Contact Pacific Southwest Brownfields
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Land Revitalization in the Outer Pacific Islands
Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
A. B. Won Pat International Airport,
Tamuning and Barrigada, Guam
Department of Public Lands, Saipan, CNMI
Scrap Metal Yard Remediation, Tafuna Village, Tutuila, American Samoa
Land Revitalization in the Outer Pacific Islands (PDF) (2 pp brochure, 960K, About PDF)

Raising awareness of UXO dangers helped improve public safety at the War in the Pacific Memorial Park, Asan Beach, Guam.
EPA Cleanup Programs at Work
The Vision: To restore the nation's contaminated land resources and enable communities to safely return these properties to beneficial economic, ecological, and societal uses.

Putting formerly contaminated land to use is a priority for all of EPA's cleanup programs. Whether the cleanup is performed as a Superfund removal action, remedial action, RCRA corrective action, a Underground Storage Tanks (UST) cleanup action, or a Brownfields Grant, the end-use of the land is always kept in mind.
A focus on land revitalization helps to:
- foster more efficient cleanups
- bring jobs to communities;
- expand the local tax base;
- drive community rejuvenation; and
- expand recreational and wildlife areas
Numerous obstacles hinder the expansion and development of useable lands in the outer Pacific Islands. These obstacles - distance, topography, isolation, and limited resources - are often coupled with unique historical challenges and a growing demand for development. By working cooperatively with Commonwealth and Territorial governments and other federal agencies, EPA has been able to address these issues to meet the needs of local island communities while protecting human health and the natural environment.
The links on the right side of this page lead to information on EPA's revitalization efforts at specific sites in the Pacific Islands.