Redevelopment and Sustainability
Waite Park, Minnesota

The City of Waite Park has transformed part of the 202-acre Waite Park Wells Superfund site(PDF) (1 pg, 163K, About PDF) into the 42.1-acre Rivers Edge Park, which features recreational fields, a batting cage, skating rinks, fishing access on the Sauk River, and parking areas. Another section of the site has been developed with a warehouse, restaurant, and the West River Business Park.
Several opportunities and resources are available to help incorporate sustainability into the Superfund site redevelopment process. The links below provide information on several initiatives that can inform and support sustainable reuse of Superfund sites.
- Green Buildings
The design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal of buildings takes enormous amounts of energy, water, and materials, and generates large quantities of waste, air, and water pollution, as well as creating stormwater runoff and heating islands. Learn about opportunities to reduce these impacts. - ER3
The Environmentally Responsible Redevelopment and Reuse (ER3) Initiative is an Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assistance led initiative that uses Agency-wide incentives (including enforcement incentives) to promote sustainable redevelopment of formerly contaminated sites. - Smart Growth
Through EPA's Smart Growth Program, EPA is helping states and municipalities better understand the impacts of development patterns. "Smart Growth" seeks to preserve greenfields and encourages infill development where pre-existing infrastructure supports reuse. - Environmental
Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. The Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ) at EPA works with all stakeholders to constructively and collaboratively address environmental and public health issues and concerns. - Local Economic
Impacts of Site Redevelopment
The productive reuse of formerly contaminated properties can have significant positive economic, environmental, and social impacts on local communities. View this web page to learn more about specific types of benefits that have been attributed to the redevelopment of Superfund sites. - Sustainable Management Approaches and Revitalization Tools electronic (SMARTe)
SMARTe is a joint effort of the U.S.-German Bilateral Working Group, EPA, and the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) Brownfields Team. The tool, which is still being developed, is intended to be used by brownfield project stakeholders for assessing both market and non-market costs and benefits of redevelopment options, clarifying both private and public financing options, evaluating and communicating environmental risks, and easing access to pertinent state-specific information related to specific projects. - Reuse Help Desk
The Reuse Help Desk provides EPA staff and potential developers with information and assistance in carrying out Superfund reuse-related activities including sustainability. It operates from 8 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday, with voice mail service after hours. Call: (434) 817-0470.