. 68-01-6679.
Document (PDF) (411 KB PDF).

April 30, 1985. Review. 5 Page(s).
John Jordan. Exposure Assessment Branch.
EAB Review of EPA Reg. No. 100-541. Simazine. Response to RS.
Document (PDF) (1899 KB PDF).

May 22, 1985. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Charles Trichilo. Residue Chemistry Branch.
ID# 080801. Ametryn and others groundwater data call-in. RCB# 823.
Document (PDF) (97 KB PDF).

July 29, 1985. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Philip Gray. FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel.
Scientific Advisory Panel's Review of: 1) the Oncogenicity Issue being Considered
by EPA in Connection with the Special Review on Dicofol; 2) Notice of Intent to
Cancel Registrations of Certain Simazine Pesticides.
Document (PDF) (138 KB PDF).

September 09, 1985. Memorandum. 14 Page(s).
George Robinson. Fungicide-Herbicide Branch.
ID # 100-541 Simazine Registration Standard: Recent Toxicology Studies.
Acc. Nos. 257692, 257693, 257694, and 244268 Tox review 004656.
Document (PDF) (1205 KB PDF).

July 01, 1986. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Andrew Rathman. Residue Chemistry Branch.
PP#6E3385. Simazine in or on stone fruit. Accession No. 261898. RCB No. 828.
Document (PDF) (343 KB PDF).

July 15, 1986. Review. 64 Page(s).
Carolyn Offutt. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Environmental Concentration Review of EPA Reg. No. 100-587. Metolachlor
(Technical) and Simazine. Review Surface Water Monitoring (1979-1985).
Document (PDF) (1858 KB PDF).

September 18, 1986. Review. 3 Page(s).
Samuel Creeger. Exposure Assessment Branch.
Environmental Fate Review of Simazine. Ground-Water Monitoring Data
- Hardcopy for EAB Files.
Document (PDF) (152 KB PDF).

November 07, 1986. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Thomas Armitage. Ecological Effects Branch.
CIBA-Geigy Corporation Submission of Data in Response to Registration Standard.
Document (PDF) (291 KB PDF).

December 18, 1986. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Robert Jaeger. Toxicology Branch.
Review of Metabolism Study Performed on Simazine Submitted by Ciba-Geigy
Corporation. EPA ID Number 100-541. Acc 262646. Tox review 005641.
Document (PDF) (368 KB PDF).

February 09, 1987. Memorandum. 13 Page(s).
William Boodee. Residue Chemistry Branch.
Ciba-Geigy's Response to the Product Chemistry Chapter - Simazine Registration
Standard (EPA Accession No. 255084) - RCB No. 1791. Manufacturing process information
on pages 1 and 2 has been removed. Pages 10-13 deleted-confidential appendix.
Document (PDF) (357 KB PDF).

April 27, 1987. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Deloris Graham. Fungicide Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 10182-RRI Trooper Herbicide MRID 400627-01 thru 07.
Pages 7-8 removed, draft labeling. Tox review 006218.
Document (PDF) (439 KB PDF).

April 28, 1987. Memorandum. 6 Page(s).
Maxie Jo Nelson. Residue Chemistry Branch.
EPA Reg. No. 100-541. Atrazine and Simazine. Protocols for Conducting Animal
Metabolism Studies. RCB No.: 2107. MRID/Acess. No.: None.
Document (PDF) (368 KB PDF).

July 02, 1987. Review. 19 Page(s).
Carolyn Offutt. Exposure Assessment Branch.
EAB Review of Alachlor & Alternatives: Atrazine, Cyanazine, Linuron, Metribuzin,
Metolachlor, Simazine, Trifluralin, Butylate (Ground Water Monitoring Only). Review
of 1985 Surface and Ground Water Screening Results for Selected Herbicides for PD4.
Document (PDF) (1068 KB PDF).

July 07, 1987. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Thomas Armitage. Ecological Effects Branch.
Ecological Effects Branch Response to CIBA-Geigy letter regarding Simazine Registration.
Document (PDF) (121 KB PDF).

July 27, 1987. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
Deloris Graham. Fungicide Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 7364-UN Algimycin GLB-X-II Tox review 006085.
MRID 401904-01, -02, -03, -04, -05. Pages 5-7 are not included-draft labeling.
Document (PDF) (300 KB PDF).

September 15, 1987. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Daniel Rieder. Ecological Effects Branch.
Review of Ecological Effects Branch Request for Monitoring of Simazine
when used on Non-crop Areas.
Document (PDF) (206 KB PDF).

October 06, 1987. Review. 17 Page(s).
Carolyn Offutt. Exposure Assessment Branch.
EAB Review of Alachlor. Submission of Final 1986 Surface Water Monitoring
Results for Alachlor, Atrazine, Cyanazine, Metolachlor, and Simazine.
Page 17 is not included - registration data.
Document (PDF) (777 KB PDF).

October 14, 1987. Memorandum. 8 Page(s).
Deloris Graham. Fungicide Herbicide Branch.
EPA File Symbol 19713-RTR Drexel Simazat 4L MRID 402294-02 thru 07.
Pages 6-8 removed, draft labeling. Tox review 006388.
Document (PDF) (361 KB PDF).

June 01, 1988. Review. 3 Page(s).
Emil Regelman. Exposure Assessment Branch.
EAB Review of EPA Reg. No. 100-501 (Technical Simazine). Princep, Aquazine.
Review of Date Submitted in Response to Registration Standard.
Document (PDF) (94 KB PDF).

September 16, 1988. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
William Boodee. Dietary Exposure Branch.
Response to Simazine Registration Standard, Ciba-Geigy Corporation. Inert ingredient
information on page 1 has been deleted. Pages 7-10 not included-confidential appendix.
Document (PDF) (291 KB PDF).

October 18, 1988. Review. 18 Page(s).
Robert Weir. Dynamac Corporation.
Simazine - Qualitative Risk Assessment from a Rat Two Year Oral Chronic
Toxicity and Oncogenicity Study.
Document (PDF) (758 KB PDF).

January 13, 1989. Memorandum. 11 Page(s).
Henry Spencer. Toxicology Branch.
Toxicology Branch (EPA) Review of Simazine and Differences as Seen
by the California Department of Food and Agriculture.
Document (PDF) (672 KB PDF).

January 13, 1989. Memorandum. 18 Page(s).
James Saulmon. Biological Analysis Branch.
Qualitative Use of the Herbicidal Uses of Simazine.
Document (PDF) (846 KB PDF).

January 30, 1989. Memorandum. 206 Page(s).
Charles Trichilo. Dietary Exposure Branch.
Simazine (SRR) Registration Standard. Pages 198-206 are not included - confidential
statement of formula, quality control and manufacturing process information.
Document (PDF) (11801 KB PDF).

March 08, 1989. Memorandum. 88 Page(s).
James Akerman. Ecological Effects Branch.
Topical Summaries, Disciplinary Review, and Generic Data Requirements
for the Ecological Effects Branch Chapter of the Simazine SRR
Pages 78-80, 85-88 are not included - Registration Data.
Document (PDF) (3330 KB PDF).

March 30, 1989. Memorandum. 19 Page(s).
Michael Barrett. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Second Round Review for Simazine - Leaching Assessment.
Document (PDF) (1300 KB PDF).

June 05, 1989. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Bernice Fisher. Science Analysis & Coordination Branch.
Simazine - Quantitative Risk Assessment, Two Year Chronic/ Oncogenicity
Sprague-Dawley Rat Study Tox review 007309.
Document (PDF) (103 KB PDF).

June 15, 1989. Data Eval. Rec. 3 Page(s).
S. Termes. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Study 2. Determination of the Photolysis Rate Constants and Degradation
Products of Simazine. MRID No. 00143171.
Document (PDF) (137 KB PDF).

July 11, 1989. Review. 17 Page(s).
Silvia Termes. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Simazine (Herbicide) - Second Round Review - Environmental Fate
and Ground-Water Branch Science Chapter.
Document (PDF) (859 KB PDF).

July 14, 1989. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Richard Schmitt. Dietary Exposure Branch.
Simazine (SRR) Registration Standard. Anticipated Residue Assessment
for Determination of Dietary Exposure.
Document (PDF) (80 KB PDF).

July 14, 1989. Memorandum. 7 Page(s).
Al Nielsen. Non-Dietary Exposure Branch.
Non-Dietary Exposure Branch Registration Standard Chapter on Simazine.
Document (PDF) (367 KB PDF).

July 31, 1989. Memorandum. 14 Page(s).
Esther Rinde. Science Analysis & Coordination Branch.
Peer Review of Simazine.
Document (PDF) (611 KB PDF).

July 31, 1989. Memorandum. 266 Page(s).
Henry Spencer. Toxicology Branch I.
Simazine, Toxicology Chapter of the Registration Standard (Second Round Review).
Pages 141-149, 179-189, 203-206, 220-226, 235-240, 249-256 removed, registrant data.
Tox review 007240.
Document (PDF) (9412 KB PDF).

August 24, 1989. Memorandum. 164 Page(s).
Marion Copley. Toxicology Branch I.
Simazine review and/or reevaluation of data evaluation reports for SRR. Pages 62-70,
100-110, 123-129, 138-143, 152-159 removed, registrant data. Tox review 007449.
Document (PDF) (5827 KB PDF).

January 10, 1990. Review. 2 Page(s).
Michael Barrett. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EFGWB Review of Simazine. Request for Time Extension and Reduction in Data
Requirements for the Simazine Use and Monitoring Data Called in.
Document (PDF) (111 KB PDF).

January 25, 1990. Memorandum. 19 Page(s).
R. B. Perfetti. Dietary Exposure Branch.
Sostram Chemical Co. Response to the Simazine Reregistration Standard: Product
Chemistry Data (MRID #41301901, DEB #6237). Quality control information on page
5 is not included. Pages 14-19 are not included - manufacturing information.
Document (PDF) (693 KB PDF).

February 15, 1990. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Richard Schmitt. Dietary Exposure Branch.
Hydroxymetabolites of Atrazine and Other Triazine Herbicides. No MRID Number /
No Accession Number No DEB Number.
Document (PDF) (357 KB PDF).

March 07, 1990. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Francis Suhre. Dietary Exposure Branch.
WA-890034; 24(c) Simazine (Simazine 80 W Herbicide) for use on Cabbage grown
for seed. EPA Reg. No. 2749-163-AA. (No MRID #, DEB No. 6353).
Document (PDF) (112 KB PDF).

March 13, 1990. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Francis Suhre. Dietary Exposure Branch.
WA-890034; Addendum to DEB Review dated 3/7/90.
Document (PDF) (49 KB PDF).

May 24, 1990. Memorandum. 23 Page(s).
Henry Spencer. Toxicology Branch.
Peer Review Meeting on Simazine Following SAP Review.
Document (PDF) (997 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:

July 31, 1989. Memorandum.
Esther Rinde. Science Analysis & Coordination Branch.
Peer Review of Simazine.

May 13, 1991. Memorandum.
Bernice Fisher. Science Analysis and Coordination Branch.
Cyanazine (188C), Atrazine (63) and Simazine Quantitative Risk Assessment
Comparisons on Malignant Mammary Gland Tumors only in Rats.

July 08, 1991. Memorandum.
Bernice Fisher. Science Analysis and Coordination Branch.
Cyanazine (188C), Atrazine (63) and Simazine Quantitative Risk Assessment
Comparisons on Malignant Mammary Gland Tumors only in Rats. Revised
Comparisons as of July, 1991.

*End of Attachments*

June 15, 1990. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Richard Schmitt. Dietary Exposure Branch.
Revised Simazine Dietary Exposure for Special Review. No Accession Number /
No MRID Number No DEB Number.
Document (PDF) (302 KB PDF).

June 20, 1990. Memorandum. 35 Page(s).
Karl Baetcke. Toxicology Branch I.
Simazine - Mutagenicity Data Submitted under MRID Nos. 414429-01 and -02
EPA ID #100-541. Pages 7-15, 21-35 removed, registrant data. Tox review 007992.
Document (PDF) (476 KB PDF).

June 28, 1990. Memorandum. 11 Page(s).
Richard Griffin. Science Analysis & Coordination Branch.
Revised Dietary Exposure/Risk Analysis for Simazine Special Review.
Document (PDF) (849 KB PDF).

July 19, 1990. Review. 43 Page(s).
Emil Regelman. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EFGWB Review of EPA Reg. No. 100-541. Simazine (Princep; Aquazine).
Review of New Batch-Equilibrium Adsorption... Studies...
Pages 13-26, 31-43 are not included - registration data.
Document (PDF) (906 KB PDF).

July 25, 1990. Oneliner. 4 Page(s).
Environmental Fate and Ground Water Branch..
Pesticide Environmental Fate One Line Summary Simazine.
Document (PDF) (201 KB PDF).

January 01, 1991. Review. 7 Page(s).
S. C. Termes. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
Atrazine, Simazine and Cyanazine Structural similarities and differences; Degradates.
Document (PDF) (510 KB PDF).

January 07, 1991. Memorandum. 17 Pages.
Joseph A. Cotruvo. Health and Environmental Review Division.
Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR) Analysis of s-Triazine Pesticides and Related Compounds.
Document (PDF) (580 KB PDF).

January 07, 1991. Memorandum. 5 Pages.
Henry Spencer. Toxicology Branch I.
Conclusions Drawn from Structure-Activity-Relationship (SAR) Analysis of
s-Triazine Pesticides and Related compounds from OTS.
Document (PDF) (190 KB PDF).

February 14, 1991. Memorandum. 4 Pages.
Jerome Blondell. Occupational & Residential Exposure Branch.
Review of midwest cancer epidemiology studies related to triazines. HED Project No. INTRA-0141.
Document (PDF) (191 KB PDF).

February 19, 1991. Memorandum. 11 Page(s).
Richard Griffin. Science Analysis & Coordination Branch.
Carcinogenic Risk for Simazine Registered Commodities.
Document (PDF) (744 KB PDF).

July 11, 1991. Memorandum. 22 Page(s).
Karl Baetcke. Toxicology Branch I.
Review of Simazine 2-generation reproduction study in rats. MRID 418036-01.
Guideline 83-4 Tox review 008461.
Document (PDF) (1492 KB PDF).

July 26, 1991. Review. 9 Page(s).
Silvia Termes. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
List A Chemical, Data Call-In (48-Hour Review). Simazine. Case #0070.
Document (PDF) (538 KB PDF).

September 27, 1991. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Henry Spencer. Toxicology Branch I.
Review of supplemental data for "Tests for other genotoxic effects autoradiographic
DNA repair test on rat hepatocytes". MRID 414419-02. Tox review 008609.
Document (PDF) (80 KB PDF).

October 21, 1991. Memorandum. 13 Pages.
John C. Redden. Toxicology Branch I.
Requested review of a fourteen day repeated dose oral toxicity/hormone study, and
measurements of various hormones in rat serum for evidence of possible hormonal
mediated carcinogenesis. MRID No.: 414793-01 & 415109-01. TXR No. 008723.
Document (PDF) (1132 KB PDF).

October 30, 1991. Review. 67 Page(s).
Spencer. Toxicology Branch.
Peer Review Files Simazine Tox review 008512.
Document (PDF) (2736 KB PDF).

January 07, 1992. Memorandum. 10 Page(s).
Henry Spencer. Toxicology Branch I.
Review of "Dermal sensitization study in guinea pigs." MRID 411845-01.
Pages 8-10 removed, registrant data. Tox review 008997.
Document (PDF) (489 KB PDF).

January 23, 1992. Review. 5 Page(s).
Elizabeth Behl. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EFGWB Review of Simazine (Princep). Review of the Interim Report - Ottawa
County (Ohio) Paired Watershed Project.
Document (PDF) (549 KB PDF).

February 06, 1992. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Douglas Urban. Ecological Effects Branch.
Data Review Submission for Aquarium Pharmaceuticals.
Information on Page 3 is not included - Source Information.
Document (PDF) (450 KB PDF).

February 20, 1992. Memorandum. 19 Page(s).
William Hazel. Chemistry Branch II.
Simazine 95% Technical (ID # 080807) Oxon Italia S.P.A.: Response
to the Simazine Guidance Document, dated 4/14/84: Product Chemistry.
MRID 41676701. Quality control procedure information on page 5 & 6 deleted.
Pages 14-19 removed-confidential appendix.
Document (PDF) (667 KB PDF).

April 03, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Charles Trichilo. Occupational & Residential Exposure Branch.
Simazine Meeting with Ciba-Geigy.
Document (PDF) (85 KB PDF).

April 06, 1992. Review. 23 Page(s).
Akiva Abramovitch. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EFGWB Review of Simazine. Review of Proposed Protocol for
Photodegradation on Soil (161-3) Study. Update of Status of Data
Requirements. Response to Waiver Requests: 162-4 and 164-2 Data Requirements.
Pages 6-23 are not included - registration data.
Document (PDF) (232 KB PDF).

April 17, 1992. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Edward Zager. Chemistry Branch II.
Simazine: Product Chemistry Requirements for the Ciba-Geigy Technical (EPA Reg. No. 100-541).
No CBRS No.: No DB Barcode No.
Document (PDF) (64 KB PDF).

May 22, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Karl Baetcke. Toxicology Branch I.
Comments on Registrant Clarification Request For a Red Cell Binding Study on Simazine.
Document (PDF) (71 KB PDF).

May 27, 1992. Review. 10 Page(s).
Elizabeth Behl. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EFGWB Review of Simazine. EPA Reg. No. 100-541. Acknowledge Receipt of
Detections in Wells & Request Additional Information.
Document (PDF) (618 KB PDF).

July 01, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Karl Baetcke. Toxicology Branch IV.
Simazine: data requirements for DCI.
Document (PDF) (82 KB PDF).

July 07, 1992. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Michael Metzger. Chemistry Branch II.
Metabolism of the Triazine Herbicides Atrazine, Simazine, and Cyanazine.
Issues to be presented to the Metabolism Committee on 7/8/92.
Document (PDF) (534 KB PDF).

July 30, 1992. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Edward Zager. Chemistry Branch II.
Reregistration of Simazine. Ciba-Geigy Response to Product Chemistry
Requirements: CBRS # 9496: DP Barcode D175034: MRID No. 42181501.
Pages 7-9 not included-confidential appendix.
Document (PDF) (360 KB PDF).

August 07, 1992. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Michael S. Metzger. Chemistry Branch II.
Atrazine, Simazine, & Cyanazine. Results of the Metabolism Committee Meeting of 07/09/92.
Document (PDF) (185 KB PDF).

September 30, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Edward Zager. Chemistry Branch II.
Simazine. Telecon with SRRD and Registrant.
Document (PDF) (104 KB PDF).

October 07, 1992. Review. 7 Page(s).
Henry Nelson. Envirnomental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EFGWB Review of Simazine (Numerous). Review of Literature Simazine in Surface Water Data.
EFGWB Number 92-0646.
Document (PDF) (421 KB PDF).

October 21, 1992. Review. 7 Page(s).
Henry Nelson. Envirnomental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EFGWB Review of Simazine (Numerous). Review of Literature Simazine in Surface Water Data.
EFGWB Number 92-0646.
Document (PDF) (419 KB PDF).

November 19, 1992. Review. 69 Page(s).
Akiva Abramovitch. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EFGWB Review of Simazine. Provide Information on Data Requirements
for Remaining Aquatic Non-Food Uses... The Major Registrant (Cib-Geigy)
is Not Supporting Aquatic Uses and These Uses Have Been Supported By
Smaller Companies. EFGWB # 92-0916.
Document (PDF) (2526 KB PDF).

December 04, 1992. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
Edward Zager. Chemistry Branch II.
Atrazine and Simazine. Requested Data Waiver for Poultry Metabolism Studies.
No MRID Number. DP Barcode D184965. CBRS Number 10919.
Document (PDF) (133 KB PDF).

December 09, 1992. Review. 5 Page(s).
Elizabeth Behl. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EFGWB Review of ID #000100-00541. Simazine (Princep, Primatol S).
Acknowledge 6(a)2 Data Receipt - Request Complete Report. EFGWB #92-0922.
Document (PDF) (358 KB PDF).

January 12, 1993. Review. 72 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Data review for Simazine reregistration. MRID#'s 425037-02, 425037-03, 425037-04,
425037-05, 425037-06, 425037-07. Pages 17-18, 25-27, 36-39, 47-49, 56-59, 66-69 are
not included - Registration data.
Document (PDF) (2864 KB PDF).

February 04, 1993. Memorandum. 1 Page(s).
Edward Zager. Chemistry Branch II.
Simazine. Data Waiver Request for Radiolabel Field Studies for Grapes. No MRID Number
DP Barcode D185568 CBRS Number 11,000.
Document (PDF) (61 KB PDF).

February 11, 1993. Memorandum. 5 Page(s).
Andrew Rathman. Chemistry Branch II.
Data Call-In for Hexachlorobenzene and Pentachlorobenzene in Technical
Simazine; Waiver Request. DP Barcode D186556. MRID No. 42583106.
CBRS No. 11187. Manufacturing process information on page 2 is removed.
Pages 4-5 not included-confidential appendix.
Document (PDF) (333 KB PDF).

February 17, 1993. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
W. Smith. Chemistry Branch II.
Response to the Simazine Reregistration Standard: Product Chemistry
(MRID # 42503701, CBRS # 10,753 Barcode: D183773).
Pages 8-9 are not included-confidential appendix.
Document (PDF) (321 KB PDF).

February 19, 1993. Review. 15 Page(s).
Anthony Maciorowski. Ecological Effects Branch.
Data review for reregistration for Simazine MRID# 425666-02
Pages 12-14 are not included - Registration data.
Document (PDF) (634 KB PDF).

March 15, 1993. Review. 5 Page(s).
Elizabeth Behl. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EFGWB Review of ID #000100-00541. Simazine (Cekusima).
6(a)2 Action - 21 ppb Found in Groundwater near Avon Park, Florida.
Remediation Required by Registrants and State. EFGWB #92-1328.
Document (PDF) (415 KB PDF).

April 13, 1993. Memorandum. 2 Page(s).
William Hazel. Chemistry Branch II.
Simazine Reregistration: List A Chemical (Chemical No. 080807; Case No. 0070).
Oxon Italia S.P.A.: Response to the Simazine Document, dated 4/14/84 Product
Chemistry Data Requirements Regarding Stability (63-13) MRID 425555-01.
Document (PDF) (101 KB PDF).

April 13, 1993. Review. 18 Page(s).
Elizabeth Behl. Environmental Fate & Ground Water Branch.
EFGWB Review of Simazine (Aquazine, Princep, Caliber 90). Review Documents
on Simazine Use in U.S. Simazine Occurrence in Ground Water, Retrospective
Monitoring and Response to Agency Letter.
Document (PDF) (1772 KB PDF).

April 27, 1993. Memorandum. 9 Page(s).
Francis Suhre. Chemistry Branch II.
Simazine: Product Chemistry Data for the Oxon Italia S.p.A. 95% TGAI. [CB #:11409;
MRID:426542-01; DP Barcode: D188295] Pages 8-9 not included-confidential appendix.
Document (PDF) (299 KB PDF).

September 01, 1993. Review. 7 Page(s).
Toxicology Branch.
Reference Dose for Chronic Oral Exposure (RfD) for Simazine.
Document (PDF) (694 KB PDF).

December 10, 1993. Memorandum. 3 Page(s).
Penelope Fenner-Crisp. Health Effects Division.
Simazine - Carcinogenicity in Animals.
Document (PDF) (1355 KB PDF).

March 07, 1994. Memorandum. 27 Page(s).
Michael Beringer. Chemical Coordination Branch.
Revised Occupational and residential Risk Assessment for the Triazines.
Document (PDF) (1613 KB PDF).

July 15, 1994. Memorandum. 20 Page(s).
Arthur Schlosser. SRRD.
Exposure Assessment for Uses of Simazine EC, WP and WDG formulations using
the pesticide handlers exposure database. Pages 12-20 removed, registrant data.
MRID 431590-02.
Document (PDF) (601 KB PDF).

August 01, 1995. Memorandum. 25 Page(s).
John Abbotts. Chemistry Branch II.
Atrazine (080803), Reregistration Case No. 0062 & Simazine (080807),
Reregistration Case No. 0070. Special Review. Ciba-Geigy Comments on the Triazine PD1;
Metabolism in Plants & Animals. CBRS No. 15634, DP Barcode No. D215329, MRID 43598602.
Document (PDF) (1223 KB PDF).

August 07, 1995. Memorandum. 4 Page(s).
George Keitt. Biological Analysis Branch.
Response to Ciba-Geigy Regarding Triazine Benefits Analysis.
Document (PDF) (215 KB PDF).

April 05, 1998. Memorandum. 22 Page(s).
John Abbotts. Chemistry Branch II.
Simazine (080807), Reregistration Case No. 0070 and Special Review. Registrant
Ciba-Geigy Corporation. Guideline 171-4a, Simazine Corn Field Metabolism Study.
CBRS No. 13439, DP Barcode No. D200940, MRID 43159001.
Document (PDF) (1146 KB PDF).

April 24, 1998. Memorandum. 22 Page(s).
James Wolf. Environmental Risk Branch 3.
Drinking Water Assessment of HCB and PCB.
Document (PDF) (1264 KB PDF).

March 24, 1999. Memorandum. 102 Page(s).
Anna Bearden. Registration Action Branch, HED.
Atrazine & Simazine- Reviews of five studies examining: 1)Short-term effects on the
rat estrus cycle; 2) Antiestrogenicity in rats; 3) In vitro antagonism of estrogen
action & in vitro binding with the estrogen receptor; 4) Estrogenic responses in MCF-7.
Document (PDF) (5564 KB PDF).
Attachment(s) Following:

March 24, 1999. Memorandum.
Anna Bearden. Registration Action Branch, HED.
(continued) breast cancer cells; 5) estrogenic responses in vivo (rat) and in vitro.
MRID 43598614, 43598617, 43598618, 43598619, 4394403. Tox review 013281.

*End of Attachments*

August 23, 2005. Review. 2 Pages.
Sami Malak. Technical Review Branch.
DP BARCODE #: D320359 EPA RECEIVED DATE: 11/AUG/2005 REG No.: 19713-553
PRODUCT NAME: Drexel Simazine 90DF MRID: 466098-01 FOOD USE [X]
COMPANY NAME : Drexel Chemical Company. ACTION CODE: 570.
Document (PDF) (30 KB PDF).

March 28, 2006. Memorandum. 65 Pages.
Jose Morales et al. Reregistration Branch 3.
Triazine Cumulative Risk Assessment. HED Human Health Risk Assessment In
Support of the Reregistration Eligibility Decisions for Atrazine, Simazine
and Propazine. PC Codes: 080808, 080803, 080807. DP 317976.
Document (PDF) (2715 KB PDF).

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