"Going Green" at Home
National Information
- Climate Change - Personal Household Emissions Calculator
- Construction & Demolition Materials
- Design for the Env't Labels
- Go Green! Monthly Newsletter
- Green Homes
- Greener Products
- Protect the Environment: At Home and in the Garden
- Protect the Environment: While Shopping
- Recycle Your Cell Phone
- Sustainability - How Can I Help?
Mid-Atlantic State Information
In the design, construction, and operation of a green home the focus is on energy and water efficiency, resource efficient building design and materials, indoor environmental quality, and the home's overall impact on the environment. Here are the top 10 steps to greening your home:
- Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs
- Program your thermostat
- Plug air leaks
- Tune up your heating and cooling (HVAC) system
- Choose ENERGY STAR appliances
- Reduce water use
- Switch to green power
- Use low-VOC products
- Plant trees to provide shade and wind protection for your house
- Use native plants -- they are hardier and require less maintenance
EPA can help you reduce your environmental footprint and lead a healthier life. Here's how. The links below include both mid-Atlantic and Agency-wide resources.
- Air Quality Action Days / AirNow - find out when the amount of ground-level ozone and amounts of particulates in the air are predicted to approach unhealthy levels
- Burn Wise - the importance of burning the right wood, the right way, in the right wood-burning appliance
- Composting - turn organic waste, like fruit and vegetable waste and yard waste, into a product which will help gardens grow
- Don't Top Off Your Gas Tank! - save money and the environment when pumping gas
- eCycling - donate or recycle used electronics
- Energy - energy efficiency offers significant cost savings
- Fuel Economy - what you can do
- Green Building - have healthy buildings, protect the environment and save money
- Green Landscaping / GreenScapes - save money and time and conserve resources through your landscaping choices and techniques
- Build Your Own Rain Barrel (PDF) (2 pp, 188K, About PDF)
- Rain Gardens (PDF) (8 pp, 695K)
- Greener Products - find greener products for your home
- Green Vehicle Guide - find the cleanest and most fuel-efficient vehicle that meets your needs
- Household Hazardous Waste - how to dispose of household items containing potentially hazardous ingredients, like paint thinner, pesticides, and oven cleaners
- Integrated Pest Management / Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program - think like a bug -- manage pest problems with the least possible hazard to people, property and the environment
- Low Impact Development - reduce stormwater running off your land and causing flooding; mid-Atlantic universities working on low impact development
- Radon Testing / Map of Radon Zones - radon, an odorless and colorless radioactive gas found in soil and water, can leak into buildings and cause lung cancer; are you at risk?
- Recycling - separate, collect, process, market, and ultimately use materials that would have been thrown away
- Sustainable Healthcare / Disposal of Medicines - help prevent medicine and personal care products from entering our environment
- Transportation and Air Quality
- WaterSense - water-saving products