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Please see important message regarding EMAP on the EMAP home page
New EMAP Research Strategy. Click here to view the abstract & report.
EPA has completed a research strategy for conducting a national Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) that outlines how the Agency intends to demonstrate and transfer science to better meet the monitoring and assessment needs of states, tribes and regions. The EMAP Research Strategy focuses on developing indicators and unbiased statistical design frameworks (similar to opinion polls) that allow the condition of aquatic ecosystems to be cost-effectively assessed at local, tribal, state, regional, and national scales. States and tribes adopting and using this approach can aggregate their data to provide a national picture of the condition of aquatic ecosystems. Over time, changes and trends in aquatic ecosystem conditions can be determined. This would provide the larger context for evaluating local conditions and provide trends to gauge the effectiveness of environmental protection programs and policies.
New Look: The EMAP Web site has been put into a new Web template that is common to all Environmental Protection Agency Web sites.

EMAP Concept, Design and Implementation Awarded EPAs Silver Medal: For scientific contributions and leadership in developing the science and tools for monitoring and assessing the status and trends of the condition of our environment
Roger Blair Tom DeMoss Dan Heggem Bruce Jones Bill Kepner Harold Kibby |
Rick Kutz Michael McDonald Jay Messer Daniel McKenzie Douglas Norton Anthony Olsen |
John Paul Steven Paulsen Denise Shaw John Stoddard Kevin Summers |
Mapping Coastal Data: We have added dynamic mapping to the EMAP Web site. You can now see a map of all EMAP and REMAP coastal stations since 1990 (not complete for Coastal 2000 stations). Some water quality data (bottom salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen) can be viewed. You can make selective queries: for example, select those stations where dissolved oxygen was < 5.0 mg/l. Give it a try.
Monitoring Design & Analysis: EMAP Monitoring Design and Analysis Web pages now available. EMAP Monitoring Design and Analysis has two major activities: (1) statistical survey design and analysis research for aquatic monitoring programs and (2) transfer of this research to States, Tribal Nations, EPA Regions, and other organizations who want to implement probability surveys as part of their monitoring programs. The objective of these Web pages is to further the achievement of these activities by making information more accessible to others.