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Region 1: EPA New England

Maine - Invertebrates

Stream Name Invertebrates Estimated Count*
Aegan Brook Agnetina 34
Aegan Brook Amphinemura 34
Aegan Brook Antocha 34
Aegan Brook Apatania 204
Aegan Brook Baetidae 136
Aegan Brook Baetis 170
Aegan Brook Bezzia/Palpomyia 34
Aegan Brook Ceratopogonidae 34
Aegan Brook Chironomidae (pupae) 136
Aegan Brook Cordulegaster 34
Aegan Brook Corynoneura 34
Aegan Brook Cricotopus/Orthocladius 170
Aegan Brook Dolophilodes 34
Aegan Brook Enchytraeidae 34
Aegan Brook Ephemerella 34
Aegan Brook Ephemerellidae 204
Aegan Brook Eukiefferiella 34
Aegan Brook Eurylophella 102
Aegan Brook Ferrissia 34
Aegan Brook Glossosoma 238
Aegan Brook Gomphidae 34
Aegan Brook Heptageniidae 34
Aegan Brook Hexatoma 34
Aegan Brook Hydropsychidae 68
Aegan Brook Hydroptila 102
Aegan Brook Lanthus 238
Aegan Brook Lepidostoma 68
Aegan Brook Leptophlebiidae 170
Aegan Brook Leuctra 136
Aegan Brook Leuctridae 34
Aegan Brook Limnephilidae 34
Aegan Brook Lumbricidae 34
Aegan Brook Mallochohelea 34
Aegan Brook Nematoda 68
Aegan Brook Neophylax 68
Aegan Brook Optioservus 34
Aegan Brook Oulimnius 136
Aegan Brook Parametriocnemus 34
Aegan Brook Pisidium 306
Aegan Brook Plecoptera 68
Aegan Brook Polypedilum angulum 34
Aegan Brook Potthastia gaedii grp. 34
Aegan Brook Promoresia 1190
Aegan Brook Rheotanytarsus 68
Aegan Brook Rhycophila 34
Aegan Brook Simulium 102
Aegan Brook Stempellinella 136
Aegan Brook Tanypodinae 34
Aegan Brook Tanytarsus 1598
Aegan Brook Thienemanniella 34
Aegan Brook Thienemannimyia grp. 68
Aegan Brook Zygoptera 34
Boyden Stream Ablabesmyia mallochi 30
Boyden Stream Amnicola (Lyogyrus) 30
Boyden Stream Amnicola limosa 240
Boyden Stream Aulodrilus limnobius 30
Boyden Stream Baetidae 120
Boyden Stream Calopteryx 30
Boyden Stream Calopteryx maculata 150
Boyden Stream Ceratopogonidae 30
Boyden Stream Coenagrion/Enallagma 30
Boyden Stream Coenagrionidae 600
Boyden Stream Corixidae 30
Boyden Stream Dicrotendipes tritomus 60
Boyden Stream Dromogomphus spinosus 30
Boyden Stream Gastropoda 120
Boyden Stream Helobdella stagnalis 30
Boyden Stream Heptageniidae 270
Boyden Stream Hyalella azteca 1980
Boyden Stream Hydrachna 30
Boyden Stream Hydrobiidae 420
Boyden Stream Hydropsyche 30
Boyden Stream Labrundinia 30
Boyden Stream Lebertia 30
Boyden Stream Lumbriculidae 30
Boyden Stream Macronychus 30
Boyden Stream Microtendipes pedellus grp. 30
Boyden Stream Mystacides 90
Boyden Stream Nemertea 30
Boyden Stream Neureclipsis 30
Boyden Stream Nilotanypus 30
Boyden Stream Odontoceridae 30
Boyden Stream Oxyethira 150
Boyden Stream Paratanytarsus 120
Boyden Stream Peltodytes 60
Boyden Stream Planariidae 90
Boyden Stream Polypedilum illinoense 180
Boyden Stream Procloeon 60
Boyden Stream Sphaeriidae 30
Boyden Stream Stenochironomus 30
Boyden Stream Stenonema 30
Boyden Stream Stylaria lacustris 180
Boyden Stream Synorthocladius 60
Boyden Stream Tanytarsus 150
Boyden Stream Thienemannimyia grp. 30
Boyden Stream Triaenodes 30
Boyden Stream Tribelos 60
Boyden Stream Trichoptera 30
Boyden Stream Zygoptera 60
Carrying Place Stream Agnetina 40
Carrying Place Stream Apatania 40
Carrying Place Stream Attenella 80
Carrying Place Stream Baetidae 240
Carrying Place Stream Baetis 200
Carrying Place Stream Caenis 280
Carrying Place Stream Chironomidae (pupae) 160
Carrying Place Stream Cordulegaster 40
Carrying Place Stream Corynoneura 80
Carrying Place Stream Cricotopus/Orthocladius 40
Carrying Place Stream Dicranota 40
Carrying Place Stream Dolophilodes 80
Carrying Place Stream Ectopria 40
Carrying Place Stream Elmidae 40
Carrying Place Stream Ephemerellidae 40
Carrying Place Stream Eukiefferiella 40
Carrying Place Stream Eurylophella 480
Carrying Place Stream Glossosoma 40
Carrying Place Stream Heptageniidae 200
Carrying Place Stream Hydropsychidae 80
Carrying Place Stream Hydroptila 40
Carrying Place Stream Lanthus 80
Carrying Place Stream Lepidostoma 200
Carrying Place Stream Leptoceridae 40
Carrying Place Stream Leptophlebiidae 40
Carrying Place Stream Leuctridae 240
Carrying Place Stream Lumbriculidae 120
Carrying Place Stream Mystacides 40
Carrying Place Stream Nematoda 40
Carrying Place Stream Odontoceridae 40
Carrying Place Stream Orthocladius 280
Carrying Place Stream Oulimnius 120
Carrying Place Stream Paragnetina 40
Carrying Place Stream Phaenopsectra 560
Carrying Place Stream Polypedilum angulum 200
Carrying Place Stream Polypedilum aviceps 40
Carrying Place Stream Polypedilum flavum 160
Carrying Place Stream Polypedilum illinoense 40
Carrying Place Stream Promoresia 80
Carrying Place Stream Psectrocladius 40
Carrying Place Stream Psilotreta frontalis 40
Carrying Place Stream Rheocricotopus 120
Carrying Place Stream Rheotanytarsus 360
Carrying Place Stream Simulium 40
Carrying Place Stream Stempellinella 360
Carrying Place Stream Stylodrilus heringianus 80
Carrying Place Stream Tanytarsus 3520
Carrying Place Stream Thienemannimyia grp. 160
Carrying Place Stream Tvetenia bavarica grp. 80
Depot Stream Acentrella 120
Depot Stream Acroneuria 60
Depot Stream Apatania 60
Depot Stream Atherix 60
Depot Stream Atractides 60
Depot Stream Baetidae 480
Depot Stream Cheumatopsyche 420
Depot Stream Chimarra 120
Depot Stream Chironomidae (pupae) 60
Depot Stream Cognettia 180
Depot Stream Cricotopus 240
Depot Stream Cricotopus/Orthocladius 360
Depot Stream Drunella 120
Depot Stream Eurylophella 60
Depot Stream Ferrissia 60
Depot Stream Glossosoma 720
Depot Stream Goera 60
Depot Stream Gomphidae 120
Depot Stream Helicopsyche borealis 180
Depot Stream Heptageniidae 120
Depot Stream Hexatoma 60
Depot Stream Hexatoma b 60
Depot Stream Hydropsyche 240
Depot Stream Hydropsyche alhedra 120
Depot Stream Hydropsyche bronta 240
Depot Stream Hydropsyche morosa 60
Depot Stream Hydroptila 60
Depot Stream Isonychia 120
Depot Stream Lanthus 120
Depot Stream Leptophlebiidae 240
Depot Stream Ljania 60
Depot Stream Lopescladius 60
Depot Stream Microtendipes pedellus grp. 120
Depot Stream Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 60
Depot Stream Nematoda 60
Depot Stream Neophylax 60
Depot Stream Nilothauma 60
Depot Stream Ophiogomphus 480
Depot Stream Optioservus 120
Depot Stream Orthocladius 180
Depot Stream Pisidium 840
Depot Stream Polypedilum aviceps 60
Depot Stream Polypedilum flavum 180
Depot Stream Psephenus herricki 60
Depot Stream Psilotreta 240
Depot Stream Rheotanytarsus 840
Depot Stream Rhycophila 120
Depot Stream Serratella 180
Depot Stream Setodes 120
Depot Stream Slavina appendiculata 60
Depot Stream Sphaeriidae 1980
Depot Stream Stempellinella 180
Depot Stream Stenelmis 180
Depot Stream Synorthocladius 60
Depot Stream Tanytarsus 2400
Depot Stream Thienemannimyia grp. 180
Depot Stream Torrenticola 60
Depot Stream Tricorythodes 120
Greenleaf Brook Ablabesmyia mallochi 30
Greenleaf Brook Agnetina 30
Greenleaf Brook Amphinemura 30
Greenleaf Brook Baetidae 150
Greenleaf Brook Baetis 30
Greenleaf Brook Bezzia/Palpomyia 60
Greenleaf Brook Chironomidae (pupae) 30
Greenleaf Brook Dolophilodes 30
Greenleaf Brook Elmidae 30
Greenleaf Brook Ephemerellidae 300
Greenleaf Brook Eurylophella 120
Greenleaf Brook Henlea 30
Greenleaf Brook Heptageniidae 90
Greenleaf Brook Hydropsyche 420
Greenleaf Brook Hydropsychidae 30
Greenleaf Brook Hydroptilidae 30
Greenleaf Brook Larsia 30
Greenleaf Brook Lebertia 30
Greenleaf Brook Leptophlebiidae 60
Greenleaf Brook Leuctridae 90
Greenleaf Brook Litobrancha recurvata 30
Greenleaf Brook Micrasema 30
Greenleaf Brook Mideopsis 30
Greenleaf Brook Odontoceridae 30
Greenleaf Brook Optioservus 240
Greenleaf Brook Orthocladiinae 90
Greenleaf Brook Oulimnius 180
Greenleaf Brook Paramerina 30
Greenleaf Brook Parametriocnemus 60
Greenleaf Brook Paratanytarsus 60
Greenleaf Brook Pericoma 30
Greenleaf Brook Pisidium 1380
Greenleaf Brook Plecoptera 60
Greenleaf Brook Polypedilum angulum 30
Greenleaf Brook Polypedilum aviceps 90
Greenleaf Brook Promoresia 990
Greenleaf Brook Psilotreta frontalis 30
Greenleaf Brook Rheocricotopus 30
Greenleaf Brook Simulium 30
Greenleaf Brook Sphaeriidae 720
Greenleaf Brook Stempellinella 90
Greenleaf Brook Tanytarsus 480
Greenleaf Brook Thienemanniella 30
Greenleaf Brook Thienemannimyia grp. 30
Greenleaf Brook Trichoptera 30
Greenleaf Brook Tubificid immature: bifids 30
Greenleaf Brook Tubificid immature: h+p 30
Greenleaf Brook Xylotopus par 30
Greenleaf Brook Zavrelimyia 90
Halfway Brook Acentrella 480
Halfway Brook Agnetina 60
Halfway Brook Apatania 60
Halfway Brook Atrichopogon 60
Halfway Brook Attenella 240
Halfway Brook Baetidae 360
Halfway Brook Baetis 180
Halfway Brook Bezzia/Palpomyia 240
Halfway Brook Ceraclea 120
Halfway Brook Chironomidae (pupae) 360
Halfway Brook Cricotopus/Orthocladius 180
Halfway Brook Drunella 60
Halfway Brook Elmidae 180
Halfway Brook Ferrissia 120
Halfway Brook Gyraulus crista 60
Halfway Brook Heptageniidae 900
Halfway Brook Hexatoma 60
Halfway Brook Hydrachnida 60
Halfway Brook Hydropsyche 240
Halfway Brook Hydroptilidae 60
Halfway Brook Isonychia 60
Halfway Brook Leptophlebiidae 300
Halfway Brook Leuctridae 780
Halfway Brook Lumbriculidae 120
Halfway Brook Microtendipes pedellus grp. 480
Halfway Brook Nematoda 60
Halfway Brook Optioservus 720
Halfway Brook Orthocladius 300
Halfway Brook Pisidium 60
Halfway Brook Polypedilum aviceps 300
Halfway Brook Potthastia gaedii grp. 60
Halfway Brook Promoresia 120
Halfway Brook Pteronarcys 60
Halfway Brook Rheotanytarsus 180
Halfway Brook Rhyacodrilus 420
Halfway Brook Rhyacodrilus coccineus 60
Halfway Brook Stempellinella 120
Halfway Brook Sublettea 120
Halfway Brook Tanytarsus 3660
Halfway Brook Thienemannimyia grp. 120
Halfway Brook Tubificid immature: bifids 60
Halfway Brook Tvetenia bavarica grp. 60
Hardy Stream Acentrella 80
Hardy Stream Agnetina 80
Hardy Stream Ameletus 80
Hardy Stream Apatania 80
Hardy Stream Arctopsyche 40
Hardy Stream Attenella 40
Hardy Stream Baetidae 40
Hardy Stream Baetis 120
Hardy Stream Bezzia/Palpomyia 40
Hardy Stream Chironomidae (pupae) 160
Hardy Stream Chloroperlidae 120
Hardy Stream Cricotopus/Orthocladius 160
Hardy Stream Dixa 40
Hardy Stream Dolophilodes 120
Hardy Stream Epeorus 40
Hardy Stream Ephemerellidae 960
Hardy Stream Ephydridae 40
Hardy Stream Ferrissia 120
Hardy Stream Glossosoma 200
Hardy Stream Heptageniidae 400
Hardy Stream Hexatoma 40
Hardy Stream Hydropsyche 240
Hardy Stream Hydropsyche sparna 40
Hardy Stream Hydroptila 80
Hardy Stream Lepidostoma 1080
Hardy Stream Leptophlebiidae 840
Hardy Stream Limnephilidae 240
Hardy Stream Lumbriculidae 640
Hardy Stream Oreodytes 40
Hardy Stream Orthocladius 40
Hardy Stream Pericoma 40
Hardy Stream Perlodidae 40
Hardy Stream Plecoptera 80
Hardy Stream Polycentropodidae 40
Hardy Stream Polypedilum angulum 440
Hardy Stream Polypedilum aviceps 80
Hardy Stream Rheocricotopus 40
Hardy Stream Rheotanytarsus 40
Hardy Stream Rhithrogena 120
Hardy Stream Rhycophila 80
Hardy Stream Sperchon 40
Hardy Stream Sweltsa 320
Hardy Stream Tanytarsus 640
Hardy Stream Thienemannimyia grp. 160
Hardy Stream Tipulidae 40
Hardy Stream Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 80
Higgins Brook Ablabesmyia 40
Higgins Brook Ablabesmyia mallochi 120
Higgins Brook Apatania 40
Higgins Brook Baetidae 120
Higgins Brook Bezzia/Palpomyia 40
Higgins Brook Brachycentrus 40
Higgins Brook Caenis 160
Higgins Brook Chironomidae (pupae) 400
Higgins Brook Chrysops 40
Higgins Brook Cladotanytarsus 40
Higgins Brook Corynoneura 40
Higgins Brook Dubiraphia 40
Higgins Brook Epeorus 40
Higgins Brook Gomphidae 80
Higgins Brook Heptageniidae 400
Higgins Brook Hydropsyche 40
Higgins Brook Hydroptila 40
Higgins Brook Leptoceridae 40
Higgins Brook Leptophlebiidae 40
Higgins Brook Lumbriculidae 80
Higgins Brook Macromiinae 120
Higgins Brook Microtendipes pedellus grp. 120
Higgins Brook Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 40
Higgins Brook Mystacides 40
Higgins Brook Neophylax 40
Higgins Brook Nigronia serricornis 40
Higgins Brook Ophiogomphus 80
Higgins Brook Orthocladius 40
Higgins Brook Oxyethira 280
Higgins Brook Phaenopsectra 160
Higgins Brook Planariidae 40
Higgins Brook Planorbidae 40
Higgins Brook Polypedilum 40
Higgins Brook Polypedilum aviceps 40
Higgins Brook Polypedilum laetum 40
Higgins Brook Polypedilum scalaenum 440
Higgins Brook Procloeon 80
Higgins Brook Psectrocladius 120
Higgins Brook Psephenus herricki 40
Higgins Brook Pseudochironomus 120
Higgins Brook Rheotanytarsus 40
Higgins Brook Rhycophila 40
Higgins Brook Slavina appendiculata 40
Higgins Brook Stenacron 120
Higgins Brook Stenelmis 120
Higgins Brook Tanytarsus 3120
Higgins Brook Thienemanniella 80
Higgins Brook Thienemannimyia grp. 120
Higgins Brook Tricorythodes 1360
Horseshoe Stream Acroneuria 60
Horseshoe Stream Amnicola limosa 300
Horseshoe Stream Baetidae 60
Horseshoe Stream Brachycentridae 60
Horseshoe Stream Brachycentrus 300
Horseshoe Stream Cheumatopsyche 1860
Horseshoe Stream Chimarra 780
Horseshoe Stream Chironomidae (pupae) 120
Horseshoe Stream Cricotopus/Orthocladius 60
Horseshoe Stream Ectopria 60
Horseshoe Stream Elmidae 60
Horseshoe Stream Epeorus 60
Horseshoe Stream Ferrissia 60
Horseshoe Stream Gomphidae 60
Horseshoe Stream Heptageniidae 360
Horseshoe Stream Hydropsyche 480
Horseshoe Stream Hydropsyche morosa 540
Horseshoe Stream Hydropsyche slossonae 60
Horseshoe Stream Hydropsyche sparna 120
Horseshoe Stream Isonychia 60
Horseshoe Stream Leuctridae 60
Horseshoe Stream Lumbriculidae 180
Horseshoe Stream Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 60
Horseshoe Stream Nematoda 120
Horseshoe Stream Nigronia serricornis 120
Horseshoe Stream Pisidium 780
Horseshoe Stream Polycentropodidae 60
Horseshoe Stream Polypedilum aviceps 60
Horseshoe Stream Promoresia 420
Horseshoe Stream Psectrocladius 60
Horseshoe Stream Psilotreta indecisa 60
Horseshoe Stream Rheotanytarsus 1080
Horseshoe Stream Rhycophila 60
Horseshoe Stream Simulium 120
Horseshoe Stream Sphaeriidae 2280
Horseshoe Stream Sphaerium 120
Horseshoe Stream Stenelmis 480
Horseshoe Stream Tanytarsus 600
Horseshoe Stream Thienemannimyia grp. 300
Horseshoe Stream Tricorythodes 60
Horseshoe Stream Tvetenia bavarica grp. 240
Horseshoe Stream Valvatidae 60
Kennebunk River Ablabesmyia mallochi 96
Kennebunk River Atherix 192
Kennebunk River Baetidae 864
Kennebunk River Baetis 96
Kennebunk River Brachycentrus 288
Kennebunk River Calopteryx 96
Kennebunk River Chironomidae (pupae) 1344
Kennebunk River Coenagrionidae 96
Kennebunk River Cricotopus 96
Kennebunk River Cricotopus bicinctus 192
Kennebunk River Dubiraphia 960
Kennebunk River Erpobdella 96
Kennebunk River Gastropoda 96
Kennebunk River Gomphidae 96
Kennebunk River Hemerodromia 192
Kennebunk River Heptageniidae 384
Kennebunk River Hydatophylax 192
Kennebunk River Hydrobiidae 384
Kennebunk River Hydropsychidae 672
Kennebunk River Hydroptila 192
Kennebunk River Hygrobates 96
Kennebunk River Lauterborniella 480
Kennebunk River Leptoceridae 288
Kennebunk River Macronychus 96
Kennebunk River Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 576
Kennebunk River Mideopsis 192
Kennebunk River Nematoda 96
Kennebunk River Neoporus 96
Kennebunk River Nilothauma 96
Kennebunk River Orthocladiinae 96
Kennebunk River Orthocladius 96
Kennebunk River Orthocladius (S.) lignicola 96
Kennebunk River Paratanytarsus 96
Kennebunk River Paratendipes 96
Kennebunk River Phryganeidae 96
Kennebunk River Physa 192
Kennebunk River Pisidium 384
Kennebunk River Polypedilum angulum 192
Kennebunk River Polypedilum fallax 96
Kennebunk River Polypedilum illinoense 960
Kennebunk River Polypedilum simulans/digitifer 96
Kennebunk River Potthastia 96
Kennebunk River Promoresia 96
Kennebunk River Rheocricotopus 96
Kennebunk River Rheotanytarsus 2112
Kennebunk River Simulium 1056
Kennebunk River Stempellina 384
Kennebunk River Stempellinella 288
Kennebunk River Stenonema 96
Kennebunk River Tanypodinae 288
Kennebunk River Tanytarsus 2400
Kennebunk River Thienemanniella 288
Kennebunk River Thienemannimyia grp. 288
Kennebunk River Tricorythodes 96
Kennebunk River Tubificid immature: bifids 576
Kennebunk River Veliidae 96
Logan Brook Agnetina 30
Logan Brook Apatania 150
Logan Brook Baetidae 240
Logan Brook Baetis 90
Logan Brook Cheumatopsyche 150
Logan Brook Chironomidae (pupae) 150
Logan Brook Corynoneura 30
Logan Brook Cricotopus/Orthocladius 30
Logan Brook Dolophilodes 180
Logan Brook Drunella 60
Logan Brook Eurylophella 120
Logan Brook Ferrissia 540
Logan Brook Ferrissia rivularis 450
Logan Brook Goera 30
Logan Brook Heptageniidae 150
Logan Brook Hexatoma 30
Logan Brook Lanthus 60
Logan Brook Lepidostoma 480
Logan Brook Leptophlebiidae 210
Logan Brook Leuctridae 60
Logan Brook Lumbriculidae 240
Logan Brook Nematoda 60
Logan Brook Oulimnius 540
Logan Brook Phaenopsectra 60
Logan Brook Pisidium 30
Logan Brook Plecoptera 30
Logan Brook Polypedilum angulum 120
Logan Brook Polypedilum aviceps 240
Logan Brook Polypedilum flavum 30
Logan Brook Potthastia gaedii grp. 30
Logan Brook Promoresia 180
Logan Brook Rhagovelia 30
Logan Brook Rheocricotopus 30
Logan Brook Rheotanytarsus 60
Logan Brook Simulium 30
Logan Brook Sphaeriidae 30
Logan Brook Stempellinella 120
Logan Brook Stenonema vicarium 30
Logan Brook Tanytarsus 1290
Logan Brook Thienemannimyia grp. 120
Logan Brook Tipulidae 30
Logan Brook Trichoptera 30
Logan Brook Tvetenia bavarica grp. 30
Medomak River Amnicola limosa 265
Medomak River Baetidae 159
Medomak River Baetis 371
Medomak River Brachycentrus 583
Medomak River Calopterygidae 106
Medomak River Ceraclea 53
Medomak River Chimarra 53
Medomak River Chironomidae (pupae) 53
Medomak River Chironomini 53
Medomak River Coenagrionidae 159
Medomak River Cricotopus 53
Medomak River Cricotopus/Orthocladius 53
Medomak River Empididae pupa 53
Medomak River Ephemerellidae 159
Medomak River Ferrissia 106
Medomak River Hemerodromia 424
Medomak River Heptageniidae 318
Medomak River Hyalella azteca 53
Medomak River Hydrobiidae 53
Medomak River Hydropsychidae 159
Medomak River Hydroptila 159
Medomak River Lepidostoma 106
Medomak River Lumbriculidae 53
Medomak River Lymnaeidae 53
Medomak River Micrasema 212
Medomak River Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 1219
Medomak River Nilotanypus 159
Medomak River Oecetis 106
Medomak River Orthocladiinae 53
Medomak River Parakiefferiella 53
Medomak River Pentaneura 53
Medomak River Phaenopsectra 53
Medomak River Physa 53
Medomak River Pisidium 106
Medomak River Planariidae 53
Medomak River Polycentropodidae 106
Medomak River Polypedilum angulum 53
Medomak River Polypedilum flavum 530
Medomak River Polypedilum illinoense 106
Medomak River Promoresia 106
Medomak River Psephenus herricki 212
Medomak River Rheocricotopus 53
Medomak River Rheotanytarsus 1113
Medomak River Simulium 212
Medomak River Sperchon 53
Medomak River Sphaeriidae 477
Medomak River Sphaerium 106
Medomak River Stempellinella 106
Medomak River Stenelmis 1643
Medomak River Tanytarsus 212
Medomak River Thienemanniella 53
Medomak River Tricorythodes 53
Medomak River Tvetenia 1590
Medomak River Tvetenia bavarica grp. 583
Medomak River Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 371
Medomak River Unniella 53
Medomak River Valvata 53
Naraguagus River Acroneuria 240
Naraguagus River Agnetina 240
Naraguagus River Amnicola limosa 240
Naraguagus River Baetidae 480
Naraguagus River Brachycentrus 1200
Naraguagus River Cheumatopsyche 240
Naraguagus River Chimarra 240
Naraguagus River Chironomidae (pupae) 720
Naraguagus River Chironomini 240
Naraguagus River Cricotopus 720
Naraguagus River Cricotopus/Orthocladius 720
Naraguagus River Ephemerellidae 240
Naraguagus River Helicopsyche borealis 1200
Naraguagus River Heptageniidae 1200
Naraguagus River Hydropsyche 240
Naraguagus River Hydropsyche morosa 720
Naraguagus River Lepidostoma 480
Naraguagus River Leptophlebiidae 1440
Naraguagus River Lopescladius 480
Naraguagus River Microtendipes pedellus grp. 240
Naraguagus River Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 240
Naraguagus River Nanocladius 240
Naraguagus River Neureclipsis 240
Naraguagus River Ophiogomphus 240
Naraguagus River Parachaetocladius 240
Naraguagus River Perlidae 240
Naraguagus River Physa 240
Naraguagus River Pisidium 2160
Naraguagus River Polypedilum aviceps 480
Naraguagus River Polypedilum flavum 480
Naraguagus River Psilotreta indecisa 240
Naraguagus River Rheotanytarsus 27360
Naraguagus River Sialis 240
Naraguagus River Sphaeriidae 3360
Naraguagus River Stenelmis 960
Naraguagus River Tanytarsus 2640
Naraguagus River Thienemannimyia grp. 480
Naraguagus River Tricorythodes 960
Naraguagus River Tvetenia bavarica grp. 240
Naraguagus River Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 720
New Brook Ablabesmyia aspera 60
New Brook Ablabesmyia mallochi 120
New Brook Amnicola (Lyogyrus) 60
New Brook Argia 60
New Brook Arrenurus 60
New Brook Baetidae 60
New Brook Brachycentrus 180
New Brook Chimarra 240
New Brook Chironomidae (pupae) 120
New Brook Coenagrionidae 300
New Brook Corixidae 180
New Brook Cryptotendipes 180
New Brook Dero trifida 60
New Brook Dicranota 60
New Brook Ephemerellidae 180
New Brook Ferrissia 60
New Brook Gomphidae 60
New Brook Hagenius brevistylus 60
New Brook Heptageniidae 240
New Brook Hydrobaenus 60
New Brook Hydrobiidae 180
New Brook Hydropsyche 240
New Brook Hydropsyche sparna 60
New Brook Hydropsychidae 300
New Brook Libellulidae 60
New Brook Limnodrilus 60
New Brook Macrostemum carolina 60
New Brook Nais communis 60
New Brook Nematoda 300
New Brook Nigronia 60
New Brook Oecetis 60
New Brook Optioservus 60
New Brook Oribatida 60
New Brook Orthocladius (S.) annectens 120
New Brook Parakiefferiella 240
New Brook Physa 120
New Brook Pisidium 360
New Brook Planorbidae 60
New Brook Plecoptera 120
New Brook Polypedilum 360
New Brook Polypedilum flavum 60
New Brook Polypedilum illinoense 120
New Brook Polypedilum scalaenum 1260
New Brook Procladius 60
New Brook Promoresia 60
New Brook Rheocricotopus 120
New Brook Rheotanytarsus 180
New Brook Sialis 180
New Brook Sigara 60
New Brook Simulium 360
New Brook Sphaeriidae 360
New Brook Stenelmis 180
New Brook Stictochironomus 60
New Brook Stylaria lacustris 180
New Brook Tanytarsus 900
New Brook Thienemannimyia grp. 120
New Brook Torrenticola 60
New Brook Tribelos 1980
New Brook Tubificid immature: bifids 60
New Brook Tubificid immature: h+p 60
New Brook Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 60
New Brook Vejdovskyella comata 180
River DeChute Agnetina 60
River DeChute Amphinemura 60
River DeChute Apatania 120
River DeChute Atherix 600
River DeChute Atractides 120
River DeChute Aturus 60
River DeChute Baetidae 600
River DeChute Baetis 360
River DeChute Brundiniella 60
River DeChute Chironomidae (pupae) 180
River DeChute Chironomini 60
River DeChute Cricotopus/Orthocladius 60
River DeChute Dicranota 120
River DeChute Drunella 60
River DeChute Elmidae 60
River DeChute Empididae pupa 60
River DeChute Enchytraeidae 240
River DeChute Ephemerellidae 240
River DeChute Eukiefferiella 180
River DeChute Eurylophella 240
River DeChute Ferrissia 60
River DeChute Heptageniidae 60
River DeChute Hydrobaenus 60
River DeChute Hydropsyche 420
River DeChute Hydropsychidae 60
River DeChute Lebertia 60
River DeChute Leptophlebiidae 60
River DeChute Leuctra 180
River DeChute Leuctridae 120
River DeChute Lumbriculidae 960
River DeChute Nematoda 60
River DeChute Neophylax 60
River DeChute Ochthebius 60
River DeChute Optioservus 2100
River DeChute Oulimnius 60
River DeChute Pagastia 60
River DeChute Parametriocnemus 420
River DeChute Perlidae 60
River DeChute Pisidium 180
River DeChute Planorbidae 60
River DeChute Polypedilum angulum 120
River DeChute Procladius 60
River DeChute Promoresia 420
River DeChute Rheocricotopus 60
River DeChute Rheotanytarsus 300
River DeChute Simulium 120
River DeChute Sphaeriidae 120
River DeChute Stempellinella 360
River DeChute Tanytarsus 1800
River DeChute Tipula 60
River DeChute Tipulidae 60
River DeChute Torrenticola 60
River DeChute Tribelos 60
River DeChute Trichoptera 60
River DeChute Tvetenia bavarica grp. 60
River DeChute Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 60
Schoodic Brook Atherix 69
Schoodic Brook Attenella 138
Schoodic Brook Baetidae 483
Schoodic Brook Bezzia/Palpomyia 69
Schoodic Brook cf. Pseudosmittia 69
Schoodic Brook Cheumatopsyche 621
Schoodic Brook Chironomidae (pupae) 138
Schoodic Brook Chironomini 138
Schoodic Brook Cricotopus/Orthocladius 69
Schoodic Brook Dicrotendipes neomodestus 138
Schoodic Brook Drunella 69
Schoodic Brook Elmidae 69
Schoodic Brook Ephemerellidae 138
Schoodic Brook Ferrissia 207
Schoodic Brook Gomphidae 897
Schoodic Brook Heptageniidae 276
Schoodic Brook Hydrobiidae 69
Schoodic Brook Hydropsyche 552
Schoodic Brook Hydropsyche morosa 552
Schoodic Brook Hydroptila 759
Schoodic Brook Hydroptilidae 138
Schoodic Brook Isonychia 138
Schoodic Brook Lauterborniella 138
Schoodic Brook Leptophlebiidae 483
Schoodic Brook Leuctridae 69
Schoodic Brook Libellulidae 69
Schoodic Brook Lopescladius 138
Schoodic Brook Lumbriculidae 69
Schoodic Brook Macrostemum 138
Schoodic Brook Mideopsis 69
Schoodic Brook N. (N.) crassicornis/cf. rectinervis 69
Schoodic Brook Nais simplex 138
Schoodic Brook Nanocladius 138
Schoodic Brook Nematoda 138
Schoodic Brook Nemertea 69
Schoodic Brook Oecetis 69
Schoodic Brook Ophiogomphus 69
Schoodic Brook Orthocladiinae 69
Schoodic Brook Oxyethira 69
Schoodic Brook Parakiefferiella 138
Schoodic Brook Paratanytarsus 69
Schoodic Brook Pentaneura 69
Schoodic Brook Physa 69
Schoodic Brook Pisidium 414
Schoodic Brook Plecoptera 69
Schoodic Brook Polypedilum aviceps 69
Schoodic Brook Polypedilum flavum 69
Schoodic Brook Polypedilum illinoense 69
Schoodic Brook Psectrocladius 69
Schoodic Brook Psephenus herricki 69
Schoodic Brook Rheotanytarsus 621
Schoodic Brook Serratella 138
Schoodic Brook Slavina appendiculata 345
Schoodic Brook Sphaeriidae 690
Schoodic Brook Stempellina 207
Schoodic Brook Stenelmis 828
Schoodic Brook Tanytarsus 552
Schoodic Brook Thienemannimyia grp. 345
Schoodic Brook Torrenticola 69
Schoodic Brook Tricorythodes 1173
Schoodic Brook Tvetenia bavarica grp. 69
Schoodic Brook Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 69
Schoodic Brook Zygoptera 69
Snare Brook Acroneuria 60
Snare Brook Baetidae 120
Snare Brook Baetis 120
Snare Brook Bezzia/Palpomyia 120
Snare Brook Calopteryx 60
Snare Brook Chironomidae (pupae) 240
Snare Brook Chloroperlidae 120
Snare Brook Ephemerellidae 120
Snare Brook Glossosoma 60
Snare Brook Heptageniidae 240
Snare Brook Heterotrissocladius 60
Snare Brook Lepidostoma 660
Snare Brook Leptophlebiidae 180
Snare Brook Leuctridae 240
Snare Brook Limnephilidae 60
Snare Brook Lumbriculidae 420
Snare Brook Nematoda 60
Snare Brook Nigronia serricornis 60
Snare Brook Ophiogomphus 120
Snare Brook Orthocladiinae 60
Snare Brook Oulimnius 60
Snare Brook Oxyethira 120
Snare Brook Parametriocnemus 120
Snare Brook Pisidium 180
Snare Brook Plecoptera 60
Snare Brook Polycentropus 60
Snare Brook Polypedilum angulum 60
Snare Brook Polypedilum aviceps 60
Snare Brook Polypedilum flavum 120
Snare Brook Polypedilum scalaenum 60
Snare Brook Rheocricotopus 60
Snare Brook Rheotanytarsus 480
Snare Brook Rhycophila 60
Snare Brook Simulium 60
Snare Brook Stempellinella 180
Snare Brook Stylodrilus heringianus 60
Snare Brook Tanytarsus 7740
Snare Brook Thienemannimyia grp. 120
Snare Brook Trichoptera 60
Spruce Brook Ablabesmyia mallochi 34
Spruce Brook Apatania 68
Spruce Brook Baetidae 102
Spruce Brook Baetis 68
Spruce Brook Bezzia/Palpomyia 136
Spruce Brook Chironomidae (pupae) 68
Spruce Brook Chloroperlidae 68
Spruce Brook Constempellina 34
Spruce Brook Cricotopus bicinctus 34
Spruce Brook Cricotopus/Orthocladius 272
Spruce Brook Dolophilodes 34
Spruce Brook Ephemerellidae 102
Spruce Brook Eurylophella 34
Spruce Brook Glossosoma 102
Spruce Brook Gomphidae 34
Spruce Brook Gyraulus circumstriatus 102
Spruce Brook Heptageniidae 136
Spruce Brook Hexatoma 34
Spruce Brook Hydatophylax 34
Spruce Brook Hydropsyche 136
Spruce Brook Hydroptilidae 34
Spruce Brook Lanthus 34
Spruce Brook Lepidostoma 170
Spruce Brook Leptophlebiidae 102
Spruce Brook Leuctridae 544
Spruce Brook Lumbriculidae 34
Spruce Brook Microtendipes pedellus grp. 238
Spruce Brook Nematoda 136
Spruce Brook Nigronia serricornis 238
Spruce Brook Optioservus 68
Spruce Brook Orthocladius 136
Spruce Brook Oulimnius 34
Spruce Brook Parachaetocladius 34
Spruce Brook Parakiefferiella 136
Spruce Brook Parametriocnemus 34
Spruce Brook Paratendipes 34
Spruce Brook Perlodidae 34
Spruce Brook Polycentropus 34
Spruce Brook Polypedilum angulum 510
Spruce Brook Polypedilum aviceps 578
Spruce Brook Polypedilum flavum 204
Spruce Brook Polypedilum illinoense 68
Spruce Brook Polypedilum scalaenum 34
Spruce Brook Promoresia 170
Spruce Brook Psectrocladius 34
Spruce Brook Rheocricotopus 34
Spruce Brook Rheotanytarsus 34
Spruce Brook Rhycophila 68
Spruce Brook Simulium 34
Spruce Brook Sperchon 34
Spruce Brook Tanytarsus 1972
Spruce Brook Testudacarus 34
Spruce Brook Thienemannimyia grp. 136
Spruce Brook Zygoptera 102
Togus Stream Agarodes 240
Togus Stream Amnicola limosa 120
Togus Stream Brachycentrus 120
Togus Stream Caenis 480
Togus Stream Ceraclea 240
Togus Stream Cheumatopsyche 240
Togus Stream Chimarra 600
Togus Stream Chironomidae (pupae) 120
Togus Stream Clathosperchon 240
Togus Stream Coenagrionidae 840
Togus Stream Cricotopus/Orthocladius 480
Togus Stream Ephemerellidae 1800
Togus Stream Eurylophella 240
Togus Stream Ferrissia 120
Togus Stream Gomphidae 120
Togus Stream Helicopsyche borealis 840
Togus Stream Hemerodromia 1320
Togus Stream Heptageniidae 240
Togus Stream Hydrobiidae 120
Togus Stream Hydropsyche 360
Togus Stream Hydropsyche morosa 120
Togus Stream Hydropsyche sparna 120
Togus Stream Hydroptila 840
Togus Stream Hydroptilidae 120
Togus Stream Lauterborniella 1800
Togus Stream Lepidostoma 1440
Togus Stream Leptoceridae 840
Togus Stream Leptophlebiidae 120
Togus Stream Limnephilidae 240
Togus Stream Lumbriculidae 120
Togus Stream Lymnaeidae 120
Togus Stream Macrostemum 120
Togus Stream Micrasema 840
Togus Stream Microtendipes pedellus grp. 360
Togus Stream Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 360
Togus Stream Microvelia 120
Togus Stream Mystacides 480
Togus Stream Nais behningi 480
Togus Stream Nanocladius 120
Togus Stream Nemertea 120
Togus Stream Neureclipsis 240
Togus Stream Oecetis 720
Togus Stream Oxyethira 720
Togus Stream Parachaetocladius 120
Togus Stream Parametriocnemus 240
Togus Stream Physa 720
Togus Stream Pisidium 120
Togus Stream Promoresia 3600
Togus Stream Psephenus herricki 840
Togus Stream Psilotreta indecisa 120
Togus Stream Rheotanytarsus 600
Togus Stream Rhyncholimnochares 120
Togus Stream Sperchonopsis 240
Togus Stream Sphaeriidae 840
Togus Stream Stempellinella 120
Togus Stream Stenelmis 360
Togus Stream Stenochironomus 120
Togus Stream Stenonema 120
Togus Stream Stylogomphus albistylus 120
Togus Stream Tanytarsus 240
Togus Stream Thienemannimyia grp. 120
Togus Stream Tvetenia bavarica grp. 360

*Estimated number based on a subsampling multiplier.

Total stream area sampled is 4 square meters.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & 10 Tribal Nations

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