Contact Pacific Southwest Brownfields
Pacific Southwest, Region 9
Serving: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Pacific Islands, Tribal Nations
Land Revitalization in the Outer Pacific Islands
Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.
Dededo Sports Complex, Guam
A. B. Won Pat International Airport,
Tamuning and Barrigada, Guam
Department of Public Lands, Saipan, CNMI
Scrap Metal Yard Remediation, Tafuna Village, Tutuila, American Samoa
Land Revitalization in the Outer Pacific Islands (PDF) (2 pp brochure, 960K, About PDF)

Dededo Sports Complex rendition

Dededo Sports Complex
In December 2002, Guam was hit by a super typhoon causing approximately $700 million in damages. The super typhoon caused wind, rain and flooding damage to properties across the entire island resulting in extended power and water outages.

Tire pile before site remediation
In the aftermath, government agencies set up several temporary collection stations for residents to bring their damaged property, such as white goods, construction debris, green waste, and more than 5,000 motor vehicle tires. Hazardous waste was also brought by residents to one of the collections stations located in the Village of Dededo. While FEMA funded most of the waste disposal, tires and potentially contaminated soil was left behind. The site is part of over 150 acres of undeveloped village land managed by the Guam Department of Parks and Recreation (GDPR) and is a center of recreational activity for Island residents.
With grants from US EPA, Guam EPA conducted a Phase I site assessment of the property in April 2008, a first step in the redevelopment process. GDPR created development plans to convert some of the property into a first-class sports complex. These facilities will serve residents and the recreational needs of 10,000+ US soldiers to be relocated to Guam. The tires will be processed and sent to Korea for incineration in a waste-to-energy plant. Steel belts from the tires will be recycled in the Asian steel market. Soils will be investigated prior to development.
Reuse Facts
- 20 acres of formerly unusable land will be put into use.
- Four baseball and softball fields and an outdoor swimming pool will be constructed on the site.