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About Us

National Information

MCDI is a voluntary program to reduce diesel emissions and diesel fuel usage in the Midwest (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin).

Federal, state and local governments, private companies, and non-profit organizations collaborate to create and support clean diesel coalitions who carry out actions in each state.

MCDI is a conduit for the National Clean Diesel Campaign (NCDC).

Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative Overview (PDF) (4pp., 2.7MB) August 2006

Organizational Structure

MCDI's Steering Committee is comprised of State, National, and other organizations that meet regularly to discuss emerging and evolving issues, determine overall MCDI goals, and to augment State Coalition clean diesel actions. The MCDI Steering Committe is comprised of the following members:

Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative Committee Illinois Green Fleets web site Indiana's DieselWise web site Michigan Clean Diesel Initiative web site Wisconsin Clean Diesel Coalition web site Minnesota's Project Green Fleet web site

Each of MCDI's six State Clean Diesel Coalitions are encouraged and supported through MCDI. State coalitions create the forums to connect interested fleets with technology information and funding opportunities. They can also work together to institute policies and practices. MCDI supports the development of state coalitions though technical assistance and project funds.

Each state has varied priorities and opportunities to reduce diesel emissions. These can range from geographic areas to target, sectors areas of focus, or opportunities for funding at the state and local level. Representatives from each of the State Clean Diesel Coalitions serve on the MCDI Steering Committee.

Old Leadership Group Materials

You can access our old leadership group materials here.

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