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Region 1: EPA New England

Willimantic River - Invertebrates

Invertebrates Estimated Count*
Acentrella 60
Ancylidae 60
Antocha 120
Baetidae 120
Cheumatopsyche 840
Chimarra 1140
Chironomini 60
Cricotopus/Orthocladius 240
Ephemerellidae 60
Ferrissia 360
Ferrissia rivularis 180
Glossosoma 60
Hemerodromia 120
Heptageniidae 360
Hydropsyche 2340
Hydropsyche betteni/depravata 1200
Hydropsyche bronta 360
Hydropsyche morosa 180
Hydropsyche sparna 540
Hygrobates 60
Isonychia 420
Micrasema 120
Nais behningi 60
Nais communis 60
Nematoda 540
Nemertea 120
Oecetis 120
Oulimnius 120
Pisidium 60
Planorbidae 60
Psychomyia flavida 60
Rheotanytarsus 1080
Simulium 60
Sphaeriidae 120
Stenochironomus 60
Stenonema modestum 300
Taeniopteryx 120
Thienemanniella 60
Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 60

*Estimated number based on a subsampling multiplier.

Total stream area sampled is 4 square meters.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & 10 Tribal Nations

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