Contact Pacific Southwest Brownfields
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Land Revitalization in the Outer Pacific Islands
Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
A. B. Won Pat International Airport,
Tamuning and Barrigada, Guam
Department of Public Lands, Saipan, CNMI
Scrap Metal Yard Remediation, Tafuna Village, Tutuila, American Samoa
Land Revitalization in the Outer Pacific Islands (PDF) (2 pp brochure, 960K, About PDF)

The main terminal was completed in 1998. The façade represents a latte stone, ancient stone pillars built by Chamorro people, and found throughout the Mariana Islands

A. B. Won Pat International Airport
Tamuning and Barrigada, Guam
The US Navy transferred over 1800 acres of the former Agana Naval Air Station to the A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority in 2000. Under Base Reuse and Closure authority, the US Navy previously cleaned up contamination to industrial levels, and placed land use restrictions on a number of parcels. The airport wanted to lease these parcels for airport-related purposes. Private companies were hesitant to enter into long-term leases, and spend significant funds on facility improvements to properties with restricted uses. In addition, undeveloped land was available nearby without any of these land use restrictions.
In 2006, the A.B. Won Pat International Airport received three EPA Brownfields cleanup grants to address residual metals contamination at three separate locations within the airport property: a former aircraft graveyard, a former aircraft maintenance facility, and a large drainage facility. The cleanup of the aircraft graveyard and the maintenance facility will allow these parcels to be leased to air cargo handling or similar operations without restrictions. The cleanup of the drainage facility will remove a threat from contaminated runoff to Guam's sole source aquifer.
Cleanup of these parcels will begin in 2008. During the cleanup, soil samples will be taken during excavation and analyzed. Metals analyses are being performed using an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Meter, a portable field device that provides quick turnaround results. Additional soil samples are being sent to the laboratory for confirmation and quality assurance purposes.
Reuse Facts
- A half acre (25,000 square feet) of developable land will be made available for commercial lease through the cleanup action. The airport has the potential to generate up to $90,000 in annual lease revenues when the cleanups are completed.
- Approximately 2,500 yards of contaminated soils will be reused as base material during construction of a new airport perimeter road. This on-airport disposal/reuse option provides a safe cost-effective alternative to off-site transportation and disposal. The soils will be covered with gravel and encased in asphalt, eliminating potential exposure. Perpetual maintenance is ensured by the airport's need to provide security patrols and operate firefighting vehicles on these roadways.
- The airport currently provides more than 2000 jobs to local residents. Cleanup and reuse of these parcels will provide additional employment opportunities to the people of Guam.