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Region 1: EPA New England

River DeChute - Invertebrates

Invertebrates Estimated Count*
Agnetina 60
Amphinemura 60
Apatania 120
Atherix 600
Atractides 120
Aturus 60
Baetidae 600
Baetis 360
Brundiniella 60
Chironomidae (pupae) 180
Chironomini 60
Cricotopus/Orthocladius 60
Dicranota 120
Drunella 60
Elmidae 60
Empididae pupa 60
Enchytraeidae 240
Ephemerellidae 240
Eukiefferiella 180
Eurylophella 240
Ferrissia 60
Heptageniidae 60
Hydrobaenus 60
Hydropsyche 420
Hydropsychidae 60
Lebertia 60
Leptophlebiidae 60
Leuctra 180
Leuctridae 120
Lumbriculidae 960
Nematoda 60
Neophylax 60
Ochthebius 60
Optioservus 2100
Oulimnius 60
Pagastia 60
Parametriocnemus 420
Perlidae 60
Pisidium 180
Planorbidae 60
Polypedilum angulum 120
Procladius 60
Promoresia 420
Rheocricotopus 60
Rheotanytarsus 300
Simulium 120
Sphaeriidae 120
Stempellinella 360
Tanytarsus 1800
Tipula 60
Tipulidae 60
Torrenticola 60
Tribelos 60
Trichoptera 60
Tvetenia bavarica grp. 60
Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 60

*Estimated number based on a subsampling multiplier.

Total stream area sampled is 4 square meters.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & 10 Tribal Nations

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