Where You Live
For more information on reducing waste at your facility, click on an EPA region on the map below to get in touch with the WasteWise contact for your region.

Headquarters Contacts
- Terry Grist (grist.terry@epa.gov) 703.308.7257
Region 1 – CT, ME, MA, NH, RI and VT
Region 1 WasteWise Contacts
- Janet Bowen (bowen.janet@epa.gov) 617.918.1795
Region 2 – NJ, NY, PR, and US VI
Region 2 WasteWise Contacts
- Lorraine Graves (graves.lorraine@epa.gov) 212.637.4099
Region 3 –DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, and WV
Region 3 WasteWise Contact
- Luke Wolfgang (wolfgang.luke@epa.gov) 215.814.2913
Region 4 – AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, and TN
Region 4 WasteWise Contacts
- Rhonda Rollins (rollins.rhonda@epa.gov) 404-562-8664
Region 5 – IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, and WI
Region 5 WasteWise Contacts
- Julie Schilf (schilf.julie@epa.gov) 312.886.0407
Region 6 – AR, LA, NM, OK, and TX
Region 6 WasteWise Contacts
- Deanna DeBose (debose.deanna@epa.gov) 214.665.6461
Region 7 – IA, KS, MO, and NE
Region 7 WasteWise Contacts
- James Callier (callier.james@epa.gov) 913.551.7646
Region 8 – CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, and WY
Region 8 WasteWise Contacts
- Mary Byrne (byrne.mary@epa.gov) 303.312.6346
Region 9 – AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, GU, and Trust Territories
Region 9 WasteWise Contacts
- Laura Moreno (moreno.laura@epa.gov) 415.947.4240
Region 10 – AK, ID, OR, and WA
Region 10 WasteWise Contact
- Domenic Calabro (calabro.domenic@epa.gov) 206.553.6640