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Waste Site Cleanup & Reuse in New England

Working with Community Groups

> Bringing a Brownfields Property Back to Reuse

Brownfields stakeholders include anyone directly involved with or affected by a brownfields property, its former use, or its proposed reuse. Property owners, lenders, developers, community members, state, local, and federal government representatives, and non-profit organizations all may have some relationship to a brownfields property, and therefore an interest in its redevelopment. Most successful brownfields redevelopment projects have shown that recognizing and involving the various stakeholder groups from the beginning is a key component to an outcome that is acceptable to all parties involved. Community groups and individual community representatives are particularly key to gaining history on a site's use, and gauging the socioeconomic benefits when weighing the options for redevelopment of a property. Through education and other outreach in the form of technical or financial assistance, EPA is working to coordinate these various stakeholders for an integrated approach to brownfields redevelopment.

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