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If You Are a Community Planner "Going Green"

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Sustainable communities have a vibrant economy, a healthy environment and a strong positive feeling of community among its citizens. Becoming a sustainable community doesn't just happen. It takes planning and continual input from those who live, work, and govern there. EPA can help.

EPA has created a Green Communities Toolkit which leads communities through 5 steps:

  1. Where Are We Now? (community assessment)
  2. Where Are We Going? (trends analysis)
  3. Where Do We Want to Be? (vision statement)
  4. How Do We Get There? (action plans)
  5. Let's Go! (implementation)

And, there are additional EPA resources and recognition programs. The links below include both mid-Atlantic and Agency-wide resources.

Mid-Atlantic Region || Mid-Atlantic Env'l Assessment & Innovation || Mid-Atlantic Going Green

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