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Solid Waste Management

WasteWise's Environmental Management Systems
An environmental management system (EMS) is a formal set of procedures and policies that defines how an organization will evaluate, manage, and track its environmental impacts. ISO 14001 is the international EMS standard. WasteWise can help partners craft the waste reduction aspects of an EMS.

WasteWise's Resource Management Website
Do your solid waste contracts provide financial incentives for waste reduction innovations? If not, perhaps it is time to switch to resource management (RM) contracting, a strategic alternative to traditional hauling and disposal contracts.

EPA's Municipal Solid Waste in the United States Facts and Figures
This detailed report characterizes the national solid waste stream for 2010 and discusses waste generation and waste management trends since 1960. The report includes per capita waste generation rates and national recycling, waste combustion, and landfilling rates.

EPA's Municipal Solid Waste Management in Indian Country Website
This Wastes website contains information to help tribes address waste reduction and other MSW management needs. Topics include funding, laws and regulation, information resources, tribal success stories, educational resources, upcoming conferences, and links.

BioCycle Magazine Exit EPA
A magazine on recycling and composting published since 1960. Some articles are available to read online.

California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) Exit EPA
CalRecycle is the state's leading authority on recycling, waste reduction, and product reuse. CalRecycle plays an important role in the stewardship of California's vast resources and promotes innovation in technology to encourage economic and environmental sustainability. This website is designed for California consumers, businesses, recycling and waste-hauling industries, nonprofit organizations, educational facilities, and others.

College and University Recycling Council (CURC) Exit EPA
CURC facilitates information exchange between institutions of higher education regarding integrated waste management practices. The site provides information on university waste management, membership, and a listserver archive.

Cornell Waste Management Institute Exit EPA
The Cornell Waste Management Institute serves the public through research, outreach, training, and technical assistance, with a focus on organic residuals. The site addresses a broad range of organics including manure and yard and food wastes for a wide array of audiences including households, schools, farms, municipalities and private entities.

Solid Waste OnlineExit EPA
Solid Waste Online is a clearinghouse for buyers and sellers in the solid waste industries. The site features SWOL Times (an online journal), discussion forums, marketplaces for solid waste technology manufacturers and engineering firms, a listing of solid waste management contracts out for bidding, employment opportunities, a product showcase, and a supplier directory.

SWANA - Solid Waste Association of North America Exit EPA
The Solid Waste Association of North America membership encourages environmentally and economically sound solid waste management practices. This site provides information on SWANA conferences, publications, and local chapters. It also features an electronic bulletin board, recent solid waste news, and information on training and certification.

Waste360.com Exit EPA
Waste360.com is the place for waste industry news and analysis, online training and education, insight into best industry practices, and event information and registration. In addition to serving the professionals who make up the $75 billion solid waste industry, Waste360.com also provides large-scale generators of waste — such as retail enters, corporations, schools and universities and manufacturing plants — with information and insight on how to implement sustainability initiatives and most effectively manage their waste streams.

The Waste Reduction Resource Center (WRRC) Exit EPA
WRRC provides pollution prevention support to the states in EPA Regions 3 and 4. The center's staff provides access to the P2 Infohouse collection of more than 13,000 fact sheets, technical reports, case studies, and videotapes. Many of the documents can be viewed online.

INFORM is a nonprofit organization that provides information to businesses on how to promote waste prevention.

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Climate Change

EPA's Climate Change Website
EPA's Climate Change Website offers comprehensive information on the issue of climate change in a way that is accessible and meaningful to all parts of society—communities, individuals, business, states and localities, and governments.

EPA's Climate Change and Waste Website
This site introduces and explains the connection between solid waste reduction and global climate change. The site provides a wide range of useful information on this topic, including a look at EPA programs and EPA grant projects nationwide that are helping organizations and state and local governments estimate greenhouse gas emissions from solid waste management activities.

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) Exit EPA
The Pew Center On Global Climate Change brings a new cooperative approach and critical scientific, economic, and technological expertise to the global debate on climate change. Its efforts are spearheaded by the Center's Business Environmental Leadership Council, whose members include a diverse group of major corporations.

Sustainable Development

GreenBiz.com Exit EPA
This nonprofit provides information, resources, and learning opportunities to help companies of all sizes and sectors integrate environmental responsibility into their operations in a manner that combines ecological sustainability with profitable business practices. Includes a business toolbox, reference desk, and news center.

World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Exit EPA
The WBCSD is a coalition of international companies united by a shared commitment to the environment and to the principles of economic growth and sustainable development. The WBCSD aims to develop closer cooperation between business, government, and all other organizations concerned with the environment and sustainable development.

ICLEI—Local Governments for Sustainability Exit EPA
ICLEI is an association of local governments dedicated to the prevention and solution of local, regional, and global environmental problems through local action. More than 300 cities, towns, counties, and their associations from around the world are Members of the Council.

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Environmental Factoids

Government, education, and nonprofit institutions collect factoids about the savings associated with waste prevention and recycling. For example, have you ever wondered how many trees are conserved by recycling? WasteWise has assembled some of these factoids. Visit the following websites for additional information:

American Forest & Paper Association Exit EPA
AF&PA's recycling section offers facts and figures on paper recovery and recycling rates.

Facts & F.A.Q's Exit EPA
Keene State College produced this Web page to educate consumers about how recycling affects the earth.

Recycle Bits Exit EPA
This website contains data on the energy savings achieved through recycling various materials.

Recycling Revolution – Recycling Facts Exit EPA
This website provides facts about many recyclable items, including plastic, glass, paper, and aluminum.

Keep America Beautiful Exit EPA
Keep America Beautiful, Inc. is a national, nonprofit, public education organization dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and environment in American communities and improving waste handling practices at the community level. The site contains the organization's calendar of events, provides links to member community homepages, and lists a link of its resources on waste management.


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