PAYT Bulletin: Summer 2001
The PAYT Bulletin is designed to help solid waste planners and others get the latest pay-as-you-throw news and events. Use the links below to read articles from the Summer 2001 issue. To review other issues of the Bulletin, use the links on the right side of this page.
Other Issues
- Could PAYT Offer Hope For New York City's Recycling Program? (Winter 2003)
- PAYT Helps Cities Protect Climate
- State and City Profiles (Summer 2000
- (Summer 2002)
- Large Cities and PAYT (Winter 2002)
- Bigger, Older, Wiser: (Summer 2001)
- Maine Turns to PAYT (Spring 2001)
- PAYT From Sea to Shining Sea (Winter 2000)
- PAYT Bulletin Archives

- Bigger, Older, Wiser: San Francisco Makes a Good Thing Even Better
- In Massachusetts, Recycling Is all about Attitude
- Austin Becomes Fully Automated
- Source Reduction Pays Off in PAYT Programs
- Video conference Promotes PAYT in Pennsylvania
- PAYT: An Economic Incentive for Reducing Pollution
Bigger, Older, Wiser: San Francisco Makes a Good Thing Even Better
San Francisco
- San Franciscos population is 7,039,362 people (2000 census).
- In 1999, San Francisco disposed of 780,000 tons of waste.
- The same year, the city recovered 568,000 tons of materials.
- San Franciscos recycling rate is 42 percent. (California has a 50 percent waste diversion goal.)
More than 5,000 cities across the U.S. have a PAYT program in place to make garbage collection more equitable and efficient, and many of these are mid- to large-size cities. But the city of San Francisco is a leader to them all, having had a PAYT program in place longer than most cities have had a recycling program. The citys PAYT program, which started in the early 1900s, is one of the oldest PAYT programs in the country. With years of experience, San Francisco has found out how to make the most of its program. The citys new Fantastic Three program, which separates discarded materials by type at the curbside into three 32-gallon containers, is the citys latest step in improving its waste and recyclables collection program across the board. In this program, commingled recyclables are collected in a blue container, food scraps and yard trimmings in a green container, and regular garbage in a black container. A year-long pilot project conducted in one area of the city proved so successful that the city now plans to convert two-thirds of the citys residences to this program.

The innovative Fantastic Three program is the first program in the US to collect food scraps at the curbside for composting. Other California cities, including San Jose, are using the Fantastic Three model to improve their own collection programs, said Lisa Schiller with the city of San Franciscos Solid Waste Management Program.
Schiller added that collecting commingled recyclables is a feature of the Fantastic Three program that many other cities are moving toward. Commingled collection makes recycling very easy for residents, Schiller said. The recyclables are sorted at the materials recovery facility by the hauler.
In the pilot project, the use of the three separate containers reduces litter because the containers are lidded. It also deters illegal scavengingsince the recyclables are commingled, it is harder for scavengers to abscond with the more valuable recyclables, Schiller said.
San Francisco also recently approved new waste and recyclables collection rates proposed by the citys private waste haulers. Under the new rates, residents who use the 32-gallon can will be charged about $14.83 per month for waste collection, an increase from the previous rate of $11.68.
As an incentive to recycle more and dispose of less materials, residents can still use a 20-gallon can, and those who do will be charged 77 percent of the 32-gallon container rate, or approximately $11.42 per month. Approximately 8 percent of city residents use the 20-gallon container exclusively right now, and the city anticipates that figure to increase to 17.5 percent of residents within the next 5 years, according to Schiller. The program allows flexibility for higher waste generatorsresidents can purchase an additional 32-gallon container, for an additional $14.80 per month, if one container does not suffice.
Another change to the citys PAYT program has been the addition of all apartment buildings, so all 325,000 residences in the city have access to a PAYT collection program. Apartment buildings in San Francisco are not required to recycle, so putting a PAYT program in place should encourage apartment building managers to promote recycling, because it will save them money on their waste collection bills.
Two private waste haulers, Sunset Scavenger and Golden Gate Disposal, both subsidiaries of Norcal Waste Disposal, collect all the commercial and residential waste and recyclables generated in the city. The haulers are responsible for making sure that the recycling containers are not contaminated with waste materials and educating residents about which materials are recyclable.
For more information, contact Lisa Schiller with San Franciscos Solid Waste Management Program, at 415 554-3437.
In Massachusetts, Recycling Is all about Attitude
Communities with PAYT programs have higher recycling participation
rates, and their residents have a better attitude toward recycling,
according to a recent survey. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental
Protection surveyed 750 state residents and found that recycling
participation in PAYT communities exceeds the statewide average
by a noticeable margin. Seventy percent of PAYT households say that
they are doing all they can to recycle, compared with
50 percent of households statewide that do not have PAYT programs.
Furthermore, only 14 percent of residents in PAYT communities are
not recycling, compared with 27 percent statewide.
Not surprisingly, residents in PAYT communities report that recycling is easy and more convenient, and these residents are less likely to need reminders to recycle than respondents from non- PAYT communities in the state. In addition, residents in PAYT communities are significantly more likely to say that their household is committed to recycling (82 percent), compared with residents in other Massachusetts communities (64 percent).
Recycling rates for specific materialsfrom newspaper, corrugated cardboard, and paperboard to plastic, glass, and metal containersare noticeably higher in PAYT communities than in areas that do not have a PAYT program. The difference in recycling rates is most noticeable for paper products, with residents in PAYT communities recycling much more paper products than their non-PAYT counterparts.
Although the report finds that about half of the states households recycle all that they can, there is room for improvement: one out of four residents do not participate in the states recycling effort, and one-half of residents do not regularly recycle paperboard, mixed paper, or corrugated cardboard. Demographics plays a strong role in shaping residents recycling behaviorthe states most dedicated recyclers are residents age 65 or older who have lived in their communities for more than 10 years. In addition, the southeast region of the state reports a noticeably lower level of participation in recycling programs than other regions.
The report, Massachusetts DEP Recycling Participation Study, is
available online .
Austin Becomes Fully Automated

Austin, Texas, one of several larger cities that hasset up a successful PAYT program, recently made some changes to make its program even better. Automation and fee incentives are enhancing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the program. The city is switching from a semi-automated system to a fully automated system, which allows for one-person crews. The new method of collection will be more cost-efficient, and currently, 40 percent of Austins residents have been converted to the new system, with complete implementation expected by fall 2002.
The city educates residents on how to set out their carts so the
automated loaders can handle them with- out problems. Under the
PAYT program, residents have the choice of using 30-, 60-, or 90-gallon
carts, each with a different rate. Smaller fees are charged for
a second cart. In another program change, extra garbage that will
not fit into a cart can now be placed in a bag affixed with a $2
garbage sticker. Previously, haulers did not collect garbage left
in bags without stickers. Now, bags without proper stickers are
still collected by hand by the hauler, but residents are charged
$4 per untagged bag. Theres no question that the program is
increasing Austins diversion rates. Between October 1999 and
September 2000, the city kept close to 28.5 percent of its residential
garbage from disposal, compared with a 9.8 percent diversion rate
in 1991, the year the program began.
For more information on Austins PAYT program, contact Vidal
Maldonado of the city of Austin at 512 462-4312 or
Educational information and resources for Austins citizens
also are available at the citys Web site .
Source Reduction Pays Off in PAYT Programs
Because it can be difficult to measure, source reductions effectiveness to date has been uncertain. Therefore, source reduction programs have often been under-budgeted in many communities. However, a new study shows three key findings that could alter this trend: source reduction can be measured, its impacts can be significant, and it provides proven economic benefits.
The study finds that PAYT programs reduce landfill disposal by 16 to 17 percent annually, with approximately 6 percent attributable to source reduction. The study also shows that source reduction benefits are almost eight times greater than the cost of setting up PAYT programs.
According to EPAs standard hierarchy, source reduction is the preferred method of solid waste management. Traditionally, source reduction has been more difficult to measure than other waste diversion methods, such as recycling and composting, because of the challenges involved in measuring the amount of waste people arent generating. Skumatz Economic Research Associates, Inc. (SERA) conducted a study that looks at ways to overcome these challenges.
Our firm already has a lot of experience measuring thingssuch as energy conservationthat didnt happen, said Dr. Lisa Skumatz, principal of SERA. We therefore had a good idea what the best approaches would be.
A recent SERA study estimated that PAYT programs are available in more than 5,000 U.S. communities, so results from the source reduction study would have immediate, far-reaching implications.
Based on the assumption that recycling, composting, and source reduction are the three primary waste diversion routes, SERA used two methods to conduct its research. The first method, a cross-section analysis, tapped into SERAs database on waste management in more than 1,000 US communities to evaluate PAYT impacts at a single point in time.
The results of this method show that average generation rates in PAYT communities are 16.1 percent lower than in non-PAYT communities. The second method, a time-series analysis, applied statistical techniques to data on waste generation from 1960 to 1998 to forecast waste disposal behavior. After controlling for demographics, this method shows that waste generation per person would have been 17.3 percent higher without PAYT programs. Once the impacts of source reduction had been measured, the study team was able to calculate cost benefits based on two sources. When costs are valued based on the midpoint of these two estimates, the source reduction benefit/cost ratio is 7.6 from PAYT programs.
For more information, or to order a copy of the SERA report, Measuring
Source Reduction: PAYT/Variable Rates as an Example, contact Dr.
Lisa Skumatz of SERA at 303 494-1178 or at,
or visit SERA online .
Video conference Promotes PAYT in Pennsylvania
More than 100 recycling professionals participated in Pennsylvanias PAYT video conference in April. The statewide video conference featured Lisa Skumatz of Skumatz Economic Research Associates and local experts from three Pennsylvania municipalities who shared their experiences with PAYT in a facilitated panel discussion. Simultaneously broadcast on the Web by GreenWorks.TV, viewers in at least six other states accessed the video conference
Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
(DEP) and the Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania (PROP), the
video conference introduced resources available to local governments
and the waste industry for developing PAYT programs. The Pennsylvania
DEP and PROP hosted the video conference to boost the number of PAYT
programs in the state, with the goal of helping Pennsylvania increase
the state recycling rate from 32.6 percent to 35 percent. We
have promoted PAYT as a way to make the cost of disposing waste
more apparent, therefore, making some of the other alternatives,
such as recycling and composting, more desirable, said Greg
Harder of the Pennsylvania DEP. The number of PAYT programs
in Pennsylvania has increased from 125 to 211 in the past year.The
video conference is available from PROP at 800 769-PROP. For more
information about Pennsylvanias PAYT programs, contact Greg
Harder of the Pennsylvania DEP at 717 787-7382 or,
or access the DEP Web site .
PAYT: An Economic Incentive for Reducing Pollution
In a newly released report, EPA evaluates the effect of PAYT programs on reducing pollution. The report assesses hundreds of economic incentives for reducing environmental pollution. PAYT is discussed as one of the many financial incentives that are replacing traditional regulations.
The document reviews the different forms of variable-rate pricing and provides a description of several variable-rate structures by community. It also lists studies per- formed on communities where PAYT has been introduced and provides general guidelines for introducing PAYT programs. The report concludes that, in many cases, economic incentives such as PAYT result in greater benefits than traditional regulations for reducing pollution.
A copy of the report, The United States Experience with Economic Incentives for Protecting the Environment, can be downloaded by visiting the Web site and linking to the report, located on the right- hand side of the page.