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Contact Region 9

Pacific Southwest, Region 9

Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations

2010 Pacific Southwest Organic Residuals Symposium

Additional Information

UC Davis Extension: Renewable Energy Systems Exiting EPA (disclaimer)

Agenda (PDF) (5 pp, 70K)

Cross-Media Issues — Potential Solutions (PDF) (10 pp, 68K)

Cross-Media Regulatory Conflicts (PDF) (9 pp, 218K)

Contacts for More Information

Lauren Fondahl (fondahl.lauren@epa.gov)
(415) 972-3514

Anna Yen (yen.anna@epa.gov)
(415) 972-3976

Energy and New Uses of Organic Residuals

 Overcoming Cross-Media Challenges

September 14-15, 2010 – Sacramento Convention Center

A challenge to realizing many organic residuals projects comes when actions taken by one agency conflict with the objectives of other agencies, or even other divisions of the same agency. Should stringent stationary source emissions limits be enforced when they result in organics having to be hauled to other counties, states, or countries, with the associated mobile source emissions and fuel consumption? Should projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions be pursued even when they result in increased NOx emissions? How can our regulatory structure be arranged so as to weigh in all the impacts of an option and promote those with the most overall benefits?

Presentations From the Symposium

There is a consensus that we need new technologies to address these issues, and this year we also looked at technologies under development, the mechanisms for moving these projects along, and how these projects address emerging pollutants and pathogens of concern.

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