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Region 1: EPA New England

Massachusetts - Invertebrates

Stream Name Invertebrates Estimated Count*
Longwater Brook Aulodrilus limnobius 1392
Longwater Brook Aulodrilus pigueti 144
Longwater Brook Caecidotea communis 96
Longwater Brook Calopteryx 96
Longwater Brook Ceratopogonidae 48
Longwater Brook Cheumatopsyche 96
Longwater Brook Chimarra 240
Longwater Brook Chironomidae (pupae) 144
Longwater Brook Enchytraeidae 48
Longwater Brook Gammarus fasciatus 2304
Longwater Brook Hydropsyche 816
Longwater Brook Hydropsyche betteni/depravata 240
Longwater Brook Leptophlebiidae 96
Longwater Brook Limnephilidae 96
Longwater Brook Limnodrilus 96
Longwater Brook Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri 48
Longwater Brook Lumbriculidae 336
Longwater Brook Macronychus 48
Longwater Brook Macropelopia 48
Longwater Brook Microtendipes pedellus grp. 96
Longwater Brook Nanocladius 48
Longwater Brook Nematoda 48
Longwater Brook Optioservus 48
Longwater Brook Parametriocnemus 144
Longwater Brook Phylocentropus 528
Longwater Brook Pisidium 336
Longwater Brook Planariidae 48
Longwater Brook Polypedilum 48
Longwater Brook Polypedilum aviceps 48
Longwater Brook Prodiamesa 48
Longwater Brook Rheotanytarsus 192
Longwater Brook Sphaeriidae 288
Longwater Brook Stempellinella 96
Longwater Brook Stenelmis 96
Longwater Brook Tanytarsus 48
Longwater Brook Tribelos 384
Longwater Brook Tubificid immature: bifids 672
Longwater Brook Tubificid immature: h+p 96
Longwater Brook Veliidae 48
Sawmill River Ablabesmyia 120
Sawmill River Acentrella 480
Sawmill River Acroneuria 120
Sawmill River Baetidae 720
Sawmill River Baetis 360
Sawmill River Bezzia/Palpomyia 240
Sawmill River Ceratopogonidae 120
Sawmill River Chaetogaster diaphanus 240
Sawmill River Chironomidae (pupae) 600
Sawmill River Cladotanytarsus 240
Sawmill River Cricotopus bicinctus 360
Sawmill River Cricotopus/Orthocladius 600
Sawmill River Dolophilodes 360
Sawmill River Elmidae 240
Sawmill River Ephemerellidae 840
Sawmill River Ferrissia 480
Sawmill River Helicopsyche borealis 240
Sawmill River Hemerodromia 240
Sawmill River Heptageniidae 840
Sawmill River Hydropsyche 1920
Sawmill River Hydropsyche slossonae 360
Sawmill River Hydropsyche sparna 960
Sawmill River Hydropsychidae 720
Sawmill River Lebertia 120
Sawmill River Lepidostoma 240
Sawmill River Lumbriculidae 240
Sawmill River Microtendipes pedellus grp. 240
Sawmill River Microtendipes rydalensis grp. 720
Sawmill River Mystacides 120
Sawmill River Nais behningi 1560
Sawmill River Nais communis 120
Sawmill River Nematoda 120
Sawmill River Nigronia serricornis 240
Sawmill River Nilothauma 120
Sawmill River Noctuidae 120
Sawmill River Optioservus 120
Sawmill River Orthocladiinae 240
Sawmill River Parametriocnemus 120
Sawmill River Phaenopsectra 120
Sawmill River Plecoptera 120
Sawmill River Polypedilum 120
Sawmill River Polypedilum aviceps 2520
Sawmill River Psephenus herricki 120
Sawmill River Rheotanytarsus 3000
Sawmill River Serratella 360
Sawmill River Stempellinella 960
Sawmill River Stenonema 360
Sawmill River Stenonema modestum 240
Sawmill River Stenonema vicarium 480
Sawmill River Sublettea 240
Sawmill River Tanytarsini 120
Sawmill River Tanytarsus 3120
Sawmill River Thienemanniella 240
Sawmill River Thienemannimyia grp. 240
Sawmill River Tubificid immature: bifids 120
Sawmill River Tvetenia discoloripes grp. 120
Stop River Boyeria vinosa 120
Stop River Calopteryx maculata 120
Stop River Cheumatopsyche 840
Stop River Chimarra 3240
Stop River Chironomidae (pupae) 120
Stop River Coenagrionidae 120
Stop River Corynoneura 120
Stop River Cricotopus/Orthocladius 240
Stop River Diplectrona 120
Stop River Eurylophella 720
Stop River Glossosoma 240
Stop River Hemerodromia 360
Stop River Heptageniidae 120
Stop River Hyalella azteca 480
Stop River Hydropsyche 2280
Stop River Hydropsyche betteni/depravata 960
Stop River Hydropsychidae 4800
Stop River Lebertia 120
Stop River Lumbriculidae 1920
Stop River Nematoda 120
Stop River Nigronia serricornis 600
Stop River Oecetis 360
Stop River Parametriocnemus 600
Stop River Perlodidae 960
Stop River Planariidae 240
Stop River Rheotanytarsus 360
Stop River Simulium 240
Stop River Sperchonopsis 960
Stop River Stenelmis 1680
Stop River Stenonema 240
Stop River Tanytarsus 120
Stop River Thienemannimyia grp. 360
Stop River Tipulidae 120
Stop River Tvetenia bavarica grp. 600

*Estimated number based on a subsampling multiplier.

Total stream area sampled is 4 square meters.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & 10 Tribal Nations

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