ReefLink Database
Ecosystem Services
Ecosystem services are the benefits people obtain from ecosystems (Hassan et al. 2005). Humans directly benefit from Regulating Services that regulate ecosystem processes, Provisioning Services that provide food & raw materials, and Cultural Services that provide opportunities for recreation and aesthetic value. Humans indirectly benefit from Supporting Services that maintain the functioning of the Reef Ecosystem.
CMap Description
Changes in the abundance or condition of reef life have an impact on the health or well-being of humans through the provision of ecosystem services. Many reef species also provide supporting services that maintain the functioning of the ecosystem. Often the socio-economic drivers that benefit from the ecosystem are the same drivers that exert pressures on the ecosystem through their activities. Decision-makers may seek to quantify the importance of ecosystem services through various valuation methods.Citations
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Management Options
More than 50 management options. Click here to load.
Management Option | Description | Sources | Database Topics |
More than 50 laws. Click here to load.
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